Highlight Session Roles with invalid dates and times

Session roles (also known as “presentations”) are displayed within the Session details page. Each role has a number of data fields, including the start time, end time and duration of the presentation. The presentation start times and end times will now have red highlights if the start and end Times are invalid. Invalid times occur when the start or end time of a presentation falls outside the Session start and end times.

Session roles (also known as “presentations”) are displayed within the Session details page. Each role has a number of data fields, including the start time, end time and duration of the presentation. The presentation start times and end times will now have red highlights if the start and end Times are invalid. Invalid times occur when the start or end time of a presentation falls outside the Session start and end times. When meeting administrators are planning the program and moving presentations around to finalize the meeting, it is common to have presentations with invalid start or end times and this highlighting will allow users easy visual indication of that fact.

For example, the session role data highlighted below in red indicates the time does not match the duration or is not within the assigned time for the session. The duration of the session example below is 120 minutes, from 8:30am to 10:30am. To fix the error, simply click the time box and change to the appropriate times shown on the bottom image.