Datamart Design and Integration for Closed and Active Meetings

Datamart Design (for Closed Meetings) and Active Meeting inclusion in the Datamart & Sync.

1. Datamart Design (for Closed Meetings)
CTI Meeting Tech will create a de-normalized repository (Datamart) of the identified data elements for each meeting. This will include any meeting defined by the association as “Closed” and communicated to CTT as ready for export. This project also includes the creation of supporting Fact and Dimension tables which will allow the data to be analyzed as an informative record of the data element.

The Datamart will host all meeting data, cross-meeting and cross-year. Please reach out to your CTI Project Manager for more information on the data schema.

2. Active Meeting inclusion in the Datamart & Sync
CTI Meeting Tech’s Datamart publish process can include Active meetings in addition to the Closed ones. CTI Meeting Tech will provide meeting level logging of export activity that has happened on any particular meeting.

In addition to the automated process, CTI Meeting Tech also provides a method for the association to initiate the data publish for any particular meeting ad-hoc via the OASIS Admin system.

CTI Meeting Tech will provide event logging for the publish process.

Considerations in Delivery:
• Approach – Transfer of database .bak files to association’s FTP site
• Cadence of publish – TBD by association
• SQL Server Version: SQL 2017