Abstract Embargo Best Practices

To safeguard sensitive information, it’s crucial to implement embargoes on abstract bodies. Administrators take a proactive approach to minimize the risk of premature data exposure by advising meetings to embargo ALL abstracts before making acceptance decisions.

To safeguard sensitive information, it’s crucial to implement embargoes on abstract bodies. Administrators take a proactive approach to minimize the risk of premature data exposure by advising meetings to embargo ALL abstracts before making acceptance decisions.

I. Setting up Abstract Embargos

To ensure a secure embargo process for abstracts, follow these steps:
1. Navigate to cAdmin Submissions and select “Abstract body embargo.”
2. To ensure all abstracts are found, do not check any boxes and click “CONTINUE.” If you want to narrow down which abstract bodies are embargoed, choose “SELECT ALL” or specific boxes and click “CONTINUE.”
3. At the bottom, set the desired embargo date for all abstracts. If you have specific dates for different abstracts based on activity type or other filtering methods, you may set them up accordingly.

II. Reporting on Abstract Embargos

Under Reports -> Report builder, within the Controls card, click “Create New Report”:
Prioritize the related fields:
• Abstract.ActivityName
• Abstract.ControlNumber
• Abstract.PresentationID
• Abstract.PresentationNumber

• Abstract.EmbargoAbstractRule: Administrator-set time for release
• Abstract.EmbargoAbstractStatus: “0” indicates no embargo, “1” indicates embargo
• Abstract.EmbargoUntil: Time when the abstract will be released
• Presentation.EmbargoContentUntil: Time when the presentation will be released
• Presentation.EmbargoContentRule: Administrator-set time for release
• Session.Type
• Session.Number
• Session.Title
• Session.StartDateTime

Click “Save As” to save the report for later use, and use the “Select Output” box to export the report.

Session Role Status

The following are the defined Session Role Status options:

Undefined: This status is set by the client to remove controls from module inclusion or display.
Invited: The client designates this status before sending campaigns to ‘invite’ a presenter. It is typically used prior to the presenter ‘confirming’ their role.
Primary: This is the default status when a presentation is created.
Confirmed: This status indicates that the presenter has confirmed their participation in the meeting for this presentation.
Alternate: Clients or end users can assign this status to alternates as backups for primary presentations (chairs/presenters).
Non-Responsive: This status is used when an end user is not responding to communications regarding the confirmation of their presentation.
Unable to Attend: This status is used to indicate that someone is unable to physically attend the meeting. It can also be used to set a ‘cover slide’ in cAttendee for presentations that are not uploaded.
Declined: This status is applied when a presenter declines to participate in the meeting.

These Session Role Statuses apply not only to Abstract Submissions but also to any slotted control in any session type. In Campaigns, Session Submission, and Session Builder (Organizer) users can edit these statuses. However, it’s important to note that a Session Role Status cannot be attributed to controls that are not slotted in sessions.

It’s also important to mention that Session Role Status can be automatically set based on the configuration of a campaign step (accept/decline response).

Incorporating Terms in Campaigns

A single change within Settings->Blocks & Terms can translate to hours of time saved editing virtual meeting pages. Administrative users can gain efficiencies by using Terms in campaign text, incorporating system terms like Meeting Name and custom Terms such as the name of the Annual Program Chair and key dates such as submission deadlines, conflict of interest disclosure deadlines and presentation upload deadlines.

A single change within Settings->Blocks & Terms can translate to hours of time saved editing virtual meeting pages. This functionality has also been used to allow administrators to create language support for a German-language meeting.

Administrative users can gain efficiencies by using Terms in campaign text, incorporating system terms like Meeting Name and custom Terms such as the name of the Annual Program Chair and key dates such as submission deadlines, conflict of interest disclosure deadlines and presentation upload deadlines. During the set-up of the next event, rather than changing everything on a common campaign such as Abstract Acceptance or Presentation Upload, an administrator would simply need to change the Terms. On Production, you will see the Blocks & Terms settings menu segments the terms into “System Terms” and “Custom Terms”. Both sets of terms will be available in the Campaigns emails and landing pages. Custom Terms gives administrator users the capability to add Terms that are not already covered in the System Terms section.

All portions of Campaigns – steps, emails, landing pages, response pages allow the use of Terms (Landing page shown below):

Expansion of cAPI to include Media Item Date Created & Last Updated (read-only); Abstract Body (read-only), and cAPI Limits

We released an update to options 1 and 4 of the Presentation API, which allows the inclusion of the Date Created and Date Last Updated fields of a media item. The abstract body is part of the “get” method of the Presentation API call. Finally, limits to how often any of the APIs can be called have been rolled out as well.

We released an update to options 1 and 4 of the Presentation API, which allows the inclusion of the Date Created and Date Last Updated fields of a media item. The abstract body is part of the “get” method of the Presentation API call. Finally, limits to how often any of the APIs can be called have been rolled out as well.

As a refresher, the set of Application Programming Interfaces offered as part of the cAPI module offer integration points that customers can use to import to, update and read from the CTI products. These interfaces are typically used to create live integrations with association management systems, registration systems, disclosure systems and transfer data to and from non-CTI abstract management systems, non-CTI presentation management systems, and non-CTI virtual system meetings. APIs typically have a set of capabilities for data creation, reading, updating, and deleting that are different from the specific workflow rules in an application. While some APIs, such as the registration, AMS, and disclosure APIs, are used for live ‘real-time’ integrations, other APIs, such as Meeting Set-up, Session data management, and Presentation data management, are used to move data in bulk safely and efficiently from one system to another system. Greater flexibility exists for reading data while creating, updating, and deleting application workflow rules control data. API limits are placed on the Meeting Set-up, Session data management, and Presentation data management APIs to ensure that the interfaces are used as designed (for data transfer) and not as a hosting platform.

This cAPI update is targeted to add functionality to the “read” function and will not support creating, updating, or deleting Date Created, Date Last Updated for media items or AbstractBody within a submission. Workflow rules within the CTI application control these.

Each API within cAPI has its own documentation set, and the updated document can be found on the knowledge base under “APIs” and under “Developer Documentation”.

cAPI functionality will continue to be developed, and roadmap items exist to support (1) clients pushing their previously created abstracts from a foreign system into cOASIS subject to cOASIS workflow rules, (2) clients pushing their previously created media items into cAdmin from a foreign system subject to the cAdmin media item template conversion rules.

Session Organizer

Administrators can view and edit a presentation to roles other than the presenter. Like a presenter, permitted roles can access the presentation through the Portal to check for quality control. Another level of edit permission enables them to make changes to the presentation as well.

Administrators can view and edit a presentation to roles other than the presenter. Like a presenter, permitted roles can access the presentation through the Portal to check for quality control. Another level of edit permission enables them to make changes to the presentation as well.  This functionality has been commonly requested by on-site presentation management customers and is beginning to be requested by customers organizing hybrid and virtual meetings as a tactic to reduce the cost of external A/V labor.

Media Content Embargo functionality within a Session & Presentation independent of Abstract Embargo

Embargo of abstract content has been a feature of cOASIS for almost 20 years. It is used to block the display of sensitive material until a designated time. Sensitive material could be the results of research that would affect the stock price of a pharmaceutical or medical device manufacturer. With Virtual meetings, the cOASIS embargo functionality was expanded to include the capability to link the release of media content (videos, PDF files, etc.) on cAttendee to the date and time-release of the abstract content.

Embargo of abstract content has been a feature of cOASIS for almost 20 years. It is used to block the display of sensitive material until a designated time. Sensitive material could be the results of research that would affect the stock price of a pharmaceutical or medical device manufacturer. With Virtual meetings, the cOASIS embargo functionality was expanded to include the capability to link the release of media content (videos, PDF files, etc.) on cAttendee to the date and time-release of the abstract content.

While medical societies have long been the primary users of the abstract embargo, content embargo independent of the abstract embargo has appealed to a broader set of non-medical customers. In these use cases, the abstract may be released from embargo earlier – or not be embargoed at all – while the media content on the virtual meeting application is embargoed until a specific time. For example, an association may want to release its abstracts earlier than the session or presentation content to give attendees a session or presentation preview. To meet this need and provide simplicity in setting up what we’ve seen as common embargo workflows, we’ve added the following new functionality to Sessions and Presentations.

Embargo options in Session details

Embargo options are always in the meeting time zone set in Settings > Meeting Info & Setup. The Settings options are as follows:

Content embargo. This ties release of session media items to:
– None (No Embargo)
– The latest time of the embargo of any presentation within the session (this is the default and allows the existing function linking the abstract embargo to the media content embargo to continue without the need to make an update if session times change),
– The start time of the session, or
– An offset of the session start time. Options include the five minutes, fifteen minutes, and sixty minutes before the session begins.
– Other/Manual entry.  If the session’s start time or the standard intervals don’t match the needs of a specific meeting, we’ve also offered the ability to enter a specific date/time in the embargo until field.  For smaller meetings, a specific date/time can be entered directly on the card for larger meetings. The dev support team can import these dates and times.

– Content Embargo settings and embargo Until values are displayed on the session dashboard.
– Even if there is no embargo on the session content, there may still be embargos on individual presentations.

Embargo options in Presentation details

Embargo options are always in the meeting time zone set in Settings > Meeting Info & Setup. The Settings options are as follows:

Content embargo. This ties release of presentation media items to:
– None (No Content Embargo – even if the abstract content is embargoed)
– The embargo date and time set for the presentation’s abstract (this is the default and allows the existing function linking the abstract embargo to the media content embargo to continue without any updates if there is a scheduling change).
– The start time of the session
– An offset of the session start time. Options include the five minutes, fifteen minutes before the session is scheduled to begin.
– An offset of the presentation start time. Options include the five minutes, fifteen minutes before the presentation is scheduled to begin. 
– Other/Manual entry.  If the session or presentation start time or the standard intervals don’t match the needs of a specific meeting, we’ve also offered the ability to enter a specific date/time in the embargo until field.  For smaller meetings, a specific date/time can be entered directly on the card, while for larger meetings, the dev support team can import these dates and times.

– Content Embargo settings and embargo Until values are displayed on the presentation dashboard.