1. Speaker Ready Room Admin Login for Session Room Onsite

While the CTI Presentation Management Application is a cloud-based application, CTI can also provide hardware for onsite meetings. This includes laptops for the speaker ready room, enabling speakers to upload, edit, and preview presentations, and laptops for the session rooms for speakers to access, navigate, and speak through their presentations.

While the CTI Presentation Management Application is a cloud-based application, CTI can also provide hardware for onsite meetings. This includes laptops for the speaker ready room, enabling speakers to upload, edit, and preview presentations, and laptops for the session rooms for speakers to access, navigate, and speak through their presentations.

View the video below OR download the PDF to learn how to log in to the session room for onsite events.

Full screen mode for onsite events is located in Settings -> Meeting set-up -> Locations/Channels.

cSlide Agent Setup

View the video below to learn how to set up the cSlide Agent. The Session Room will not fully function without this application installed on your local computer.

Troubleshooting Instructions
If your computer experiences connectivity issues with the agent installed and you encounter the “Cannot connect to cSlide Agent” popup:

1. Click the upward-facing arrow to reveal the hidden icons shown below.
2. Right-click the cSlide Agent.
3. Select “Quit.”

4. Click the “Download Agent” button.
5. Choose “Remove cSlide Presentation Agent.”

6. Finally, reinstall the agent by following the video instructions at the top.

Creating Streaming Keys for Locations and Sessions

We can now generate streaming keys by meeting location instead of every session to reduce the number of keys an administrator needs to manage. Generating streaming keys by meeting location instead of every session will save administrators time and costs. Location-based streaming keys are generated by using the bulk actions on the Location dashboard.

We can now generate streaming keys by meeting location instead of every session to reduce the number of keys an administrator needs to manage. Generating streaming keys by meeting location instead of every session will save administrators time and costs. Location-based streaming keys are generated by using the bulk actions on the Location dashboard.

Before we start, there needs to be a streaming vendor set up in Settings > Vendors.
1. Go to Settings > Meeting set-up > Locations/channels.
2. Select locations with the checkboxes in the leftmost column.
3. Click the “Integrate” icon on the upper right to request streaming key setup.
4. Select “Request Vimeo Streaming Keys,” then Continue.

You’ll see the following message: “This action will request a new streaming key for all selected Locations. This will over-write the streaming setup information for Locations that already have one assigned. Please click Confirm to proceed or click Cancel.”

Please note:
1. The process will complete asynchronously and update the streaming key field based on the number of locations selected. The user does not need to wait on this page. A future version will notify the user once the process completes.
2. Anyone with the corresponding streaming key/link can access streams for that location.

The same above process is also available for sessions in the Session dashboard. This will update the streaming key field to be used by session.

Filter, Select, and Download Location Lists

Administrators can now export and work with Location data outside of cADMIN for reporting and organization. After an administrator has edited the CSV file, they can use the Import Locations function to import new locations into cADMIN.

Administrators can select Locations using the checks on the left and Export the list to a CSV file that downloads to their local drive.

This allows administrators to work with the data outside of cADMIN for reporting and organization. After an administrator has edited the CSV file, they can use the Import Locations function to import new locations into cADMIN.

Onsite Locations Setup

The example below shows an onsite location setup. We named our locations after the onsite hall or area and added all of their sessions to a location.

The middle columns are optional, and you can see at the end, that # of sessions automatically adds up how many sessions you have added to that location on cAdmin.

Use the +Import Locations button to download a template to fill out. Click the downloadable CSV Template or XLS Template. The only required field for importing locations is “Name.”

Then use the Browse button to upload your Excel or CSV file to Locations.

Virtual Locations Setup

Settings > Locations/channels

The example above shows a virtual meeting setup. We called our Locations “Channels” (i.e., TV channels). An attendee could click on the different channels on the website to take them to that virtual room. The middle column, Color, is optional for cAdmin organizational purposes. You can see at the end, that # of sessions automatically adds up how many sessions you have added to that location.

The Locations tab is also a quick way to compare session counts per location so you don’t overuse one location over another.

Use the +Import Locations button to download a template to fill out. Click the downloadable CSV Template or XLS Template. The only required field for importing locations is “Name.”

Then use the Browse button to upload your Excel or CSV file to Locations.