
Option NameUseCentralizedDisclosureAssignmentForm
Where is this configured?Admin
Why is this configured?Generally used with the recap notification process (now defunct because of contributor portal/campaigns)
Option ValueYes/No
Example Option ValueYes
Qualifier 1NONE
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
Example MeetingACC 18
Special ConsiderationsCD needs to be implemented for the event
Standard Checklist?No


Option NameShowDisclosureEmail
Where is this configured?Admin
Why is this configured?Should the control’s email address display in CD popup?
Option ValueYes/No
Example Option ValueYes
Qualifier 1NONE
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
DefaultControl’s email address doesn’t display in CD popup.
Example MeetingDiabetes: 81st
Special ConsiderationsCentralized disclosures need to be implemented for the event
Standard Checklist?No


Option NameShowDisclosureControlLookup
Where is this configured?Admin
Why is this configured?Do you need to see the disclosure control lookup?
Option ValueYes/No
Example Option ValueYes
Qualifier 1NONE
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
DefaultNo disclosure lookup for controls.
Example MeetingACCii 65th Annual Scientific Sessions
Special ConsiderationsDisclosures need to be setup for all relevant actiivty types.
Standard Checklist?No


Option NameDisclosureTriggeredStatusUpdateExclusion
Where is this configured?Admin
Why is this configured?Should the complete status of a record remain static/unaffected by COI after a submission deadline?
Option ValueYes/No
Example Option ValueYes
Qualifier 1NONE
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
DefaultComplete status of a record could change based on the COI status of a user account.
Example MeetingDAA: Chicago ’19
Special ConsiderationsCentralized disclosure must be enabled.
Standard Checklist?No


Option NameDisclosureReviewPopup
Where is this configured?Admin
Why is this configured?Need a centralized disclosures popup in the author step?
Option ValueYes/No
Example Option ValueYes
Qualifier 1NONE
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
DefaultNo centralized disclosures popup within author step.
Example MeetingDiabetes 2018
Special ConsiderationsDefault is No. Turns on CD in Control Summary. Must configure to show and along with Admin/CentralDisclosureReviewConfig.
Standard Checklist?No


Option NameCentralizedDisclosureReviewConfig
Where is this configured?Admin
Why is this configured?Is CD configured, and would you like a popup view for each author in admin?
Option ValueYes/No
Example Option ValueYes
Qualifier 1NONE
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
DefaultNo CD popup view.
Example MeetingDiabetes 2018
Special ConsiderationsRequires Centralized Disclosures to be setup for the meeting/activity types. Must configure to show and along with Admin/CentralDisclosureReviewConfig. Must have at least c4aServiceEndpoint attribute configured. ShowEmail, ShowAllAuthors, ShowStatus all default to ‘No’.
Standard Checklist?No


Option NameAllowDisclosureUpdateInAuthorEdit
Where is this configured?Admin
Why is this configured?Display popup to confirm if disclosures should update for all matching authors?
Option ValueYes/No
Example Option ValueYes
Qualifier 1NONE
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
DefaultNo popup confirmation
Example MeetingISHLT 2022
Special ConsiderationsIf in use (OptionValue = “YES”) along with the Submit DisclosureGrid config, the StepAuthorEdit page in Admin will display a confirmation message about updating disclosures for all matching Authors in the meeting (matching on AuthorFirstName, AuthorLastName, ContactEmail)
Standard Checklist?No


Option NamePaperNumberWebserviceURL
Where is this configured?Admin
Why is this configured?Need this URL if paper auto-#ing is to occur
Option ValueURL
Example Option Value
Qualifier 1NONE
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
DefaultPaper #ing won’t occur
Example MeetingSPE: Training
Special ConsiderationsDefines the URL of the Paper Numbering web service
Standard Checklist?No


Option NamePaperNumberProposal
Where is this configured?Admin
Why is this configured?Do you want specific activity types to be eligible for paper #ing?
Option ValueActivity Name(s)
Example Option ValueProposal
Qualifier 1NONE
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
Example MeetingSPE: Training
Special ConsiderationsDefines the activity types allowed for proposal Paper Numbering jobs
Standard Checklist?No


Option NamePaperNumberProgramStatus
Where is this configured?Admin
Why is this configured?Defines the program statuses that are allowed for Paper Numbering jobs
Option ValueProgram Status or Program Statuses (if multiple, separate by commas)
Example Option ValueAccepted
Qualifier 1NONE
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
DefaultPaper #ing won’t occur.
Example MeetingSPE: Training
Special ConsiderationsNone
Standard Checklist?No


Option NamePaperNumberPresentedAs
Where is this configured?Admin
Why is this configured?Need specific field values?
Option ValuePaperPresentedAs field values
Example Option ValuePaper Options
Qualifier 1NONE
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
DefaultNo specific field values.
Example MeetingSPE: Training
Special ConsiderationsDefines which PaperPresentedAs values are eligible for Paper Numbering jobs
Standard Checklist?No


Option NamePaperNumberInvitedPresenter
Where is this configured?Admin
Why is this configured?Defines activity types allowed for invited presenter Paper Numbering jobs
Option ValueActivity Name(s)
Example Option ValueInvited Presenter
Qualifier 1NONE
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
Example MeetingSPE: Training
Special ConsiderationsNONE
Standard Checklist?No


Option NameAllowMemberLookup
Where is this configured?Admin
Why is this configured?Need to ping an external data source (not cOASIS Account tables) for account lookup?
Option ValueYes/No
Example Option ValueYes
Qualifier 1NONE
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
DefaultThe default is that this functionality is unavailable.
Example MeetingASH 60th Annual Meeting (2018)
Special ConsiderationsRequires technical assistance via ticket to enable feature.
Standard Checklist?Yes


Option NameAllowCreateAccount
Where is this configured?Admin
Why is this configured?Need to ping an external data source (not cOASIS Account tables) for account creation?
Option ValueYes/No
Example Option ValueYes
Qualifier 1NONE
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
DefaultThe default is that this functionality is unavailable.
Example MeetingASH 60th Annual Meeting (2018)
Special ConsiderationsRequires technical assistance via ticket to enable feature
Standard Checklist?Yes


Option NameAccountEditDisable
Where is this configured?Admin
Why is this configured?Should account editing be disabled when searching non-cOASIS account tables?
Option ValueYes/No
Example Option ValueNo
Qualifier 1NONE
Qualifier 2NONE
Qualifier 3NONE
DefaultAccount editing is enabled.
Example MeetingASH 60th Annual Meeting (2018)
Special ConsiderationsNon-cOASIS account tables must be setup for the meeting/association.
Standard Checklist?Yes