Response Status & Response Action Definitions & Scenarios

To use the Campaign Advanced Search, click and open a Campaign from the Campaign dashboard and select the Advanced search button ON:

The Response statuses are standard in cOASIS, and you can search by using the drop-down:
Not Started – might have received the email, but haven’t taken any action (i.e., clicking the landing page link)
Viewed – the landing page URL link has been clicked within the email body
Notify Action Selected – the user clicked a button on the landing page (e.g., Continue, Confirm, Accept, Decline)
Completed – depends on the Campaign Type. If the Campaign has no steps, the Response status will read “Viewed”. If the Campaign has steps and they finished all the steps, the Response status will read “Completed”

The Response action is a customizable button text. The value indicates what button the person clicked on the landing page. Examples include Confirm, Decline, and No Action.
No Action – if the Campaign is Informational Only, it will automatically read No Action. It will also read “No Action” if the user has not clicked any of the buttons within the landing page and the applicable steps.

Please note the system cannot report on email-only campaign actions without a landing page link or Response action button. You will still receive the Sent date and Recipient list.

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