Presentation Activities Appearing on the Portal

Administrators can control which presentations appear on the Portal, where presenters and co-authors can upload, edit, and preview their content.

Administrators can control which presentations appear on the Portal, where presenters and co-authors can upload, edit, and preview their content. Administrators control the Portal presentation content under:
1. cAdmin > Settings
2. Workflow Applications
3. cPortal
4. Presentation

An administrator can hide the presentation tab altogether in the Portal by switching the “Show presentation tab” to OFF. An administrator can also allow co-authors to upload, edit, and preview presentations in Portal by selecting “Co-authors can add/edit media items” to ON.

Activity types are vertical (e.g., Abstract, Chair, Convener), and Session types are horizontal (e.g., ePosters, Lunch, Oral Session). Selecting the flag blue corresponds to the matrix of activity type and session type presentations to be made visible on the Portal. Presentations will not be visible on Portal if the activity and session type flag is not selected. An administrator can save time by selecting all or deselecting all the flags in a row under Actions at the end of the row.

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