Campaign Portal: Expert Configurations

In the latest release, we’ve streamlined cAdmin’s Campaign Portal Configurations to enhance user-friendliness. Key features include customizing Campaign Portal navigation labels, meeting details, directions, links, images, and the visibility of activities tailored to specific user personas, allowing for quicker and more efficient administration aligned with your campaign needs.

In the latest release, we’ve streamlined cAdmin’s Campaign Portal Configurations to enhance user-friendliness. Key features include customizing Campaign Portal navigation labels, meeting details, directions, links, images, and the visibility of activities tailored to specific user personas, allowing for quicker and more efficient administration aligned with your campaign needs.

How to Configure Portal Campaigns and Tasks

1. In cAdmin, go to Configuration > Site Configuration, then click Campaigns. Only users with the roles of Association Administrator, Distributor Administrator, Association Team Leader, or Distributor Team Leader have access to the Configuration tab.

2. Scroll to DashBlockTemplate_Messages or DashBlockTemplate_Tasks and verify that at least one activity type is assigned. If these configurations are missing, click Add New Configuration, copy and paste one of the configurations mentioned above, and save it. This ensures that the Messages (Campaigns) or Tasks tabs are visible on the Portal for users with the assigned activity type.
Note: Qualifier 1 represents the Campaign’s “Internal name,” which is hidden by default on the Campaigns dashboard. To display it, click the gear icon and enable “Internal name.” Do not add extra qualifiers for Messages or Tasks, as Qualifier 1 alone is sufficient.

3. Navigate to Settings > Workflow Applications > cPortal, and choose either the Tasks or Messages (Campaigns) tab to modify. Here, you can update the tab’s Navigation label, Instructions text (with links and images), and Sidebar content.

4. To update the fields displayed on the Portal card, return to Configuration > Site Configuration > Campaigns and navigate back to DashBlockTemplate_Messages or DashBlockTemplate_Tasks, and select one of the assigned activity types.
• Note: As mentioned, no additional qualifiers other than Qualifier 1 are necessary for Messages or Tasks.

5. Add the fields in the order in which you’d like them to appear on the portal. Use the following formatting in the Option Value field to display the desired information:

Example Fields with Formatting:
The dollar signs ($$) represent cAdmin fields pulled into the Portal, and the text between <propertyTitle> tags are custom labels that will appear on the Portal.

Header Example:
<header>#$$SessionNumber$$ - $$SessionTitle$$</header>

Field Example:
<property><propertyTitle>Session Date: </propertyTitle><propertyValue>$$SessionDate$$</propertyValue></property>

Full Example:

<header>#$$ControlNumber$$ $$PublishingTitle$$</header>
<propertyTitle>Your Role: </propertyTitle>
<propertyTitle>Activity Type: </propertyTitle>
<propertyTitle>Session: </propertyTitle>
<propertyValue>$$SessionNumber$$ - $$SessionTitle$$</propertyValue>
<propertyTitle>Session Date: </propertyTitle>
<propertyTitle>Session Time: </propertyTitle>
<propertyValue>$$SessionStart$$ - $$SessionEnd$$</propertyValue>
<propertyTitle>Session Location: </propertyTitle>
<propertyTitle>Presentation Time: </propertyTitle>
<propertyValue>$$SessionRoleStart$$ - $$SessionRoleEnd$$</propertyValue>
<propertyTitle>Presentation Number: </propertyTitle>
<propertyTitle>Poster Board Number: </propertyTitle>
<propertyTitle>Program Status: </propertyTitle>
<propertyTitle>Session Role Status: </propertyTitle>
<propertyTitle>Campaign Response Status: </propertyTitle>
<propertyTitle>Campaign Response Value: </propertyTitle>
<property><propertyTitle>Author Block: </propertyTitle><propertyValue>$$PresentationBlock$$</propertyValue></property>
<property><propertyTitle>Disclosure Block: </propertyTitle><propertyValue>$$DisclosureBlock$$</propertyValue></property>
<property><propertyTitle>Primary Author Name: </propertyTitle><propertyValue>$$PresentingAuthor$$</propertyValue></property>
<property><propertyTitle>Role Duration: </propertyTitle><propertyValue>$$PresentationDuration$$</propertyValue> mins</property>
<property><propertyTitle>Submission Topic: </propertyTitle><propertyValue>$$ControlTopic$$</propertyValue></property>
<property><propertyTitle>Abstract Body: </propertyTitle><propertyValue>$$AbstractBody$$</propertyValue></property>

6. Test the configuration by selecting the Campaigns tab within cAdmin, choosing the configured campaign, and entering a test control number. Preview the changes in the Messages or Tasks tabs within the Portal by shadowing a test user. Refresh the Portal page after each cAdmin config update and adjust the fields to achieve the desired layout.

1 – New Portal Configurations

As a meeting organizer or configuration analyst, I frequently use cAdmin to adjust various settings within the Portal, including navigation labels, meeting details, directions, links, images, and the visibility of activities tailored to specific user personas. Previously, this task was more time-consuming due to the presence of many hidden options. However, with our latest release in May 2024, we’ve streamlined the process, significantly enhancing user-friendliness for administrators.

As a meeting organizer or configuration analyst, I frequently use cAdmin to adjust various settings within the Portal, including navigation labels, meeting details, directions, links, images, and the visibility of activities tailored to specific user personas. Previously, this task was more time-consuming due to the amount of options. However, with our latest release, we’ve streamlined the process, significantly enhancing user-friendliness for administrators.

New Portal Configurations Location in cAdmin

The configuration interface is organized under Settings > Workflow applications > cPortal, mirroring the layout of the Portal itself.

• The Meeting information tab serves as the homepage for the meeting Portal, with each field corresponding to a section on the Portal’s homepage. For instance, the Navigation label represents the tab name, and below are the Meeting information instructions, Meeting info page content, and Sidebar content for meeting info page.

New Listing Template Fields for Portal Presentations, Tasks and Messages in Portal (dashblocktemplate)

Header text format example for cAdmin:

<header>#$$SessionNumber$$ - $$SessionTitle$$</header>

Field text format example for cAdmin:

<property><propertyTitle>Session Date: </propertyTitle><propertyValue>$$SessionDate$$</propertyValue></property>

New fields:
• Session # and Title – $$SessionNumber$$ – $$SessionTitle$$
• Session Date – $$SessionDate$$
• Session Start – Session End Time – $$SessionStart$$ – $$SessionEnd$$
• Session Location – $$SessionLocation$$
• Session Role Start & End Times – $$SessionRoleStart$$ – $$SessionRoleEnd$$
• Presentation Duration – $$PresentationDuration$$
• Presentation Number – $$PresentationNumber$$
• Poster Board Number – $$PosterboardNumber$$
• Control-level Topic1 – $$ControlTopic$$
• Author Block – $$PresentationBlock$$
• Disclosure Block – $$DislcosureBlock$$
• Primary Author Name – $$PresentingAuthor$$
• Submission Topic – TBD

Other currently available fields:

Configuring Listing Template Portal Fields

1. Navigate to Settings > Workflow Applications > cPortal. Then, select the tab you wish to modify the display fields for, such as Presentations.

2. Locate the Listing template and input the desired Option Value:

<header>#$$ControlNumber$$ $$PublishingTitle$$</header>
<propertyTitle>Session: </propertyTitle><propertyValue>$$SessionNumber$$ - $$SessionTitle$$</propertyValue>
<property><propertyTitle>Session Start/End: </propertyTitle><propertyValue>$$SessionStart$$ - $$SessionEnd$$</propertyValue></property>

Try It Yourself

For other cAdmin fields listed above, copy and paste one of the lines of code and replace the two field values with the appropriate placeholders, such as “Presenter:” for the label and “$$PresentingAuthor$$” to pull the cAdmin field:

<property><propertyTitle>Presenter: </propertyTitle><propertyValue>$$PresentingAuthor$$</propertyValue></property>

Old Site Config vs. New Portal Settings

For those familiar with the old configuration method, you’ll find all the updated Portal configurations listed in the table. If users try accessing the old Site Configurations from their prior location and click the Option Name link, they’ll be redirected to the new Portal Settings configuration page. However, it will only direct you to the first tab, irrespective of your original tab within Portal Settings, necessitating an additional click.

A configuration NOT listed in the table below is still accessible under Configurations > Site configurations.

Verify Staff Roles

To access the Site configurations page, cAdmin users must hold at least one of the specified staff roles:
• Association Administrator
• Association Team Leader
• Distributor Administrator
• Distributor Team Leader

Users with these roles in cAdmin can verify their own or others’ roles within their association by navigating to Settings > Association info & administration > Staff accounts.

Advanced Configuration Note

Starting May 2024, if you plan to apply an activity qualifier to any tab on the Portal, you must currently use the old configuration method in Site Configurations. This qualifier will overwrite the new field labels in the Portal Settings.

Portal Settings TabOld Site Configuration Category and NameNew field label
Meeting informationADMIN / DashModuleDisplayName_MeetinginfoNavigation label
ADMIN / MeetingHeaderBackgroundColorPortal header background color (meeting level)
ADMIN / DashHideDisclosureLinkHide the centralized disclosure link in the portal homepage
ADMIN / DashSiteHeaderImagePortal header image URL (meeting level)
ADMIN / DashMsgText_MeetingInfoMeeting information instructions
ADMIN / DashMeetingInfoMainContentTextMeeting info page content
ADMIN / DashRightNavText_MeetingInfoSidebar content for meeting info page
SubmissionSUBMIT / DashModuleDisplayNameNavigation label
SUBMIT / DashHideGraphsHide summary graphs
SUBMIT / DashChartEntityNameTop-chart- label of completion status
SUBMIT / DashHideDisclosureLinkHide the centralized disclosure link in the submissions page
SUBMIT / DashExcludeDisclosureCheckForActivitiesCentralized disclosure NOT mandatory for these activities
SUBMIT / BlockActivityDisplayHide activities
SUBMIT / DashMsgTextInstructions text
SUBMIT / DashRightNavTextSidebar content
SUBMIT / DashBlockTemplateListing template
Abstract ReviewREVIEW / DashModuleDisplayNameNavigation label
REVIEW / DashHideGraphsHide summary graphs
REVIEW / DashChartEntityNameTop-chart- label of completion status
REVIEW / DashHideDisclosureLinkHide the centralized disclosure link in the review page
REVIEW / DashExcludeDisclosureCheckForActivitiesCentralized disclosure NOT mandatory for these activities
REVIEW / DashMsgTextInstructions text
REVIEW / DashRightNavTextSidebar content
REVIEW / DashBlockTemplateListing template
Session builderSESSIONS / DashModuleDisplayNameNavigation label
SESSIONS / DashHideGraphsHide summary graphs
SESSIONS / DashChartEntityNameTop-chart- label of completion status
SESSIONS / DashHideDisclosureLinkHide the centralized disclosure link in the sessions submissions page
SESSIONS / DashExcludeDisclosureCheckForSessionTypesCentralized disclosure NOT mandatory for these session types
SESSIONS / DashMsgTextInstructions text
SESSIONS / DashRightNavTextSidebar content
SESSIONS / DashBlockTemplateListing template
Session submissionSUGGESTEDSESSIONS / DashModuleDisplayNameNavigation label
SUGGESTEDSESSIONS / DashHideGraphsHide summary graphs
SUGGESTEDSESSIONS / DashChartEntityNameTop-chart- label of completion status
SUGGESTEDSESSIONS / DashHideDisclosureLinkHide the centralized disclosure link in the sessions submissions page
SUGGESTEDSESSIONS / DashExcludeDisclosureCheckForSessionTypesCentralized disclosure NOT mandatory for these session types
SUGGESTEDSESSIONS / DashMsgTextInstructions text
SUGGESTEDSESSIONS / DashRightNavTextSidebar content
SUGGESTEDSESSIONS / DashBlockTemplateListing template
Session leadersPortal setting for session leaders remains unchanged. Previously configurable here.
PresentationSUBMIT / DashModuleDisplayName_PresentationNavigation label
SUBMIT / BlockActivityDisplay_PresentationHide activities
SUBMIT / DashMsgText_PresentationInstructions text
SUBMIT / DashRightNavText_PresentationSidebar content
SUBMIT / DashBlockTemplate_PresentationListing template
CME reviewPortal setting for CME review remains unchanged. Previously configurable here.
BoothBooth remains unchanged. Previously configurable here.
Notification – TasksNOTIFICATION / DashModuleDisplayName_TasksNavigation label
NOTIFICATIONS / DashChartEntityName_TasksTop-chart-label of completion status
NOTIFICATION / DashHideGraphsHide summary graphs (shared with Messages)
NOTIFICATION / DashHideDisclosureLink_TasksHide the centralized disclosure link in the tasks page
NOTIFICATION / DashMsgText_TasksInstructions text (top of page)
NOTIFICATION / DashRightNavText_TasksSidebar content
NOTIFICATION / DashBlockTemplate_TasksListing template
Notification – MessagesNOTIFICATION / DashModuleDisplayName_MessagesNavigation label
NOTIFICATIONS / DashChartEntityName_MessagesTop-chart-label of completion status
NOTIFICATION / DashHideGraphsHide summary graphs (shared with Tasks)
NOTIFICATION / DashHideDisclosureLink_MessagesHide the centralized disclosure link in the messages page
NOTIFICATION / DashMsgText_MessagesInstructions text
NOTIFICATION / DashRightNavText_MessagesSidebar content
NOTIFICATION / DashBlockTemplate_MessagesListing template

Field labels such as “Allow QR code access key login” can be found in the Glossary on the left side of the Portal Settings page.

Save Configurations in the Library for Later Use

To save configurations for future use, especially around meeting deadlines or future meetings, follow these steps:

1. Copy the appropriate old configuration name from the chart above that matches the new Portal name.
2. Navigate to Configuration -> Site configuration.
3. Select the correct tab (e.g., SUBMIT). Click on ADD NEW CONFIGURATION.
4. Paste the old configuration name (e.g., DashMsgText_Presentation_DeadlineSOON).
5. In this example, the suffix “_DeadlineSOON” will save this configuration in the library, allowing you to copy and paste it later during the meeting.

Simplified Association Portal Configuration for cAdmin 

As a meeting organizer or configuration analyst, I frequently use cAdmin to adjust various settings within the Portal, including navigation labels, meeting details, directions, links, images, and the visibility of activities tailored to specific user personas. Previously, this task was more time-consuming due to the amount of options. However, with our latest release in May 2024, we’ve streamlined the process, significantly enhancing user-friendliness for administrators.

The Portal Association configuration interface is organized under Settings > Association info & administration > Association information > cPortal, mirroring the layout of the Association Portal itself.

Below, you’ll find all the updated Association Portal configurations listed in the table. An association Portal configuration NOT listed in the table below is still accessible under Configurations > Site configurations > Association-Level Module Configuration Editor. Remember that only users with the roles of Distributor Admin, Distributor Team Leader, Association Admin, and Association Team Leaders can access and view the previous configurations menu.

For those familiar with the old method, the table below displays the former configuration category and option name alongside its corresponding new term and location within cAdmin.

Site SettingsOld Site Configuration Category and NameNew field label
cPortal Base settings DASHBOARD / SiteHeaderImagePortal header image URL (association level)
DASHBOARD / SiteHeaderBackgroundColorPortal header background color (association level)
DASHBOARD/LoginWelcomeTextLogin welcome text
DASHBOARD / HomeMsgTextHomepage top (boxed) area content
DASHBOARD / HomeMainContentTextHomepage main content
DASHBOARD / HomeRightNavTextHomepage sidebar content
PORTAL / profile-page-instruction-textProfile page instructions text
cPortal security settings DASHBOARD / ExcludeMeetingsFromDashboardMeetings restricted to use the portal (comma separated meeting IDs)
DASHBOARD / SSOCloudWebserviceURLSSO client URL
DASHBOARD / SSOClaimsIdentityProviderSSO claims identity provider
DASHBOARD / BlockCreateAccountDo not allow creation of new accounts
DASHBOARD / EmailNewAccountFromTextEmail From field – for new account created
DASHBOARD / EmailNewAccountSubjectEmail Subject field – for new account created
DASHBOARD / EmailNewAccountBodyEmail body – for new account created

Session Builder (Organizer) Setup v1.0

Session Building, also known as Session Organizing, is the process where a volunteer from an organization (such as a member of the program committee or a member of the meeting faculty) creates Sessions by combining Abstracts (which will later become presentations) and appointing other essential roles like Chairs and Invited Speakers. In the CTI system, individuals responsible for Session Building are referred to as “Sessioners,” although they may also be called Session Organizers, Organizers, Slotters, or other names preferred by the client.

Session Building, also known as Session Organizing, is the process where a volunteer from an organization (such as a member of the program committee or a member of the meeting faculty) creates Sessions by combining Abstracts (which will later become presentations) and appointing other essential roles like Chairs and Invited Speakers. In the CTI system, individuals responsible for Session Building are referred to as “Sessioners,” although they may also be called Session Organizers, Organizers, Slotters, or other names preferred by the client.

View setup documentation:

Credit Cart Locking

CTI has implemented a credit cart locking feature in the Program Planner to prevent participants from modifying their cart after generating certificates. This optional feature ensures the accuracy and integrity of their participation records.

CTI has implemented a credit cart locking feature in the Program Planner to prevent participants from modifying their cart after generating certificates. This optional feature ensures the accuracy and integrity of their participation records.

Configuring Locked Cart Certificates
As an administrator, I need to configure one or multiple certificates to lock the credit cart. The credit cart will only lock if at least one item inside the cart is designated to trigger the locking mechanism when the cart is created. If no certificates within the credit cart are set to initiate the lock when the cart is created, then the cart will remain unlocked.

Step 1: Accessing Configuration
1. Administrators can configure certificates to lock the cart by navigating to cAdmin -> Settings -> Virtual/Hybrid Meeting Applications -> cPlanner -> Attendance/Credits.
2. Toggle the “ON” switch to enable optional enforcement of zero credits when a session has not yet begun, displaying the requirements screen once all prerequisites are met, and printing the header, footer, and certificate together.

3. Administrators also have the option to customize the default warning messages for both locking (cPlanner) and unlocking (cAdmin) the credit cart.

Step 2: Customizing Certificates
1. Click on the “Certificates” tab at the top of Planner (PP8) Settings.
2. Choose the certificate(s) you want to use for locking the credit cart.
3. Add the following code at the end of the HTML:

, “cartlocking”:”yes”}

4. Copy and paste this code into the HTML of one of the certificates under the “Certificate list.” This action will trigger the credit cart warning message for the client.

Optional: Unlocking the Credit Cart
Administrators can unlock the Credit Cart by going to cAdmin -> Onsite -> Certification dashboard and clicking on the dedicated row action “Unlock” next to their name:

Important: Changing the value of “, “cartlocking”:”yes”}” to “yes” for a single certificate will lock all certificates in the cart when that specific certificate is clicked. However, if an admin unlocks any certificate from the cAdmin -> Onsite -> Certification dashboard, all certificates will be simultaneously unlocked.

Session Organizer Setup for Presentation Management

Administrators are seeking to assign Sessions to specific Presentation Management Session Organizers. These individuals will have the responsibility of reviewing (downloading) or editing (uploading and deleting) presentations within the Portal. Similar to presenters, this authorized role will have access to the presentations via the Portal to ensure quality control.

View the full setup documentation below:

Program Planner

The following conditions must be met for a session/presentation to appear in the planner:
A session is only searchable if…
Session Status is ‘Active’
The session has a Start Date/Time

A presentation is only searchable if…
Session Status is ‘Active’
The session has a Start Date/Time
The Session Role is slotted into a session
Session Role Status is among: ‘Unable to attend,’ ‘Confirmed,’ or ‘Primary’
Program status is among: ‘Accepted,’ ‘Withdrawn’ — hide withdrawn via configuration
Presentation Times should be entered at the control level (while not strictly required, it’s considered best practice)

Session Role Status

The following are the defined Session Role Status options:

Undefined: This status is set by the client to remove controls from module inclusion or display.
Invited: The client designates this status before sending campaigns to ‘invite’ a presenter. It is typically used prior to the presenter ‘confirming’ their role.
Primary: This is the default status when a presentation is created.
Confirmed: This status indicates that the presenter has confirmed their participation in the meeting for this presentation.
Alternate: Clients or end users can assign this status to alternates as backups for primary presentations (chairs/presenters).
Non-Responsive: This status is used when an end user is not responding to communications regarding the confirmation of their presentation.
Unable to Attend: This status is used to indicate that someone is unable to physically attend the meeting. It can also be used to set a ‘cover slide’ in cAttendee for presentations that are not uploaded.
Declined: This status is applied when a presenter declines to participate in the meeting.

These Session Role Statuses apply not only to Abstract Submissions but also to any slotted control in any session type. In Campaigns, Session Submission, and Session Builder (Organizer) users can edit these statuses. However, it’s important to note that a Session Role Status cannot be attributed to controls that are not slotted in sessions.

It’s also important to mention that Session Role Status can be automatically set based on the configuration of a campaign step (accept/decline response).

Control Complete Status

Control Complete Status: This asks the question, “Has the submission met all the submission requirements?”

Incomplete: This is the default status when a control is created.

Complete: This status is automatically set when the control meets the submission’s minimum requirements.

Deleted: This status is available for an end user to apply in cSubmit if configured.

Finalized: This serves as the final status if the ‘finalized’ feature is configured in cSubmit and/or cAdmin, similar to the Session Locked status.

Session Rule Status

Session Rule Status: Primarily used via session submission or session builder.

Incomplete: This is the default status when a session is created in session submission.

Complete: This status is automatically set when the session meets the module’s minimum requirements. Alternatively, an administrator can set it via cAdmin.

Deleted: This status is used when an end user or administrator changes the status based on a ‘withdrawal’ request.

Locked: This serves as the final status if the ‘finalized’ feature is used in session submission.

Program Status

“Program Status” refers to the current state of a Submission. It indicates whether the Submission has been assigned to a Session and is ready to be included in the program. The following are the defined Program Status options:

Undefined: This is the default status assigned to a Submission when it is initially created in the system.

Accepted: This status is set by the administrator (cAdmin) when a Submission has been accepted for presentation (session assignments finalized).

Withdrawn: If an end user requests to withdraw a Submission, the status can be changed to “Withdrawn” by an administrator in cAdmin. This status is also used for resolving duplicate submission cases, where one of the duplicate submissions is withdrawn.

Rejected: Assigned by an administrator using cAdmin when a Submission is not accepted for presentation (session assignments finalized).

Removed by Staff: Used by administrators in cAdmin to indicate that a Submission should be removed from reporting or other program-related modules.


Option NameUseCentralizedDisclosureAssignmentForm
Where is this configured?Admin
Why is this configured?Generally used with the recap notification process (now defunct because of contributor portal/campaigns)
Option ValueYes/No
Example Option ValueYes
Qualifier 1NONE
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
Example MeetingACC 18
Special ConsiderationsCD needs to be implemented for the event
Standard Checklist?No


Option NameShowDisclosureEmail
Where is this configured?Admin
Why is this configured?Should the control’s email address display in CD popup?
Option ValueYes/No
Example Option ValueYes
Qualifier 1NONE
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
DefaultControl’s email address doesn’t display in CD popup.
Example MeetingDiabetes: 81st
Special ConsiderationsCentralized disclosures need to be implemented for the event
Standard Checklist?No


Option NameShowDisclosureControlLookup
Where is this configured?Admin
Why is this configured?Do you need to see the disclosure control lookup?
Option ValueYes/No
Example Option ValueYes
Qualifier 1NONE
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
DefaultNo disclosure lookup for controls.
Example MeetingACCii 65th Annual Scientific Sessions
Special ConsiderationsDisclosures need to be setup for all relevant actiivty types.
Standard Checklist?No


Option NameDisclosureTriggeredStatusUpdateExclusion
Where is this configured?Admin
Why is this configured?Should the complete status of a record remain static/unaffected by COI after a submission deadline?
Option ValueYes/No
Example Option ValueYes
Qualifier 1NONE
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
DefaultComplete status of a record could change based on the COI status of a user account.
Example MeetingDAA: Chicago ’19
Special ConsiderationsCentralized disclosure must be enabled.
Standard Checklist?No


Option NameDisclosureReviewPopup
Where is this configured?Admin
Why is this configured?Need a centralized disclosures popup in the author step?
Option ValueYes/No
Example Option ValueYes
Qualifier 1NONE
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
DefaultNo centralized disclosures popup within author step.
Example MeetingDiabetes 2018
Special ConsiderationsDefault is No. Turns on CD in Control Summary. Must configure to show and along with Admin/CentralDisclosureReviewConfig.
Standard Checklist?No


Option NameCentralizedDisclosureReviewConfig
Where is this configured?Admin
Why is this configured?Is CD configured, and would you like a popup view for each author in admin?
Option ValueYes/No
Example Option ValueYes
Qualifier 1NONE
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
DefaultNo CD popup view.
Example MeetingDiabetes 2018
Special ConsiderationsRequires Centralized Disclosures to be setup for the meeting/activity types. Must configure to show and along with Admin/CentralDisclosureReviewConfig. Must have at least c4aServiceEndpoint attribute configured. ShowEmail, ShowAllAuthors, ShowStatus all default to ‘No’.
Standard Checklist?No


Option NameAllowDisclosureUpdateInAuthorEdit
Where is this configured?Admin
Why is this configured?Display popup to confirm if disclosures should update for all matching authors?
Option ValueYes/No
Example Option ValueYes
Qualifier 1NONE
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
DefaultNo popup confirmation
Example MeetingISHLT 2022
Special ConsiderationsIf in use (OptionValue = “YES”) along with the Submit DisclosureGrid config, the StepAuthorEdit page in Admin will display a confirmation message about updating disclosures for all matching Authors in the meeting (matching on AuthorFirstName, AuthorLastName, ContactEmail)
Standard Checklist?No


Option NamePaperNumberWebserviceURL
Where is this configured?Admin
Why is this configured?Need this URL if paper auto-#ing is to occur
Option ValueURL
Example Option Value
Qualifier 1NONE
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
DefaultPaper #ing won’t occur
Example MeetingSPE: Training
Special ConsiderationsDefines the URL of the Paper Numbering web service
Standard Checklist?No


Option NamePaperNumberProposal
Where is this configured?Admin
Why is this configured?Do you want specific activity types to be eligible for paper #ing?
Option ValueActivity Name(s)
Example Option ValueProposal
Qualifier 1NONE
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
Example MeetingSPE: Training
Special ConsiderationsDefines the activity types allowed for proposal Paper Numbering jobs
Standard Checklist?No


Option NamePaperNumberProgramStatus
Where is this configured?Admin
Why is this configured?Defines the program statuses that are allowed for Paper Numbering jobs
Option ValueProgram Status or Program Statuses (if multiple, separate by commas)
Example Option ValueAccepted
Qualifier 1NONE
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
DefaultPaper #ing won’t occur.
Example MeetingSPE: Training
Special ConsiderationsNone
Standard Checklist?No


Option NamePaperNumberPresentedAs
Where is this configured?Admin
Why is this configured?Need specific field values?
Option ValuePaperPresentedAs field values
Example Option ValuePaper Options
Qualifier 1NONE
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
DefaultNo specific field values.
Example MeetingSPE: Training
Special ConsiderationsDefines which PaperPresentedAs values are eligible for Paper Numbering jobs
Standard Checklist?No


Option NamePaperNumberInvitedPresenter
Where is this configured?Admin
Why is this configured?Defines activity types allowed for invited presenter Paper Numbering jobs
Option ValueActivity Name(s)
Example Option ValueInvited Presenter
Qualifier 1NONE
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
Example MeetingSPE: Training
Special ConsiderationsNONE
Standard Checklist?No


Option NameAllowMemberLookup
Where is this configured?Admin
Why is this configured?Need to ping an external data source (not cOASIS Account tables) for account lookup?
Option ValueYes/No
Example Option ValueYes
Qualifier 1NONE
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
DefaultThe default is that this functionality is unavailable.
Example MeetingASH 60th Annual Meeting (2018)
Special ConsiderationsRequires technical assistance via ticket to enable feature.
Standard Checklist?Yes


Option NameAllowCreateAccount
Where is this configured?Admin
Why is this configured?Need to ping an external data source (not cOASIS Account tables) for account creation?
Option ValueYes/No
Example Option ValueYes
Qualifier 1NONE
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
DefaultThe default is that this functionality is unavailable.
Example MeetingASH 60th Annual Meeting (2018)
Special ConsiderationsRequires technical assistance via ticket to enable feature
Standard Checklist?Yes


Option NameAccountEditDisable
Where is this configured?Admin
Why is this configured?Should account editing be disabled when searching non-cOASIS account tables?
Option ValueYes/No
Example Option ValueNo
Qualifier 1NONE
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
DefaultAccount editing is enabled.
Example MeetingASH 60th Annual Meeting (2018)
Special ConsiderationsNon-cOASIS account tables must be setup for the meeting/association.
Standard Checklist?Yes


Option NameSSOLogoutURL
Where is this configured?Association-Level
Why is this configured?Is SSO enabled?
Option ValueVariable
Example Option Value@
Qualifier 1NONE
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
DefaultSSO isn’t enabled.
Example MeetingATS ’22
Special ConsiderationsSSO must be enabled.
Standard Checklist?Yes


Option NameSSOCloudWebserviceURL
Where is this configured?Association-Level
Why is this configured?Is SSO enabled?
Option ValueVariable
Example Option ValueOasisPerson
Qualifier 1NONE
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
DefaultSSO isn’t enabled.
Example MeetingATS ’22
Special ConsiderationsSSO must be enabled.
Standard Checklist?Yes


Option NameSSOClaimsIdentityProvider
Where is this configured?Association-Level
Why is this configured?Is SSO enabled?
Option ValueVariable
Example Option Value
Qualifier 1NONE
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
DefaultSSO isn’t enabled.
Example MeetingATS ’22
Special ConsiderationsSSO must be enabled.
Standard Checklist?Yes


Option NameSSOAccountMatchLevel
Where is this configured?Association-Level
Why is this configured?How should the cOASIS match the account against the client’s AMS?
Option ValueVariable
Example Option Value* or ELF (perhaps other variables are possible as well)
Qualifier 1NONE
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
DefaultAll fields used to match, or error is thrown.
Example MeetingSfN ’21
Special ConsiderationsSSO must be enabled. Any combinations of E, L, and F will work. For example, ELF is the same as *. And EL will match email and last name. No default. Note always matches memberspecification first. And if matching memberspecification failed, this config option will be used if configured.
Standard Checklist?Yes


Option NameDashHideModules
Where is this configured?Admin
Why is this configured?Want modules to be hidden in portal?
Option ValueComma separated list of modules to suppress from portal
Example Option Value
Qualifier 1NONE
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
DefaultModules, if configured, are available in portal.
Example MeetingSfN ’21
Special Considerations
Standard Checklist?Yes


Option NameCentralizedDisclosureSSOLink
Where is this configured?Association-Level
Why is this configured?Necessary if CD via SSO is used for contributor portal.
Option ValueURL
Example Option Value
Qualifier 1NONE
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
Example MeetingATS ’22
Special ConsiderationsNeed to have CD developed/configured for SSO.
Standard Checklist?Yes


Option NameCentralizedDisclosureEndpoint
Where is this configured?Association-Level
Why is this configured?Necessary if CD via SSO is used for contributor portal.
Option ValueURL
Example Option Value
Qualifier 1NONE
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
Example MeetingATS ’22
Special ConsiderationsNeed to have CD developed/configured for SSO.
Standard Checklist?Yes


Option NameMeetingHeaderBackgroundColor
Where is this configured?Admin
Why is this configured?Should the background color be modified, at the meeting level, in portal?
Option ValueColor hex code
Example Option Value#FFFFFF
Qualifier 1NONE
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
Example MeetingISHLT ’21
Special ConsiderationsMust use a valid color hex code.
Standard Checklist?Yes


Option NameDashSiteHeaderImage
Where is this configured?Admin
Why is this configured?Should the banner/logo be modified, at the meeting level, in portal?
Option ValueValid image URL
Example Option Value
Qualifier 1NONE
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
DefaultNo banner/logo.
Example MeetingISHLT ’21
Special ConsiderationsMust use a valid/hosted image URL.
Standard Checklist?Yes


Option NameDashModuleDisplayName_Tasks
Where is this configured?Campaign
Why is this configured?Should the tab be renamed in portal for the tasks tab?
Option ValueText
Example Option ValueRENAME MODULE NAME IN TABS For Meeting Info tab Module: Admin Config Name: DashModuleDisplayName_MeetingInfo For Submit, Review, Session-Builder, Session Submission, Presentation tabs Module: Respective_module_name Config Name: DashModuleDisplayName For Tasks tab Module: Notification Config Name: DashModuleDisplayName_NotifyTasks For Messages tab Module: Notification Config Name: DashModuleDisplayName_NotifyMessages Values:
Qualifier 1NONE
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
DefaultA generic name is used for the tasks tab in portal.
Example MeetingISHLT ’21
Special ConsiderationsThis option’s valid for these modules: submission, review, session builder, structured sessions, notifications, presentation (please see Jira ticket –
Standard Checklist?Yes


Option NameDashModuleDisplayName_Messages
Where is this configured?Campaign
Why is this configured?Should the tab be renamed in portal for the messages tab?
Option ValueText
Example Option ValueRENAME MODULE NAME IN TABS For Meeting Info tab Module: Admin Config Name: DashModuleDisplayName_MeetingInfo For Submit, Review, Session-Builder, Session Submission, Presentation tabs Module: Respective_module_name Config Name: DashModuleDisplayName For Tasks tab Module: Notification Config Name: DashModuleDisplayName_NotifyTasks For Messages tab Module: Notification Config Name: DashModuleDisplayName_NotifyMessages Values:
Qualifier 1NONE
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
DefaultA generic name is used for the messages tab in portal.
Example MeetingISHLT ’21
Special ConsiderationsThis option’s valid for these modules: submission, review, session builder, structured sessions, notifications, presentation (please see Jira ticket –
Standard Checklist?Yes


Option NameDashModuleDisplayName_MeetingInfo
Where is this configured?Admin
Why is this configured?Should the tab be renamed in portal for the event’s homepage?
Option ValueText
Example Option ValueRENAME MODULE NAME IN TABS For Meeting Info tab Module: Admin Config Name: DashModuleDisplayName_MeetingInfo For Submit, Review, Session-Builder, Session Submission, Presentation tabs Module: Respective_module_name Config Name: DashModuleDisplayName For Tasks tab Module: Notification Config Name: DashModuleDisplayName_NotifyTasks For Messages tab Module: Notification Config Name: DashModuleDisplayName_NotifyMessages Values:
Qualifier 1NONE
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
DefaultA generic name is used for the event’s homepage in portal.
Example MeetingATS ’22
Special ConsiderationsThis option’s valid only for the event’s homepage in portal (please see Jira ticket –
Standard Checklist?Yes


Option NameDashModuleDisplayName
Where is this configured?Multiple
Why is this configured?Should the tab be renamed in portal for the specific module?
Option ValueText
Example Option ValueRENAME MODULE NAME IN TABS For Meeting Info tab Module: Admin Config Name: DashModuleDisplayName_MeetingInfo For Submit, Review, Session-Builder, Session Submission, Presentation tabs Module: Respective_module_name Config Name: DashModuleDisplayName For Tasks tab Module: Notification Config Name: DashModuleDisplayName_NotifyTasks For Messages tab Module: Notification Config Name: DashModuleDisplayName_NotifyMessages Values:
Qualifier 1NONE
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
DefaultA generic name is used for the specific tab in portal.
Example MeetingATS ’22
Special ConsiderationsThis option’s valid for these modules: submission, review, session builder, structured sessions, notifications (please see Jira ticket –
Standard Checklist?Yes


Option NameDashHideGraphs
Where is this configured?Multiple
Why is this configured?Should graphs be suppressed in the portal tabs?
Option ValueYes/No
Example Option ValueYes
Qualifier 1NONE
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
DefaultGraphs aren’t suppressed in the portal tabs.
Example MeetingSfN ’21
Special ConsiderationsThis option’s valid for these modules: submission, review, session builder, structured sessions, notifications.
Standard Checklist?Yes


Option NameDashChartEntityName_Tasks
Where is this configured?Campaign
Why is this configured?Want to modify the text label for the chart, for the tasks tab in portal?
Option ValueText
Example Option ValueGraph
Qualifier 1NONE
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
DefaultThe text label for the chart, for the tasks tab, just reads “Chart”.
Example MeetingTAA: t.mejudhon
Special ConsiderationsThe word “status” is hardcoded, and the graphs must not be configured as hidden).
Standard Checklist?Yes


Option NameDashChartEntityName_Messages
Where is this configured?Campaign
Why is this configured?Want to modify the text label for the chart, for the messages tab in portal?
Option ValueText
Example Option ValueGraph
Qualifier 1None
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
DefaultThe text label for the chart, for the messages tab, just reads “Chart”.
Example MeetingTAA: t.mejudhon
Special ConsiderationsThe word “status” is hardcoded, and the graphs must not be configured as hidden).
Standard Checklist?Yes

cPortal Settings -> Tasks (DashBlockTemplate_Tasks)

Option NameDashBlockTemplate_Tasks
Where is this configured?Settings -> Workflow applications -> cPortal -> Tasks -> Listing template
Why is this configured?Should the content block in portal, for the tasks tab, display specific content?
Option ValuePre-defined property values from data fields (specific to campaigns)
Example Option Value#$$ControlNumber$$ – $$PublishingTitle$$ Session: $$SessionNumber$$ – $$SessionTitle$$ Your Role: $$RecipientActivityTypeName$$ Status: $$CompleteStatus$$
Qualifier 1Notification Template
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
DefaultThe content block in portal, for the tasks tab, doesn’t display specific content
Standard Checklist?Yes

cPortal Settings -> Messages (DashBlockTemplate_Messages)

Option NameNotification – Messages (DashBlockTemplate_Messages)
Where is this configured?Settings -> Workflow applications -> cPortal -> Messages -> Listing template
Why is this configured?Should the content block in portal, for the messages tab, display specific content?
Option ValuePre-defined property values from data fields (specific to campaigns)
Example Option Value#$$ControlNumber$$ – $$PublishingTitle$$ Session: $$SessionNumber$$ – $$SessionTitle$$ Your Role: $$RecipientActivityTypeName$$ Status: $$CompleteStatus$$
Qualifier 1Notification Template
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
DefaultThe content block in portal, for the messages tab, doesn’t display specific content.
Special ConsiderationsThis option’s valid for the messages tab in portal (please see Jira ticket –
Standard Checklist?Yes


Option NameAbstractLayout
Where is this configured?Review
Why is this configured?Would you like something different from the default for the Abstract Layout?
Option ValueXML
Example Option ValueSee attached file below.
Qualifier 1Activity Type
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
DefaultControlNumber, PublishingTitle, TopicKey1, AbstractBody
Example MeetingATS ’22
Special ConsiderationsSee attached file below.
Standard Checklist?Yes

cPortal Settings -> Submission, Abstract Review, Session Builder, or Session Submission (DashBlockTemplate)

Option NameDashBlockTemplate
Where is this configured?Settings -> Workflow applications -> cPortal -> (Submission, OR Review, OR Session builder, OR Session submission) -> Listing template
Why is this configured?Should the content block in Portal, per module/tab, display specific content
Option ValuePre-defined property values from data fields (module-specific)
Example Option Value#$$SessionNumber$$ $$SessionTitle$$ ID (for reference): $$SessionID$$ Status (for reference): $$CompleteStatus$$
Qualifier 1NONE
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
DefaultThe content block in portal, per module/tab, doesn’t display specific content.
Special ConsiderationsThis option’s valid for these modules: submission, review, session builder, structured sessions, notifications (please see Jira ticket –
Standard Checklist?Yes

Login Welcome Text

Option NameLoginWelcomeText
Where is this configured?Portal, Association level
Why is this configured?Do you want welcome text as the user signs into the Portal?
Option ValueHTML/Text
Example Option ValueWelcome to the Contribution Portal
On this page, please find all the navigation links and notifications related to your participation in upcoming DAA meetings. Many thanks again for your important contribution to these events.
Qualifier 1NONE
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
Example MeetingDAA Chicago ’19
Special ConsiderationsThis configuration option is only relevant if the new Portal has been implemented
Standard Checklist?Yes

Home Right Nav Text

Option NameHomeRightNavText
Where is this configured?Portal, Association level
Why is this configured?Should the Portal’s “Tasks” tab include right-side content such as links?
Option ValueHTML/Text
Example Option ValueSociety Resources
Call for Abstracts Key Dates Registration Housing Membership Information
Qualifier 1NONE
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
DefaultNo HTML/Text
Example MeetingSfN ’21
Special ConsiderationsThis configuration option is only relevant if the new Portal has been implemented
Standard Checklist?Yes

Home Msg Text

Option NameHomeMsgText
Where is this configured?Portal, Association level
Why is this configured?Configure main page instructions
Option ValueHTML/Text
Example Option ValuePlease click the 9 squares in the upper left hand corner and select the meeting you need to complete steps.
Qualifier 1NONE
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
DefaultNo HTML/Text
Example MeetingSfN ’22
Special ConsiderationsThis configuration option is only relevant if the new Portal has been implemented
Standard Checklist?Yes

Home Main Content Text

Option NameHomeMainContentText
Where is this configured?Portal, Association level
Why is this configured?Configure a main page welcome message
Option ValueHTML/Text
Example Option ValueSociety Information
Welcome to the Society User Portal powered by cOASIS. This Online Abstract Submission and Invited Speaker Portal will provide you with all of the resources needed to complete your meeting requirements. Please return to this page frequently to follow the status of your submissions.

Support Information
If you have question or issues with the portal, please email or call 1-217-398-1795.
Qualifier 1NONE
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
DefaultNo HTML/Text
Example MeetingSfN ’22
Special ConsiderationsThis configuration option is only relevant if the new Portal has been implemented
Standard Checklist?Yes

Dash Right Nav Text Tasks

Option NameDashRightNavText_Tasks
Where is this configured?Portal, Campaign
Why is this configured?Should the Portal’s “Tasks” tab include right-side content such as links?
Option ValueText and/or HTML
Example Option ValueTask Resources
Key Dates
Qualifier 1NONE
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
Example MeetingSfN ’22
Special ConsiderationsValid only if the Portal’s “Task” tab is enabled
Standard Checklist?Yes

Dash Right Nav Text Messages

Option NameDashRightNavText_Messages
Where is this configured?Portal, Campaign
Why is this configured?Should the Portal’s “Messages” tab include right-side content such as links?
Option ValueText and/or HTML
Example Option ValueMessage Resources
Key Dates
Qualifier 1NONE
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
Example MeetingSfN ’22
Special ConsiderationsValid only if the Portal’s “Messages” tab is enabled
Standard Checklist?Yes

Dash Right Nav Text Meeting Info

Option NameDashRightNavText_MeetingInfo
Where is this configured?Portal, Admin
Why is this configured?Need custom links for an event’s main page in Portal?
Option ValueText and/or HTML
Example Option ValueMeeting Resources
Key Dates
Qualifier 1NONE
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
Example MeetingDAA: Chicago ’19
Special ConsiderationsThis option’s valid for the event’s main page in Portal
Standard Checklist?Yes

Dash Right Nav Text

Option NameDashRightNavText
Where is this configured?Portal, Multiple
Why is this configured?Need custom instructions for each module within a meeting’s Portal?
Option ValueText and/or HTML
Example Option ValueImportant Links
Faculty Instructions Deadline Dates Program Registration Hotel Reservation
Qualifier 1NONE
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
Example MeetingDAA: Chicago ’21
Special ConsiderationsThis option’s valid for these modules: Submission, Review, Session Builder, Structured Sessions, Notifications
Standard Checklist?Yes

Dash Msg Text Tasks

Option NameDashMsgText_Tasks
Where is this configured?Portal, Campaign
Why is this configured?Should the Portal’s “Tasks” tab have instructions?
Option ValueText and/or HTML
Example Option ValueTask Instructions
To view and complete a notification below, click on the top link of each tab. All items with a green sidebar are complete and all items with a gold sidebar need attention.
Qualifier 1NONE
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
Example MeetingSfN ’22
Special ConsiderationsValid only if the contributor Portal’s “Tasks” tab is enabled
Standard Checklist?Yes

Dash Msg Text Messages

Option NameDashMsgText_Messages
Where is this configured?Portal, Campaign
Why is this configured?Should the contributor portal’s “Messages” tab have instructions?
Option ValueText and/or HTML
Example Option ValueMessage Instructions
To view a notification below, click on the top link of each tab. All items with a green sidebar have been viewed and all items with a gold sidebar need to be read.
Qualifier 1NONE
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
Example MeetingSfN ’22
Special ConsiderationsValid only if the contributor Portal’s “Messages” tab is enabled
Standard Checklist?Yes

Dash Msg Text Meeting Info

Option NameDashMsgText_MeetingInfo
Where is this configured?Portal, Admin
Why is this configured?Do you want special instructions for each module within an event’s main page in Portal?
Option ValueText and/or HTML
Example Option ValueWelcome to your meeting home. Use the navigation above to click your relevant modules.
Qualifier 1NONE
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
Example MeetingDAA: Chicago ’19
Special ConsiderationsThis option is valid for the event’s main page in Portal.
Standard Checklist?Yes

Dash Msg Text

Option NameDashMsgText
Where is this configured?Portal, Multiple
Why is this configured?Do you want custom instructions for each module within a meeting’s Portal?
Option ValueText and/or HTML
Example Option ValueJune 6, 2018 @ 5pm ET
Submission Deadline
Qualifier 1None
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
Example MeetingDAA: Chicago ’19
Special ConsiderationsThis option is valid for these modules: Submission, Review, Session Builder, Structured Sessions, Notifications
Standard Checklist?Yes

Email New Account Subject

Option NameEmailNewAccountSubject
Where is this configured?Portal, Association level
Why is this configured?Should Portal users receive an email upon creating a new account?
Option ValueText
Example Option ValueHi,
You have a new account.
Qualifier 1NONE
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
DefaultPortal users won’t receive an email upon creating a new account
Example MeetingSAE: SETC ’18
Special ConsiderationsValid only if contributor portal is enabled
Standard Checklist?Yes

Email New Account from Text

Option NameEmailNewAccountFromText
Where is this configured?Portal, Association-level
Why is this configured?Should Portal users receive an email upon creating a new account?
Option ValueValid Email Address
Example Option
Qualifier 1NONE
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
DefaultPortal users won’t receive an email upon creating a new account.
Example MeetingSAE: SETC ’18
Special ConsiderationsValid only if contributor portal is enabled
Standard Checklist?Yes

Email New Account Body

Option NameEmailNewAccountBody
Where is this configured?Portal, Association Dashboard
Why is this configured?Should Portal users receive an email upon creating a new account?
Option ValueText and/or HTML
Example Option ValueHi,
You have a new account.
Qualifier 1NONE
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
DefaultPortal users won’t receive an email upon creating a new account.
Example MeetingSAE: SETC ’18
Special ConsiderationsValid only if contributor portal is enabled.
Standard Checklist?Yes

Exclude Meetings from Dashboard

Option NameExcludeMeetingsFromDashboard
Where is this configured?Portal
Why is this configured?If you want to exclude an event or events from the association’s Portal
Option ValueMeeting ID/Meeting IDs
Example Option Value9024,9025,9026
Qualifier 1NONE
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
DefaultAll meetings are available in the Portal for the particular association
Example MeetingTAA: t.mejudhon
Special ConsiderationsIf multiple meetings are excluded, the Option Value must use comma-separated values (no spaces)
Standard Checklist?Yes

Block Create Account

Option NameBlockCreateAccount
Where is this configured?Portal
Why is this configured?To restrict non-SSO Portal users from creating accounts
Option ValueYes/No
Example Option ValueYes
Qualifier 1NONE
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
DefaultNon-SSO Portal users are able to create accounts
Example MeetingTAA: CS-US, t.mejudhon
Special ConsiderationsApplies only for non-SSO Portal events; useful for invited roles, reviewers, etc.
Standard Checklist?Yes

Session Date (ShowSessionDateInSubmitReview)

Do you want to show the Session Information on the Submit Site Review My Work page so users can see this after the submission process?

Option NameShowSessionDateInSubmitReview
Where is this configured?Submit
Why is this configured?Do you want to show the Session Information on the Submit Site Review My Work page so users can see this after the submission process?
Option ValueYes
Example Option ValueDo not use in conjunction with SummaryLayout or it will not work.
Qualifier 1Activity
Qualifier 2Activity
Qualifier 3Activity
Special ConsiderationsDO NOT USE in conjunction with SummaryLayout or it won’t work. SummaryLayout should not be configured.
Example MeetingCCC 2010
Standard Checklist?No

Abstract Image Files Allowed (AllowedImageFileTypes)

Restrict types of image files uploaded in abstract/abstract2 steps?

Option NameAllowedImageFileTypes
Where is this configured?Submit
Why is this configured?Restrict types of image files uploaded in abstract/abstract2 steps?
Option ValueImage file type extension(s)
Example Option ValueJPG,BMP
Qualifier 1NONE
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
DefaultAll file types can be uploaded in Abstract/Abstract2.
Example MeetingDAA Chicago 2018
Special ConsiderationsOption values should be comma-separated.
Standard Checklist?Yes
Example screenshot:

Abstract Graphics Allowed (AbstractGraphicsAllowed)

Does meeting permit image uploads and, if so, does the meeting want to limit # of image uploads? N/A if meeting doesn’t permit image uploads (works similar to AbstractTablesAllowed config).

Option NameAbstractGraphicsAllowed
Where is this configured?Submit
Why is this configured?Does meeting permit image uploads and, if so, does the meeting want to limit # of image uploads?
Option ValueNumerical value
Example Option Value3
Qualifier 1Activity
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
Example MeetingORS 2015
Special ConsiderationsN/A if meeting doesn’t permit image uploads (works similar to AbstractTablesAllowed config)
Standard Checklist?Yes
Example image below:

Portal Users Email Subject from New Account Creation (EmailNewAccountSubject)

Option NameEmailNewAccountSubject
Where is this configured?Association Dashboard
Why is this configured?Should Portal users receive an email upon creating a new account?
Option ValueText
Example Option ValueNew Account for CTI Portal
Qualifier 1NONE
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
DefaultPortal users won’t receive an email upon creating a new account.
Example MeetingSAE: SETC ’18
Special ConsiderationsValid only if Portal is enabled.
Standard ChecklistYes

Portal Users Email Address from New Account Creation (EmailNewAccountFromText)

Option NameEmailNewAccountFromText
Where is this configured?Association Dashboard
Why is this configured?Should Portal users receive an email upon creating a new account?
Option ValueValid Email Address
Example Option
Qualifier 1NONE
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
DefaultPortal users won’t receive an email upon creating a new account.
Example MeetingSAE: SETC ’18
Special ConsiderationsValid only if Portal is enabled.
Standard ChecklistYes

Portal Users Email Body from New Account Creation (EmailNewAccountBody)

Option NameEmailNewAccountBody
Where is this configured?Association Dashboard
Why is this configured?Should Portal users receive an email upon creating a new account?
Option ValueText/HTML
Example Option ValueHi,
You have created a new CTI Portal account.
Qualifier 1NONE
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
DefaultPortal users won’t receive an email upon creating a new account.
Example MeetingSAE: SETC ’18
Special ConsiderationsValid only if Portal is enabled.
Standard ChecklistYes

Hide Modules (DashHideModules)

Option NameDashHideModules
Where is this configured?Admin
Why is this configured?Do you want to hide a module or modules in Portal?
Option Valuesubmit,review,presentation,notifyMessages,
Example Option Valuepresentation,notifyMessages,review
Qualifier 1NONE
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
DefaultAll modules are available by default (if configured to be available)
Example MeetingTAA Chicago 2020
Special ConsiderationsCheck to ensure the Option Value(s) are entered as case-sensitive
Standard ChecklistYes
Example below:

Activity Types Excluded from Centralized Disclosure Check (DashExcludeDisclosureCheckForActivities)

Option NameDashExcludeDisclosureCheckForActivities
Where is this configured?Submit/Review/Sessions/Suggested Sessions
Why is this configured?Which activity types in Portal should be excluded from a centralized disclosure check?
Option ValueActivity type(s)
Example Option ValueAssembly Chair,Chair,Committee Session Submitter,Facilitator,Faculty,Featured Speaker,General Session Submitter,Jointly-Developed Submitter,LBA Assembly Chair,LBA Reviewer,Lead Facilitator,Moderator,Non-Role,Outside Org Submitter,Proposal Viewer,Reviewer,Session Reviewer,Staff,Workform Viewer
Qualifier 1NONE
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
DefaultAll activity types are included in a centralized disclosure check
Special ConsiderationsApplicable only if centralized disclosures are enabled
Standard ChecklistNo
Example below:

Hiding Activity Types on the Presentation tab (BlockActivityDisplay_Presentation)

Option NameBlockActivityDisplay_Presentation
Where is this configured?Submit
Why is this configured?Do you need to hide activity types on the Presentation tab of Portal?
Option ValueActivity type(s)
Example Option ValueNon-Role,Primary Author,Co-Author,Rapid Response Reviewer,Abstract Reviewer,Symposia Reviewer,Submitter
Qualifier 1NONE
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
DefaultAll activity types display on the presentation tab of portal
Example MeetingSRNT 2021
Special ConsiderationsOther cSlide upload components must be enabled
Standard ChecklistNo
Example below:

Different Portal Banner (DashSideHeaderImage)

Option NameDashSiteHeaderImage
Where is this configured?Admin
Why is this configured?Should the meeting have a different banner than the association image?
Option ValueValid URL for an image
Qualifier 1NONE
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
DefaultThe meeting has the same banner as the association image
Special ConsiderationsThe image URL used doesn’t necessarily have to be from cAdmin Support Files
Standard ChecklistYes

Additional Presentation Info on right side of Pres. tab (DashRightNavText_Presentation)

Option NameDashRightNavText_Presentation
Where is this configured?Submit
Why is this configured?Is helpful info such as links needed for the user on the right side of the Presentation tab in Portal?
Option ValueText/HTML
Example Option ValueUpload & Recording Information
Self-Recording Guidelines and Helpful Tips

Poster Presenters

Featured Poster Presenters

Oral/Symposia Presenters

On-Demand Presenters
Qualifier 1NONE
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
DefaultNo content on the right
Example MeetingSRNT 2021
Special ConsiderationsOther cSlide presentation components should be implemented.
Standard ChecklistNo
Example below:

Additional Meeting Info on right side of page (DashRightNavText_MeetingInfo)

Option NameDashRightNavText_MeetingInfo
Where is this configured?Admin
Why is this configured?Is helpful info such as links needed for the user on the right side?
Option ValueText/HTML
Example Option ValueMeeting ResourcesThe following browsers and their latest release are recommended for use:
– Google Chrome
– Microsoft Edge
– Safari
– Mozilla Firefox

Tech Support E-mail:
Tech Support Phone:
Qualifier 1NONE
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
DefaultNo content on the right
Special ConsiderationsIf used, ensure that formatting is accurate
Standard ChecklistYes

Additional Info Text on right side of pages (DashRightNavText)

Option NameDashRightNavText
Where is this configured?Submit/Review/Sessions/Suggested Sessions
Why is this configured?Is helpful info such as links needed for the user on the right side of the Portal’s various tabs?
Option ValueText/HTML
Example Option ValueResources/Guidelines – DashRightNavText Will appear at the far right of the page, within the tab named “Submissions.”
Qualifier 1NONE
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
DefaultNo content on the right
Special ConsiderationsIf used, ensure that formatting is accurate
Standard ChecklistYes
Example below:

Change Portal tab label for Presentation Uploads (DashModuleDisplayName_Presentation)

Option NameDashModuleDisplayName_Presentation
Where is this configured?Submit
Why is this configured?Do you want to change the Portal tab label for “Presentations”?
Option ValueAny relevant text
Example Option ValueUpload
Qualifier 1NONE
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
Example MeetingSRNT 2021
Special ConsiderationsFor Presentation tab
Standard ChecklistNo
Example below:

Change the Portal tab label for Meeting Home (DashModuleDisplayName_MeetingInfo)

Option NameDashModuleDisplayName_MeetingInfo
Where is this configured?Admin
Why is this configured?Do you want to change the Portal tab label for the “Meeting Home”?
Option ValueAny relevant text
Example Option ValueMeeting Home
Qualifier 1NONE
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
Special ConsiderationsNeeds to be added, otherwise “Home” will display by default.
Standard ChecklistYes

Hide Incomplete/Complete Graph in Portal Submit (DashHideGraphs)

Option NameDashHideGraphs
Where is this configured?Submit/Review/Sessions/Suggested Sessions
Why is this configured?Would you like to hide the incomplete/complete graph in the Portal’s Submit tab?
Option ValueYes/No
Example Option ValueYes
Qualifier 1NONE
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
DefaultGraph will display in the Portal’s various tabs
Special ConsiderationsGraph won’t display if there’s no data/content, for the account, in the Portal’s various tabs.
Standard ChecklistYes
Example below:

cPortal Settings -> Presentation (DashBlockTemplate_Presentation)

Option NameDashBlockTemplate_Presentation
Where is this configured?Settings -> Workflow applications -> cPortal -> Presentation -> Listing template
Why is this configured?Should the Activity Type in Portal’s Presentation tab display in a custom manner?
Option ValueXML
Example Option Value#$$ControlNumber$$ $$PublishingTitle$$ Session: $$SessionNumber$$ – $$SessionTitle$$
Qualifier 1Activity
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
DefaultOnly basic details show
Special ConsiderationsOther cSlide upload pieces need to be implemented
Standard ChecklistNo
Example below:

Customize Activity Type in Portal Submit (DashBlockTemplate)

Option NameDashBlockTemplate
Why is this configured?Should the Activity Type in Portal’s Submit tab display in a custom manner?
Option ValueXML
Example Option Value#$$ControlNumber$$ $$PublishingTitle$$ Your Role: $$Role$$ Program Status: $$ProgramStatus$$ Presentations: $$CSlideLink$$
Qualifier 1Activity
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
DefaultOnly basic details show
Special ConsiderationsRefer to
Standard ChecklistYes
Example below:

Presentation Tab Instructions (DashMsgText_Presentation)

Option NameDashMsgText_Presentation
Where is this configured?Submit
Why is this configured?Needed for Presentation tab in Portal
Option ValueText/HTML
Example Option ValueWelcome to the Presentation Upload Step; please click on your presentation title below and follow the steps to upload your presentation.

Presentation files are due no later than Friday, January 29, 2021 at 5:00pm Central Time. Given this is the final date to submit your presentation for upload, keep in mind the support team will only be available from 8 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. CST, Monday-Friday. Please plan accordingly. After this date, your abstract will be withdrawn as SRNT cannot guarantee your presentation will be available for the SRNT 2021 Virtual Meeting. Thank you.

Any uploading issues, please contact
Qualifier 1NONE
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
DefaultAll blank
Example MeetingSRNT 2021
Special ConsiderationsTest the upload process
Standard ChecklistNo
Example below:

Portal Meeting Info (DashMsgText_MeetingInfo)

Option NameDashMsgText_MeetingInfo
Where is this configured?Admin
Why is this configured?Welcome instructions should be configured for the Portal because the default is blank.
Option ValueText/HTML
Example Option ValueWelcome to the 2021 International Conference Management Portal.

This Portal will help you manage your International Conference programming, review and presentation responsibilities.

Please click on the tabs above to navigate through the Portal.
Qualifier 1NONE
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
DefaultAll blank
Special ConsiderationsShould be configured, otherwise blank
Standard ChecklistYes