Standardized Date and Time Formats Across cAdmin

In cAdmin, nearly every record contains some variation of a “Date” field—whether it’s for collection start/end dates, session dates, creation and edit dates, meeting start/end dates, OnDemand dates, campaign expiration dates, or login dates. To simplify this, we’ve standardized all date and time formats as part of the August release.

In cAdmin, nearly every record contains some variation of a “Date” field—whether it’s for collection start/end dates, session dates, creation and edit dates, meeting start/end dates, OnDemand dates, campaign expiration dates, or login dates. To simplify this, we’ve standardized all date and time formats as part of the August release. The agreed-upon formats are as follows:

• Date – Mmm DD, YYYY
• Datetime – Mmm DD, YYYY, HH:mm AMPM
• Time – HH:mm AMPM

This update ensures consistency across all fields, helping to eliminate confusion when reviewing your data.

Session Role Status

The following are the defined Session Role Status options:

Undefined: This status is set by the client to remove controls from module inclusion or display.
Invited: The client designates this status before sending campaigns to ‘invite’ a presenter. It is typically used prior to the presenter ‘confirming’ their role.
Primary: This is the default status when a presentation is created.
Confirmed: This status indicates that the presenter has confirmed their participation in the meeting for this presentation.
Alternate: Clients or end users can assign this status to alternates as backups for primary presentations (chairs/presenters).
Non-Responsive: This status is used when an end user is not responding to communications regarding the confirmation of their presentation.
Unable to Attend: This status is used to indicate that someone is unable to physically attend the meeting. It can also be used to set a ‘cover slide’ in cAttendee for presentations that are not uploaded.
Declined: This status is applied when a presenter declines to participate in the meeting.

These Session Role Statuses apply not only to Abstract Submissions but also to any slotted control in any session type. In Campaigns, Session Submission, and Session Builder (Organizer) users can edit these statuses. However, it’s important to note that a Session Role Status cannot be attributed to controls that are not slotted in sessions.

It’s also important to mention that Session Role Status can be automatically set based on the configuration of a campaign step (accept/decline response).

Automatic Flags for Presentation Media Item File Uploads

Administrators can use the Activity details flags under Media control & automation to indicate how, by default, newly uploaded presentation media item flags will trickle down to each assigned presentation.

Administrators can use the Activity details flags under Media control & automation to indicate how, by default, newly uploaded presentation media item flags will trickle down to each assigned presentation.

Please note only newly uploaded presentations will receive the updated flag after it has been set in Activity details, meaning this needs to be done prior to uploads starting. For example, if I want PDF files to be flagged as “Use in session room,” only after I check the flag below will the newly uploaded PDFs have the flag automatically set.

The media items an administrator creates in Settings > Media Components > Media items will appear as the rows in the card’s table.

Check the flags to set the following:
Name of media type: Name as entered in the Media Items settings page.
Use as the initial media player: This is the primary video for the Activity’s presentation. If multiple media items are flagged, the last media item uploaded will be the primary video.
Use as additional file: A flag in this column indicates that the file is supplementary (e.g., PDF handout or white paper, URL, video, etc.)
Use in session room: Select to indicate that the file should be synchronized to the on-site presentation management system and used on the speaker podium in the session room.
Use for thumbnail: Select to indicate that this media item will be the first file that appears in the player screen for the session or presentation. If multiple flags are selected, the last media item uploaded will be the default thumbnail. This thumbnail can be overridden at the Session type details, Session details, and Presentation details levels. In most cases, the thumbnail will be the same item as the initial player media.
Actions: Click ‘Select all’ to choose all the flags or ‘Deselect all’ to remove all the flags.

Managing cAdmin CME Status Changes in the Presentation details

A Meeting Organizer can navigate to the Presentation details, modify the CME review status, and include a CME comment if necessary. The altered CME review status triggers the sending of a customized, automated email to the presenter or reviewer. The system does not enforce or remind an administrator to add a CME review comment upon a CME review status change. Editing comments is not available.

1. Presenter Uploads Presentation:
• The Presenter logs into the Portal and uploads the presentation.
• The CTI Application processes the presentation, and the meeting organizer sets the CME review status to “Review required” via the Presentations dashboard.

2. CME Reviewer Notification and Review:
• The CME Reviewer is notified via email about the assigned presentation.
• The CME Reviewer logs into the Portal and changes the CME status to “In-review,” preventing further changes by the Presenter during the review.

3. CME Review Completion:
The CME Reviewer updates the CME status to either “Approved,” “Approved with changes,” or “Not approved.”
• If the status is “Approved,” an automated email notifies the Presenter, concluding the CME review process.
• If the status is “Approved with changes,” an email directs the Presenter to log in, view Reviewer comments, and make necessary adjustments. Once done, the CME status is automatically set to “Re-Review,” prompting the CME Reviewer to reassess.
• If the status is “Not approved,” an email guides the Presenter to log in, view Reviewer comments, and take action based on the following scenarios:
In the Speaker Ready Room (SRR): Edit the presentation directly on the SRR computer.Outside SRR: Log into the Portal from any computer, delete the current presentation, and upload a revised version.
– After editing or uploading, the CME workflow status automatically changes to “Re-Review,” triggering an email to the CME Reviewer.

4. Re-Review Process:
The CME Reviewer is notified to log in and reassess the presentation.
• The process resumes from step 3, with the status now set to “In-review.”

5. Presenter Update to Approved Presentation:
A Presenter may choose to upload a new file to a presentation with a status of “Approved.”
The CME workflow status changes to “Previously Approved,” notifying the CME Reviewer.
• The CME Review workflow process restarts from step 3.

Replacing a Presentation within a Showcase with an Edited Presentation file

1. Navigate to the Presentation details
2. Under Media items, click “Replace media item file”

3. Select the file to replace. Do not exit out of the upload process. Larger files may take a few minutes, depending on internet connection. The page will update automatically when finished.

4. Larger updated files (e.g., one-hour videos) might say “Pending” or “Processing” – you may need to reload the page to view the updated status.

NOTE: The analytics will not be impacted because they are linked to the presentation. However, the updated file name will be reflected if changed in the “Video views” exported analytics.

Media Upload Completion Status

CTI has implemented a new process to store media upload completion status on the Presentations dashboard allowing administrators to quickly use the Advanced Search function to view Completed or Incomplete presentations. When a presenter finishes the uploading presentation(s) process to their Portal, the Presentations dashboard field “Completion status” in cAdmin will turn “Complete.”

CTI has a process to store media upload completion status on the Presentations dashboard allowing administrators to quickly use the Advanced Search function to view Completed or Incomplete presentations. When a presenter finishes the uploading presentation(s) process to their Portal, the Presentations dashboard field “Completion status” in cAdmin will turn “Complete.”

Uploaders in Portal will see green and red indicators that presentation upload(s) are either complete or incomplete, shown below:

Uploaders clicking “Only Incomplete” in the top right corner to show only incomplete presentations below:

Convert ePoster Audio Media Files

Suppose an ePoster file is not playing audio on cAttendee. In that case, you need to convert the ePoster file with no audio to an mp4 by going to the presentations tab on cAdmin, searching for the specific control number, downloading the file, converting it to an mp4, and replacing the old file. Please see the outline below:

1. On the attendee page, go to the specific poster and copy the control number at the end of the URL:

2. Go to the admin backend, navigate to “Presentations,” and search for the specific control number:

3. Go to the file, you will see the information regarding the uploaded file

4. Download the existing file via the download option, convert it to MP4 on your device

5. Replace the existing file with the new mp4 using the replace icon. Choose the file and upload it

6. It will upload, and you will be able to see it on the platform:

7. Once uploaded, you can play the audio on the platform:

Allow Replacing uploaded media items

On the Session details, Presentation details, and Media Items pages, we introduced a new button for administrative users to “Replace” an existing file, therefore, deleting the old file automatically. This button will save administrators time in deleting the old file and make the process of uploading a new file more automated.

On the Session details, Presentation details, and Media Items pages, we introduced a new button for administrative users to “Replace” an existing file, therefore, deleting the old file automatically. This button will save administrators time in deleting the old file and make the process of uploading a new file more automated.

Hide Presentations from Portal

There is also an occasional need to simply “hide” presentations from being visible in Portal. A use case of this functionality in the new hybrid meeting environment is hiding the PPTX upload for a previously planned on-site speaker who has changed to a remote speaker and who now must upload an MP4 file for their presentation.

As with “locking” presentations, the hide function is turned on and off by Presentation ID. This may be done in bulk using the “lighting” icon on the Presentation dashboard, and individually in the Presentation details page within the Session room/presentation management card. The function is called “Hide from Portal”. Turning the pillbox “On” will hide the presentation from users in the Portal.

There is also an occasional need to simply “hide” presentations from being visible in Portal. A use case of this functionality in the new hybrid meeting environment is hiding the PPTX upload for a previously planned on-site speaker who has changed to a remote speaker and who now must upload an MP4 file for their presentation.

As with “locking” presentations, the hide function is turned on and off by Presentation ID. This may be done in bulk using the “lighting” icon on the Presentation dashboard, and individually in the Presentation details page within the Session room/presentation management card. The function is called “Hide from Portal”. Turning the pillbox “On” will hide the presentation from users in the Portal.

Lock Presentation uploads in Portal

cPortal is the collection point for all presentation management materials in the CTI workflow platform. From the Presentations tab, speakers upload live and remote materials for any hybrid meeting. In some workflows, especially those involving a presentation review for CME or CE purposes and for cases where the presentation will be manually edited to add Audience Response System (ARS) slides into the presentation, customers may require that presentations are “locked” once they are uploaded.

Locking a presentation ensures that any editing of the presentation for the ARS and any peer review completed by volunteers is not overwritten by a speaker uploading a new version of the presentation. The cPortal user will still be able to see the file in the Portal, but to make any changes to the file, would need to contact the meeting administrators.

cPortal is the collection point for all presentation management materials in the CTI workflow platform. From the Presentations tab, speakers upload live and remote materials for any hybrid meeting. In some workflows, especially those involving a presentation review for CME or CE purposes and for cases where the presentation will be manually edited to add Audience Response System (ARS) slides into the presentation, customers may require that presentations are “locked” once they are uploaded.

Locking a presentation ensures that any editing of the presentation for the ARS and any peer review completed by volunteers is not overwritten by a speaker uploading a new version of the presentation. The cPortal user will still be able to see the file in the Portal, but to make any changes to the file, would need to contact the meeting administrators.

Video cutting tool

There are two ways to cut the video at both ends:
1) Click the arrows to the left and right of the video track bar, or
2) Click and drag the box timer under the video track bar. Select Cut & Close.

We added the ability to “cut” or trim off the beginning and end (aka “head and tail”) of presentation videos in presentation media items. At Hybrid and virtual-only meetings, video length is essential for a meeting to run on time. Often, with self-recorded presentations, presenters will inadvertently take a few moments before they feel comfortable starting a presentation. They may also let the recording run for a few moments until they click to conclude. These moments all add up, and with the video cut tool, session leaders, program leaders, and client staff can review an uploaded video content and then—without needing help from a production vendor—trim the video, so it fits in the allotted time.

The video cut tool appears as an icon in the Actions column for the Presentation media items dashboard and Presentation Details page within the Uploads/Attachments card.

There are two ways to cut the video at both ends:
1) Click the arrows to the left and right of the video track bar, or
2) Click and drag the box timer under the video track bar. Select Cut & Close.

Media Content Embargo functionality within a Session & Presentation independent of Abstract Embargo

Embargo of abstract content has been a feature of cOASIS for almost 20 years. It is used to block the display of sensitive material until a designated time. Sensitive material could be the results of research that would affect the stock price of a pharmaceutical or medical device manufacturer. With Virtual meetings, the cOASIS embargo functionality was expanded to include the capability to link the release of media content (videos, PDF files, etc.) on cAttendee to the date and time-release of the abstract content.

Embargo of abstract content has been a feature of cOASIS for almost 20 years. It is used to block the display of sensitive material until a designated time. Sensitive material could be the results of research that would affect the stock price of a pharmaceutical or medical device manufacturer. With Virtual meetings, the cOASIS embargo functionality was expanded to include the capability to link the release of media content (videos, PDF files, etc.) on cAttendee to the date and time-release of the abstract content.

While medical societies have long been the primary users of the abstract embargo, content embargo independent of the abstract embargo has appealed to a broader set of non-medical customers. In these use cases, the abstract may be released from embargo earlier – or not be embargoed at all – while the media content on the virtual meeting application is embargoed until a specific time. For example, an association may want to release its abstracts earlier than the session or presentation content to give attendees a session or presentation preview. To meet this need and provide simplicity in setting up what we’ve seen as common embargo workflows, we’ve added the following new functionality to Sessions and Presentations.

Embargo options in Session details

Embargo options are always in the meeting time zone set in Settings > Meeting Info & Setup. The Settings options are as follows:

Content embargo. This ties release of session media items to:
– None (No Embargo)
– The latest time of the embargo of any presentation within the session (this is the default and allows the existing function linking the abstract embargo to the media content embargo to continue without the need to make an update if session times change),
– The start time of the session, or
– An offset of the session start time. Options include the five minutes, fifteen minutes, and sixty minutes before the session begins.
– Other/Manual entry.  If the session’s start time or the standard intervals don’t match the needs of a specific meeting, we’ve also offered the ability to enter a specific date/time in the embargo until field.  For smaller meetings, a specific date/time can be entered directly on the card for larger meetings. The dev support team can import these dates and times.

– Content Embargo settings and embargo Until values are displayed on the session dashboard.
– Even if there is no embargo on the session content, there may still be embargos on individual presentations.

Embargo options in Presentation details

Embargo options are always in the meeting time zone set in Settings > Meeting Info & Setup. The Settings options are as follows:

Content embargo. This ties release of presentation media items to:
– None (No Content Embargo – even if the abstract content is embargoed)
– The embargo date and time set for the presentation’s abstract (this is the default and allows the existing function linking the abstract embargo to the media content embargo to continue without any updates if there is a scheduling change).
– The start time of the session
– An offset of the session start time. Options include the five minutes, fifteen minutes before the session is scheduled to begin.
– An offset of the presentation start time. Options include the five minutes, fifteen minutes before the presentation is scheduled to begin. 
– Other/Manual entry.  If the session or presentation start time or the standard intervals don’t match the needs of a specific meeting, we’ve also offered the ability to enter a specific date/time in the embargo until field.  For smaller meetings, a specific date/time can be entered directly on the card, while for larger meetings, the dev support team can import these dates and times.

– Content Embargo settings and embargo Until values are displayed on the presentation dashboard.

Content embargo: Other/Manual entry

Other/Manual entry.  If the session or presentation start time or the standard intervals don’t match the needs of a specific meeting, we’ve also offered the ability to enter a specific date/time in the embargo until field.  For smaller meetings, a specific date/time can be entered directly on the card (in meeting time zone set in Settings > Meeting Info & Setup)

Media Source Video Settings

The media source will automatically be pulled from the media items for both sessions and presentations to simplify the Presentation Management process. Now an administrator doesn’t have to change the media source for every session or presentation individually. To further adjust these settings, you can find a new card in Presentation details called Virtual meeting video settings.

The media source will automatically be pulled from the media items for both sessions and presentations to simplify the Presentation Management process. Now an administrator doesn’t have to change the media source for every session or presentation individually. To further adjust these settings, you can find a new card in Presentation details called Virtual meeting video settings. We can define the rest of the settings as follows:

Thumbnail URL: The placeholder image on the cAttendee website

Media source (5 options):
1. LiveStream: For meetings that will stream their presentations live with a recording
2. MediaItem: Uploads and attachments that appear on the cAdmin Presentation details page
3. VideoMeeting: CTI’s self-produced video conference and video chat
4. Webcast: For media that is still being run through the cSlide system
5. External: An external video management system that manages the video (e.g., Vimeo) requires a URL.

Primary Media Item Id: Media item reference number for the primary presentation file (e.g., the PPTX slideshow)Media Source Details: Details for each of the Media sources

Media Source Duration: Length of media sources if known from a recording

None: If set to None, the default will be Webcast