Simplified Association Portal Configuration for cAdmin 

As a meeting organizer or configuration analyst, I frequently use cAdmin to adjust various settings within the Portal, including navigation labels, meeting details, directions, links, images, and the visibility of activities tailored to specific user personas. Previously, this task was more time-consuming due to the amount of options. However, with our latest release in May 2024, we’ve streamlined the process, significantly enhancing user-friendliness for administrators.

The Portal Association configuration interface is organized under Settings > Association info & administration > Association information > cPortal, mirroring the layout of the Association Portal itself.

Below, you’ll find all the updated Association Portal configurations listed in the table. An association Portal configuration NOT listed in the table below is still accessible under Configurations > Site configurations > Association-Level Module Configuration Editor. Remember that only users with the roles of Distributor Admin, Distributor Team Leader, Association Admin, and Association Team Leaders can access and view the previous configurations menu.

For those familiar with the old method, the table below displays the former configuration category and option name alongside its corresponding new term and location within cAdmin.

Site SettingsOld Site Configuration Category and NameNew field label
cPortal Base settings DASHBOARD / SiteHeaderImagePortal header image URL (association level)
DASHBOARD / SiteHeaderBackgroundColorPortal header background color (association level)
DASHBOARD/LoginWelcomeTextLogin welcome text
DASHBOARD / HomeMsgTextHomepage top (boxed) area content
DASHBOARD / HomeMainContentTextHomepage main content
DASHBOARD / HomeRightNavTextHomepage sidebar content
PORTAL / profile-page-instruction-textProfile page instructions text
cPortal security settings DASHBOARD / ExcludeMeetingsFromDashboardMeetings restricted to use the portal (comma separated meeting IDs)
DASHBOARD / SSOCloudWebserviceURLSSO client URL
DASHBOARD / SSOClaimsIdentityProviderSSO claims identity provider
DASHBOARD / BlockCreateAccountDo not allow creation of new accounts
DASHBOARD / EmailNewAccountFromTextEmail From field – for new account created
DASHBOARD / EmailNewAccountSubjectEmail Subject field – for new account created
DASHBOARD / EmailNewAccountBodyEmail body – for new account created

4. Add cAdmin Staff for Distributors

Distributors are CTI partners with contracts that allow them to create their own associations and meetings within CTI applications. In this guide, you can either watch the video or follow the 7-step instructions on how to grant meeting access and add a new staff member in cAdmin as a distributor.

Distributors are CTI partners with contracts that allow them to create their own associations and meetings within CTI applications. In this guide, you can either watch the video or follow the 7-step instructions on how to grant meeting access and add a new staff member in cAdmin as a distributor.

Step 1: Verify Meeting Access
Before you begin the process of granting access and creating a new staff member, ensure that you are currently in the meeting to which you want to grant access. Follow these steps:
1. Log in to your cAdmin account.
2. Check under your username to confirm that you have access to the association you wish to work with (e.g., CRF in this example).
3. Click on the meeting toggle to navigate to the specific meeting to which you want to provide access.
Please note that CTI operates on a meeting-based system. When a new user logs in for the first time, they will automatically be signed into the designated CRF meeting or any other meeting you choose.

Step 2: Access Staff Accounts
Next, access the staff accounts section.
1. Go to “Settings -> Association info & administration -> Staff accounts.”
If you’re unsure whether the person you want to create already exists, you can use the Advanced Search and filter by fields like Role, Email, First name, or Last name to find them.

Step 3: Create a New Staff Member
To add a new staff member, click “Add New Staff Member.”

Step 4: Enter Staff Member Information
Fill in the required information for the new staff member, including:
– First Name
– Last Name
– Email (which will serve as their login username)
Users with higher-level roles can create new team members at or below their level. As a Distributor Team Leader, you can create another Distributor Team Leader or any role below, such as a Distributor Program Team Member, Association Administrator, Team Leader, Program Team Member, or Freelance Onsite AV staff.

Step 5: Define Primary Service Provider (PSP) and Primary Affiliation
Choose the appropriate Primary Service Provider (PSP), typically your distributor. In this case, it is Encore.
Determine the Primary Affiliation based on the new staff member’s workplace. If they work at Encore, both the PSP and Primary Affiliation will be Encore. If they work at CRF, the PSP will be Encore, and the Primary Affiliation will be CRF.

Step 6: Assign Associations
Assign the new staff member to the necessary associations. Keep in mind that as a Distributor Team Leader, you can only assign associations that you have access to. Ensure that CRF is one of the assigned associations if required. Click “Save” to create the new staff member with the assigned associations.

Step 7: Communicate with the New User
Now, inform the newly created staff member about their access and guide them on how to log in:
1. Share the cAdmin website link with them for login:
2. Instruct them to click “Forgot your password” if it’s their first time logging in.
3. They should enter their email address and click the link sent to their email.
4. They must change their password to meet security requirements (at least 8 characters, including one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, and one special character).
5. Once they change their password, they can sign in.
6. They should now see the same meeting you were in. They can click on their username to view their assigned associations and use it as a reference point for the meeting toggle menu.

For full role access documentation, please reach out to Client Services.

3. Create a New cOASIS Event (Meeting)

Now we are creating the meeting event within the association as illustrated on the banner above.

To create the event in cOASIS go to Configuration > Create Meeting

1. Choose your association and fill in the Meeting Display Name. This name can always be changed under Settings > Meeting info & setup
2. The Meeting Reference Name is the Short name under Settings > Meeting info & setup, and can also be edited
3. Fill in the rest of the dates and times

4. Initial Control Number for the meeting – usually starts at 1 unless an association has a preferred number to start at. The control number is the unique ID given to every role in cOASIS

5. Copy configuration from current meeting? If this is a carried over event from a previous year, it carries over the previous custom configurations

*More information on setting up a meeting in our Trainual course: Presentation Management Content Collection & Executing Virtually

2. Create an Association

This step is only needed if the client association does not exist on the association list under the user’s My staff account. Clients might not be able to do the following. Please contact your project manager.

Create an association by going to:

1. Settings > Meeting info & setup
2. Click Information & setup (highlighted below)

3. Click “Other associations” in the top right corner shown below

Click ADD ASSOCIATION. Enter the information required and click Save:
Short name: Abbreviated longer name of the association (e.g., ISA)
Association name: Name of association
Website: Association website

*More information on setting up a meeting in our Trainual course: Presentation Management Content Collection & Executing Virtually

1. Determine whether a cOASIS customer or not

1. An administrator can determine if the client is a cOASIS customer by looking up the client in cAdmin.
2. Go to your profile name and click Staff account.

3. Scroll through the association list and make sure the client (or association) is checked if they exist. If the client does not exist on this list, you must create a new cOASIS association and event.

*More information on setting up a meeting in our Trainual course: Presentation Management Content Collection & Executing Virtually