1 – New Portal Configurations

As a meeting organizer or configuration analyst, I frequently use cAdmin to adjust various settings within the Portal, including navigation labels, meeting details, directions, links, images, and the visibility of activities tailored to specific user personas. Previously, this task was more time-consuming due to the presence of many hidden options. However, with our latest release in May 2024, we’ve streamlined the process, significantly enhancing user-friendliness for administrators.

As a meeting organizer or configuration analyst, I frequently use cAdmin to adjust various settings within the Portal, including navigation labels, meeting details, directions, links, images, and the visibility of activities tailored to specific user personas. Previously, this task was more time-consuming due to the amount of options. However, with our latest release, we’ve streamlined the process, significantly enhancing user-friendliness for administrators.

New Portal Configurations Location in cAdmin

The configuration interface is organized under Settings > Workflow applications > cPortal, mirroring the layout of the Portal itself.

• The Meeting information tab serves as the homepage for the meeting Portal, with each field corresponding to a section on the Portal’s homepage. For instance, the Navigation label represents the tab name, and below are the Meeting information instructions, Meeting info page content, and Sidebar content for meeting info page.

New Listing Template Fields for Portal Presentations, Tasks and Messages in Portal (dashblocktemplate)

Header text format example for cAdmin:

<header>#$$SessionNumber$$ - $$SessionTitle$$</header>

Field text format example for cAdmin:

<property><propertyTitle>Session Date: </propertyTitle><propertyValue>$$SessionDate$$</propertyValue></property>

New fields:
• Session # and Title – $$SessionNumber$$ – $$SessionTitle$$
• Session Date – $$SessionDate$$
• Session Start – Session End Time – $$SessionStart$$ – $$SessionEnd$$
• Session Location – $$SessionLocation$$
• Session Role Start & End Times – $$SessionRoleStart$$ – $$SessionRoleEnd$$
• Presentation Duration – $$PresentationDuration$$
• Presentation Number – $$PresentationNumber$$
• Poster Board Number – $$PosterboardNumber$$
• Control-level Topic1 – $$ControlTopic$$
• Author Block – $$PresentationBlock$$
• Disclosure Block – $$DislcosureBlock$$
• Primary Author Name – $$PresentingAuthor$$
• Submission Topic – TBD

Other currently available fields:

Configuring Listing Template Portal Fields

1. Navigate to Settings > Workflow Applications > cPortal. Then, select the tab you wish to modify the display fields for, such as Presentations.

2. Locate the Listing template and input the desired Option Value:

<header>#$$ControlNumber$$ $$PublishingTitle$$</header>
<propertyTitle>Session: </propertyTitle><propertyValue>$$SessionNumber$$ - $$SessionTitle$$</propertyValue>
<property><propertyTitle>Session Start/End: </propertyTitle><propertyValue>$$SessionStart$$ - $$SessionEnd$$</propertyValue></property>

Try It Yourself

For other cAdmin fields listed above, copy and paste one of the lines of code and replace the two field values with the appropriate placeholders, such as “Presenter:” for the label and “$$PresentingAuthor$$” to pull the cAdmin field:

<property><propertyTitle>Presenter: </propertyTitle><propertyValue>$$PresentingAuthor$$</propertyValue></property>

Old Site Config vs. New Portal Settings

For those familiar with the old configuration method, you’ll find all the updated Portal configurations listed in the table. If users try accessing the old Site Configurations from their prior location and click the Option Name link, they’ll be redirected to the new Portal Settings configuration page. However, it will only direct you to the first tab, irrespective of your original tab within Portal Settings, necessitating an additional click.

A configuration NOT listed in the table below is still accessible under Configurations > Site configurations.

Verify Staff Roles

To access the Site configurations page, cAdmin users must hold at least one of the specified staff roles:
• Association Administrator
• Association Team Leader
• Distributor Administrator
• Distributor Team Leader

Users with these roles in cAdmin can verify their own or others’ roles within their association by navigating to Settings > Association info & administration > Staff accounts.

Advanced Configuration Note

Starting May 2024, if you plan to apply an activity qualifier to any tab on the Portal, you must currently use the old configuration method in Site Configurations. This qualifier will overwrite the new field labels in the Portal Settings.

Portal Settings TabOld Site Configuration Category and NameNew field label
Meeting informationADMIN / DashModuleDisplayName_MeetinginfoNavigation label
ADMIN / MeetingHeaderBackgroundColorPortal header background color (meeting level)
ADMIN / DashHideDisclosureLinkHide the centralized disclosure link in the portal homepage
ADMIN / DashSiteHeaderImagePortal header image URL (meeting level)
ADMIN / DashMsgText_MeetingInfoMeeting information instructions
ADMIN / DashMeetingInfoMainContentTextMeeting info page content
ADMIN / DashRightNavText_MeetingInfoSidebar content for meeting info page
SubmissionSUBMIT / DashModuleDisplayNameNavigation label
SUBMIT / DashHideGraphsHide summary graphs
SUBMIT / DashChartEntityNameTop-chart- label of completion status
SUBMIT / DashHideDisclosureLinkHide the centralized disclosure link in the submissions page
SUBMIT / DashExcludeDisclosureCheckForActivitiesCentralized disclosure NOT mandatory for these activities
SUBMIT / BlockActivityDisplayHide activities
SUBMIT / DashMsgTextInstructions text
SUBMIT / DashRightNavTextSidebar content
SUBMIT / DashBlockTemplateListing template
Abstract ReviewREVIEW / DashModuleDisplayNameNavigation label
REVIEW / DashHideGraphsHide summary graphs
REVIEW / DashChartEntityNameTop-chart- label of completion status
REVIEW / DashHideDisclosureLinkHide the centralized disclosure link in the review page
REVIEW / DashExcludeDisclosureCheckForActivitiesCentralized disclosure NOT mandatory for these activities
REVIEW / DashMsgTextInstructions text
REVIEW / DashRightNavTextSidebar content
REVIEW / DashBlockTemplateListing template
Session builderSESSIONS / DashModuleDisplayNameNavigation label
SESSIONS / DashHideGraphsHide summary graphs
SESSIONS / DashChartEntityNameTop-chart- label of completion status
SESSIONS / DashHideDisclosureLinkHide the centralized disclosure link in the sessions submissions page
SESSIONS / DashExcludeDisclosureCheckForSessionTypesCentralized disclosure NOT mandatory for these session types
SESSIONS / DashMsgTextInstructions text
SESSIONS / DashRightNavTextSidebar content
SESSIONS / DashBlockTemplateListing template
Session submissionSUGGESTEDSESSIONS / DashModuleDisplayNameNavigation label
SUGGESTEDSESSIONS / DashHideGraphsHide summary graphs
SUGGESTEDSESSIONS / DashChartEntityNameTop-chart- label of completion status
SUGGESTEDSESSIONS / DashHideDisclosureLinkHide the centralized disclosure link in the sessions submissions page
SUGGESTEDSESSIONS / DashExcludeDisclosureCheckForSessionTypesCentralized disclosure NOT mandatory for these session types
SUGGESTEDSESSIONS / DashMsgTextInstructions text
SUGGESTEDSESSIONS / DashRightNavTextSidebar content
SUGGESTEDSESSIONS / DashBlockTemplateListing template
Session leadersPortal setting for session leaders remains unchanged. Previously configurable here.
PresentationSUBMIT / DashModuleDisplayName_PresentationNavigation label
SUBMIT / BlockActivityDisplay_PresentationHide activities
SUBMIT / DashMsgText_PresentationInstructions text
SUBMIT / DashRightNavText_PresentationSidebar content
SUBMIT / DashBlockTemplate_PresentationListing template
CME reviewPortal setting for CME review remains unchanged. Previously configurable here.
BoothBooth remains unchanged. Previously configurable here.
Notification – TasksNOTIFICATION / DashModuleDisplayName_TasksNavigation label
NOTIFICATIONS / DashChartEntityName_TasksTop-chart-label of completion status
NOTIFICATION / DashHideGraphsHide summary graphs (shared with Messages)
NOTIFICATION / DashHideDisclosureLink_TasksHide the centralized disclosure link in the tasks page
NOTIFICATION / DashMsgText_TasksInstructions text (top of page)
NOTIFICATION / DashRightNavText_TasksSidebar content
NOTIFICATION / DashBlockTemplate_TasksListing template
Notification – MessagesNOTIFICATION / DashModuleDisplayName_MessagesNavigation label
NOTIFICATIONS / DashChartEntityName_MessagesTop-chart-label of completion status
NOTIFICATION / DashHideGraphsHide summary graphs (shared with Tasks)
NOTIFICATION / DashHideDisclosureLink_MessagesHide the centralized disclosure link in the messages page
NOTIFICATION / DashMsgText_MessagesInstructions text
NOTIFICATION / DashRightNavText_MessagesSidebar content
NOTIFICATION / DashBlockTemplate_MessagesListing template

Field labels such as “Allow QR code access key login” can be found in the Glossary on the left side of the Portal Settings page.

Save Configurations in the Library for Later Use

To save configurations for future use, especially around meeting deadlines or future meetings, follow these steps:

1. Copy the appropriate old configuration name from the chart above that matches the new Portal name.
2. Navigate to Configuration -> Site configuration.
3. Select the correct tab (e.g., SUBMIT). Click on ADD NEW CONFIGURATION.
4. Paste the old configuration name (e.g., DashMsgText_Presentation_DeadlineSOON).
5. In this example, the suffix “_DeadlineSOON” will save this configuration in the library, allowing you to copy and paste it later during the meeting.

Simplified Association Portal Configuration for cAdmin 

As a meeting organizer or configuration analyst, I frequently use cAdmin to adjust various settings within the Portal, including navigation labels, meeting details, directions, links, images, and the visibility of activities tailored to specific user personas. Previously, this task was more time-consuming due to the amount of options. However, with our latest release in May 2024, we’ve streamlined the process, significantly enhancing user-friendliness for administrators.

The Portal Association configuration interface is organized under Settings > Association info & administration > Association information > cPortal, mirroring the layout of the Association Portal itself.

Below, you’ll find all the updated Association Portal configurations listed in the table. An association Portal configuration NOT listed in the table below is still accessible under Configurations > Site configurations > Association-Level Module Configuration Editor. Remember that only users with the roles of Distributor Admin, Distributor Team Leader, Association Admin, and Association Team Leaders can access and view the previous configurations menu.

For those familiar with the old method, the table below displays the former configuration category and option name alongside its corresponding new term and location within cAdmin.

Site SettingsOld Site Configuration Category and NameNew field label
cPortal Base settings DASHBOARD / SiteHeaderImagePortal header image URL (association level)
DASHBOARD / SiteHeaderBackgroundColorPortal header background color (association level)
DASHBOARD/LoginWelcomeTextLogin welcome text
DASHBOARD / HomeMsgTextHomepage top (boxed) area content
DASHBOARD / HomeMainContentTextHomepage main content
DASHBOARD / HomeRightNavTextHomepage sidebar content
PORTAL / profile-page-instruction-textProfile page instructions text
cPortal security settings DASHBOARD / ExcludeMeetingsFromDashboardMeetings restricted to use the portal (comma separated meeting IDs)
DASHBOARD / SSOCloudWebserviceURLSSO client URL
DASHBOARD / SSOClaimsIdentityProviderSSO claims identity provider
DASHBOARD / BlockCreateAccountDo not allow creation of new accounts
DASHBOARD / EmailNewAccountFromTextEmail From field – for new account created
DASHBOARD / EmailNewAccountSubjectEmail Subject field – for new account created
DASHBOARD / EmailNewAccountBodyEmail body – for new account created

Portal Basics Cheat Sheet

The Portal is a user-friendly hub for managing abstract and speaker content across hybrid and in-person meetings. It offers personalized task lists, notifications, and engagement opportunities for participants, speakers, and organizers.

The Portal is a user-friendly hub for managing abstract and speaker content across hybrid and in-person meetings.

It offers personalized task lists, notifications, and engagement opportunities for participants, speakers, and organizers. Click on the link below to download a one-page Portal cheat sheet:

Co-Author Access Setting

Maybe you want to restrict access to content. We’ve added a setting to control whether co-authors can view Portal presentations. Just turn their access on or off with an easy toggle in cPortal Settings.

We’ve added a setting to control whether co-authors can view or edit Portal presentations. Just turn their access on or off with an easy toggle in cPortal Settings.

1. Go to Settings -> Workflow applications -> cPortal -> click the Presentation tab
2. Check ON to give all co-authors permission to View, Add/Edit, or both presentations on the Portal

CME Notification mail template example setup (Email Templates)

  1. Click the “Edit” icon of the notification email you wish to customize.
  2. Use the Merge field “{Person.EmailAddress}” for Reviewers and “{fld:Author.EmailAddress}” for Presenters in the “To” field. Note that both may be “Person,” depending on the meeting’s data.

3. Fill in the customized “From address” for each association.
4. Customize the Subject and Content using different formatting and images, following the style of Campaign emails. Utilize Merge fields and Merge terms to personalize the email message for individuals.

Use the “How-to’s” on the left side of the Portal Settings to learn how to insert customized images and utilize the merge fields and terms. Please note that there is no HTML access to the Subject Line, From address, CC list, and BCC list.

CME Presentations Review Setup in Portal Settings

Go to Settings > Workflow applications > cPortal > click the CME Review tab

The following need to be ON:
Show CME review tab
Show session tab
Show CME review process elements

Leave the status terms as default, or change them if you prefer. Status Terms are used on the Portal for both the reviewer and presenter to change and view

Click “Edit” to update the following email notifications for different Portal status actions taken:

Notification mail template to presenter for a new presentation media item uploaded: Sends a confirmation email to the presenter when they have uploaded a new presentation media item
Notification mail template to reviewer for a new file to review: Sends an email to the reviewer when the presenter uploads a new file
Notification mail template to presenter for approved status: Sends an email to the presenter about their approval status
Notification mail template to reviewer for a previously reviewed replacement: Sends an email to the reviewer that a file has been updated
Notification mail template to presenter for approved with changes status: Sends an email to the presenter that their presentation was approved with changes
Notification mail template to presenter for not approved status: Sends an email to the presenter that their presentation is not approved
Notification mail template to reviewer for a re-review: Sends an email to the reviewer that they need to re-review a presentation

Merge Fields

Merge Fields allow an admin to reference different meeting fields to personalize the emails for each recipient. For example, Person – first name will personalize this message for each recipient to their actual first name.

Watch the video below to learn how to use and test merge fields to personalize your email campaigns.

If you want to add a link to a specific tab in Portal, use the “Link via Portal” option and choose the tab you want the person directed to in Portal, e.g., {fld:PortalLink param:submit}.

Not all meeting fields are available. Please let us know if there are other fields you would like to be added.

Merge Terms (Custom)

Suggested Custom Merge Terms

• Meeting Name
• Meeting Dates
• Location
• Year
• Contact Information
• Support Information
• Deadlines
• Client Website

Using custom merge terms for your meetings is highly beneficial. It allows you to update recurring details, like the Meeting Name, in one place. This means you only need to update the Meeting Name once for all future meetings, saving administrators time.

Watch the short video to learn how to set up and add merge terms in an email.

Presentation Activities Appearing on the Portal

Administrators can control which presentations appear on the Portal, where presenters and co-authors can upload, edit, and preview their content.

Administrators can control which presentations appear on the Portal, where presenters and co-authors can upload, edit, and preview their content. Administrators control the Portal presentation content under:
1. cAdmin > Settings
2. Workflow Applications
3. cPortal
4. Presentation

An administrator can hide the presentation tab altogether in the Portal by switching the “Show presentation tab” to OFF. An administrator can also allow co-authors to upload, edit, and preview presentations in Portal by selecting “Co-authors can add/edit media items” to ON.

Activity types are vertical (e.g., Abstract, Chair, Convener), and Session types are horizontal (e.g., ePosters, Lunch, Oral Session). Selecting the flag blue corresponds to the matrix of activity type and session type presentations to be made visible on the Portal. Presentations will not be visible on Portal if the activity and session type flag is not selected. An administrator can save time by selecting all or deselecting all the flags in a row under Actions at the end of the row.

QR Code & Short Token Login for Speaker Ready Room (SRR)

An important feature for cAdmin Presentation Management is the ability to create a quick pass for Presenters in the Speaker Ready Room (SRR) to access their presentations for last-minute changes if they had forgotten their passwords. We created a “Portal Access Pass” option for the Person Details > Access dropdown. This then directs SRR staff to a page where they can print out a QR code or access code depending how the account is set up.​

cAdmin Presentation Management offers a handy feature: a quick pass for Presenters in the Speaker Ready Room (SRR) to access their presentations for last-minute changes if they forget their passwords. We added a “Portal Access Pass” option in Person Details > Access dropdown. This directs SRR staff to a page where they can print a QR code or access code, depending on the account setup.

Staff can access the SRR Portal for speakers on the cAdmin Home Page for the meeting:

This process provides the following options:
Allow short token access key login: Some clients feel that entering characters is a less complicated process than scanning.
Email QR Code for Cell Phone display: To save paper and the steps involved with printing, the presenter could open an email with the QR Code sent by SRR staff.
Use laptop camera to scan: To reduce or eliminate the need for scanners, laptop cameras could scan the QR code image on a cell phone.

Administrative staff can set the SRR access options in cAdmin > Settings > cPortal.

Key Terms:

Access key retries available: The maximum number of retries permitted for an access key before being locked out. (Default is 1 if not set.)

Allow QR code access key login: When enabled, the “Portal Access Pass” QR code can be emailed or printed from the Access menu in the People dashboard under PORTAL ACCESS PASS.

Allow short token access key login: When enabled, the “Portal Access Pass” access code can be emailed or printed from the Access menu in the People dashboard under PORTAL ACCESS PASS.

Minutes until access key expires: Specifies the duration, in minutes, until the access key becomes invalid. (Default is 15 minutes if not set.)