Analytics Cheat Sheet

Explore the details of your virtual meeting (cAttendee) statistics with this cheat sheet, uncovering valuable insights such as attendee page clicks (date and time) and video consumption times.

Explore the details of your virtual meeting (cAttendee) statistics with this cheat sheet, uncovering valuable insights such as attendee page clicks (date and time) and video consumption times.

Analytics: Big Data Video View Exports

Discover key insights for your leadership teams – enhancing meeting programming decisions and boosting CME accreditation.

Discover key insights for your leadership teams – enhancing meeting programming decisions and boosting CME accreditation.

Video note:
MemberType pertains to the Person details data and is part of the People dashboard.
RegistrationCode is a data field for registration under the Onsite > Registration dashboard.

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(Updated Dec. 2023) Video Views: Start Time, End Time, & Video Duration

In this video, we delve into a specific example showcasing the new features of StartTime and EndTime analytics for video views. Navigating through the analytics dashboard, we explore how to export data on video views, particularly focusing on the duration of a specific presentation. By examining the time disparities between start and end times and reported video duration, we uncover potential insights into viewer behavior, such as skipping around or adjusting playback speed.

This video delves into a specific example showcasing the new features of StartTime and EndTime analytics for video views. Navigating through the analytics dashboard, we explore how to export data on video views, particularly focusing on the duration of a specific presentation. By examining the time disparities between start and end times and reported video duration, we uncover potential insights into viewer behavior, such as skipping around or adjusting playback speed.

Note: The correct indicators of a video view, session, or presentation media item being clicked are PathRaw and OasisType.

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(Updated Dec. 2023) Analytics: Video View Engagement

(Updated December 2023) Explore enhanced video insights in our Analytics Dashboard. Key cAttendee virtual meeting metrics are now at your fingertips, including:

(Updated December 2023) With advances in analytics technology, explore enhanced video insights in our Analytics Dashboard. Key cAttendee virtual meeting metrics are now at your fingertips, including:

VideoTotalDurationSeconds: The total length of the video in seconds.
VideoPlayedDurationSeconds: Indicates the most possible duration for which the video might have been viewed, or the timestamp of the last skip ahead in the video.
StartTimeThisDay (New): Represents the earliest instance when the individual engages with the media item on that day, based on the Google Analytics configured time zone.
EndTimeThisDay (New): Represents the latest moment when the individual concludes their interaction with the media item on that day, based on the Google Analytics configured time zone.

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Total Sessions & Presentations Viewed & How many views each

1. Choose “Export Data” in the upper right-hand corner
2. Select “Page views” and “All days” (or any specific day)
3. Create a Pivot Table in Excel by clicking “Insert > Recommended Pivot Tables > select one that starts with ‘Count of PKey”
4. In the Pivot Table, choose the fields “PKey” (number of clicks), “SessionType” and “SessionTitle”

1. Choose “Export Data” in the upper right-hand corner
2. Select “Page views” and “All days” (or any specific day)
3. Create a Pivot Table in Excel by clicking “Insert > Recommended Pivot Tables > select one that starts with ‘Count of PKey”
4. In the Pivot Table, choose the fields “PKey” (number of clicks), “SessionType” and “SessionTitle”

Total clicked per Session Type with Grand Total at the bottom:

Adding “SessionTitle” to the Pivot Table allows you to document how many views each session received shown below:

Adding more Pivot Table Fields like Presentation Title, Presentation ID, First/Last Name, etc., will narrow this information even more. Select the “PathRaw” field to copy and paste the exact link at the end of the cAttendee URL to view what was clicked.

View Type Analytics

View Type is an update to CTI’s Analytics providing valuable data on how attendees consumed the session or presentation in your meeting. An administrator can download a report to summarize live-streaming, on-demand, and PDF views.

View Type is an update to CTI’s Analytics providing valuable data on how attendees consumed the session or presentation in your meeting. An administrator can download a report to summarize live-streaming, on-demand, and PDF views.

Go to the Analytics tab and:
1. Choose “Export Data” in the upper right-hand corner
2. Select “Video views” and “All days” (or any specific day)
3. Create a Pivot Table in Excel by selecting “Insert > Recommended Pivot Tables > select one that starts with ‘Count of PKey”
4. In the Pivot Table, choose the fields “PKey” (number of clicks from the individuals), and “ViewType”

Adding more Pivot Table Fields like Session Type, Session Title, Presentation Title, Presentation ID, First/Last Name, etc., will narrow this information down to the individual. Select the “PathRaw” field to copy and paste the exact link at the end of the cAttendee URL to view what was clicked.

Below shows, under the “P” for PDF, the Session Type views for PDFs, Session Titles, and Presentation Titles.

Explore our self-paced Trainual course on Analytics (Clients).
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Sponsorship Statistics

To learn about statistics for calendar sponsorship opportunities, watch from 5:04 to the end below: 

To view sponsorship statistics:

  1. Go to Analytics > Dashboard
  2. Click “Export Data” in the top right-hand corner
  3. Click Sponsorship Clicks and Continue

Here you’ll see multiple sponsorship statistics and most notably:

1. The booth clicked in association with the sponsorship (BoothName). Remember a booth must be associated with a sponsorship for the booth to be created
2. Type of sponsorship clicked (BoothSponsorshipTypeName)
3. The ReportingName is set up by the administrator under Sponsorship Assignments in either “Onsite->Sponsorship assignments” or “Onsite->Booths & sponsors and clicking on the booth where the sponsorship assignment is set up.” The ReportingName (below) is valuable for administrators to give sponsorships unique naming conventions for the statistics reports

4. The link that was clicked (BannerLinkUrl)
5. What time the link was clicked (DTStamp)
6. Who clicked the link (LastName, FirstName)

Arranging these 6 main categories into a pivot table will give administrators valuable data as to the most popular sponsorships.

Review Booth Statistics

To review booth statistics:

  1. Go to Analytics > Dashboard
  2. Click “Export Data” in the top right-hand corner
  3. Click Booth Usage and Continue

Here you’ll see multiple booth statistics and most notably:

1. The booth that was clicked (BoothName)
2. The type of link in the booth that was clicked (BoothLink)
3. The title of the link clicked in cAttendee (BoothLinkTitle)
4. What time the link was clicked (DTStamp)
5. Who clicked the link (LastName, FirstName)

Arranging these 5 main categories into a pivot table will give administrators valuable data as to the most popular booths and links inside. 

Analytics FAQs

Q. What’s the difference between Google Analytics (GA) and CTI Analytics?
A. The two most important differences are: 
1.CTI is tracking on an individual basis, so the count of unique attendees is closer to the actual. If an attendee blocks cookies or uses a different device, GA will see each return visit as a new unique attendee.  ​
2. CTI tracks how long an attendee is watching a Presentation or Session. GA only tracks pageviews, and if an attendee watches a video for more than 15 minutes, GA will track that as an exit when, in fact, that prolonged view is actually a sign of engagement. ​

Q. What if I want to see more than the Top 50 or Top 250 presentations for any metric?
A. All the data is available by clicking the Export link in the upper right-hand corner of the page.​

Q. What are best practices for judging the effectiveness of a topic or Presenter?
A. We believe Hours Watched vs. Total Hours Available to Watch is the gold standard for assessing the effectiveness of a topic or Presenter. Page views are the equivalent of attendees reaching the session door. Hours watched show if they have watched the session and for how long. A Session proves effective if they continue, on average, to watch the rest of the video. To see the video watch for all presentations and sessions, click the Export link in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.​

Q. How often are CTI analytics updated during the meeting?
A. Typically, every two hours for meeting content. The exhibitor statistics are updated in real-time. But it can take up to 72 hours to update. ​

Q. Could Unique or Total Impressions be different for multiple sponsor banners if they’re on the same site page?
A. If the sponsor banners are on the same page, they would usually be the same for unique and total impressions. Unique being different individuals and total being any time someone saw the banner including repeats. If the uploader of the sponsor banners uploaded at different times, the unique or total impressions could be different even if they are on the same page​

Q. Are Analytics tracked when the site is not yet live?
A. Analytics is not dependent on the site being live. Analytics are tracked when the developer activates the analytics, meaning you may still be building the site​

Q. Is Google Analytics an option?
A. We support Google Tag Manager as an analytics option. The client can provide their code, and is implemented in cAttendee Settings > Custom Tracking Code

Cards Introduction

View, filter, and sort meeting statistics with the different auto-setup cards. The cards do not show the full breakdown for each category but give administrators an “at-a-glance” view of statistics. To view the full statistics, click “Export Data” in the upper right-hand corner and use the other How-to’s.