Simplified Association Portal Configuration for cAdmin 

As a meeting organizer or configuration analyst, I frequently use cAdmin to adjust various settings within the Portal, including navigation labels, meeting details, directions, links, images, and the visibility of activities tailored to specific user personas. Previously, this task was more time-consuming due to the amount of options. However, with our latest release in May 2024, we’ve streamlined the process, significantly enhancing user-friendliness for administrators.

The Portal Association configuration interface is organized under Settings > Association info & administration > Association information > cPortal, mirroring the layout of the Association Portal itself.

Below, you’ll find all the updated Association Portal configurations listed in the table. An association Portal configuration NOT listed in the table below is still accessible under Configurations > Site configurations > Association-Level Module Configuration Editor. Remember that only users with the roles of Distributor Admin, Distributor Team Leader, Association Admin, and Association Team Leaders can access and view the previous configurations menu.

For those familiar with the old method, the table below displays the former configuration category and option name alongside its corresponding new term and location within cAdmin.

Site SettingsOld Site Configuration Category and NameNew field label
cPortal Base settings DASHBOARD / SiteHeaderImagePortal header image URL (association level)
DASHBOARD / SiteHeaderBackgroundColorPortal header background color (association level)
DASHBOARD/LoginWelcomeTextLogin welcome text
DASHBOARD / HomeMsgTextHomepage top (boxed) area content
DASHBOARD / HomeMainContentTextHomepage main content
DASHBOARD / HomeRightNavTextHomepage sidebar content
PORTAL / profile-page-instruction-textProfile page instructions text
cPortal security settings DASHBOARD / ExcludeMeetingsFromDashboardMeetings restricted to use the portal (comma separated meeting IDs)
DASHBOARD / SSOCloudWebserviceURLSSO client URL
DASHBOARD / SSOClaimsIdentityProviderSSO claims identity provider
DASHBOARD / BlockCreateAccountDo not allow creation of new accounts
DASHBOARD / EmailNewAccountFromTextEmail From field – for new account created
DASHBOARD / EmailNewAccountSubjectEmail Subject field – for new account created
DASHBOARD / EmailNewAccountBodyEmail body – for new account created

Portal Basics Cheat Sheet

The Portal is a user-friendly hub for managing abstract and speaker content across hybrid and in-person meetings. It offers personalized task lists, notifications, and engagement opportunities for participants, speakers, and organizers.

The Portal is a user-friendly hub for managing abstract and speaker content across hybrid and in-person meetings.

It offers personalized task lists, notifications, and engagement opportunities for participants, speakers, and organizers. Click on the link below to download a one-page Portal cheat sheet:

Access Portal and Planner via Person Details page

• Administrators now have the option to login to the Program Planner and Participant Portal from an individual’s Person Details page.

From the Person Details page, administrators now have the option to login to the Program Planner and/or the Participant Portal as that specific user. This new function allows admin staff to “shadow” the end user and perform all available actions in the Portal and/or Program Planner. Any actions will be logged as “Administrator” actions.

Profile photo & biography upload via Participant Portal

• Meeting participants will now have the option to upload a profile photo & biography information through their portal profile page; photo and bio will automatically display in cOASIS with option to display in Program Planner.

For meeting participants using the Participant Portal, we added fields to the profile page which give participants the option to upload a profile photo and/or a brief biography. Photos and biography information entered will automatically update in their Person Detail page in cOASIS (as well as in the Program Planner, if those display settings are activated). Users are given the option to upload a photo from their PC, or via camera if accessing the site from a mobile device. Adding information in the Biography field ensures that it will appear with program profiles for any roles at this and future meetings.