(Updated) COI/CME Presentation Review Process

Updated April 8, 2024: The optional configuring section, ‘Assign CME Reviewers in Bulk by Session Type,’ has been added to the documentation. Ensure educational and scientific content is unbiased and free from conflicts of interest. Follow ACCME and ECME guidelines to mitigate conflicts of interest among speakers. Use CTI’s CME Presentation Review feature to facilitate compliance.

Updated April 8, 2024: The optional configuring section, ‘Assign CME Reviewers in Bulk by Session Type,’ has been added to the documentation.

Ensure educational and scientific content is unbiased and free from conflicts of interest. Follow ACCME and ECME guidelines to mitigate conflicts of interest among speakers. Use CTI’s CME Presentation Review feature to facilitate compliance.

Assign a COI/CME Reviewer role in cOASIS to assess content, classify it as compliant or non-compliant, notify speakers of any issues, allow for mitigation, and track progress. Conduct reviews before and during the meeting via cAdmin tools.

Access the full documentation, FAQs, configuration, and operational checklists at the document’s end (page 19) for implementation details.


Auto-whitelisting should occur automatically, but administrators should verify that the correct IP addresses are whitelisted. The manual whitelisting feature in cOASIS can be accessed through cAdmin by navigating to Settings -> Onsite applications -> IP whitelist.

Auto-whitelisting should occur automatically, but administrators should verify that the correct IP addresses are whitelisted. The manual whitelisting feature in cOASIS can be accessed through cAdmin by navigating to Settings -> Onsite applications -> IP whitelist.

On this page, you can view all currently whitelisted IPs for either US or EU cSLIDE, depending on the meeting’s location. Additionally, a convenient button is provided for whitelisting new IP addresses shown above.

When an administrator clicks the “ADD IP ADDRESS” button, enter only one IP address in the top field. Leave the second field blank.

Session Role Status

The following are the defined Session Role Status options:

Undefined: This status is set by the client to remove controls from module inclusion or display.
Invited: The client designates this status before sending campaigns to ‘invite’ a presenter. It is typically used prior to the presenter ‘confirming’ their role.
Primary: This is the default status when a presentation is created.
Confirmed: This status indicates that the presenter has confirmed their participation in the meeting for this presentation.
Alternate: Clients or end users can assign this status to alternates as backups for primary presentations (chairs/presenters).
Non-Responsive: This status is used when an end user is not responding to communications regarding the confirmation of their presentation.
Unable to Attend: This status is used to indicate that someone is unable to physically attend the meeting. It can also be used to set a ‘cover slide’ in cAttendee for presentations that are not uploaded.
Declined: This status is applied when a presenter declines to participate in the meeting.

These Session Role Statuses apply not only to Abstract Submissions but also to any slotted control in any session type. In Campaigns, Session Submission, and Session Builder (Organizer) users can edit these statuses. However, it’s important to note that a Session Role Status cannot be attributed to controls that are not slotted in sessions.

It’s also important to mention that Session Role Status can be automatically set based on the configuration of a campaign step (accept/decline response).

Presentation Management Checklist v1.2

This checklist provides a detailed guide for meeting and client setup using cOASIS. It covers determining customer status, creating meeting contracts, session types, activities, locations, and sandbox testing.

This checklist provides a detailed guide for meeting and client setup using cOASIS. It covers determining customer status, creating meeting contracts, session types, activities, locations, and sandbox testing. The checklist includes:
– Media type and template creation
– Automation flags
– Configuring presentation portals
– Campaigns for presenters
– Setting up Speaker Ready Rooms (SRR).

It also includes server setup, pre-event testing, and onsite operational checklists for daily use, including syncing presentations, quality checks, and assisting speakers with navigation.

Assign Presentation Consent Forms

An administrator assigns created presentation consent forms to the presentations on the Presentation dashboard or Presentation details. Then a presenter logs into the Portal and fills out the presentation consent form.

(UPDATED 2024) Assign presentation forms in bulk using the new Session Type/Activity Type grid located under Forms -> Presentation Forms.

Access a comprehensive summary by clicking on the cheat sheet provided below:

Replacing a Presentation within a Showcase with an Edited Presentation file

1. Navigate to the Presentation details
2. Under Media items, click “Replace media item file”

3. Select the file to replace. Do not exit out of the upload process. Larger files may take a few minutes, depending on internet connection. The page will update automatically when finished.

4. Larger updated files (e.g., one-hour videos) might say “Pending” or “Processing” – you may need to reload the page to view the updated status.

NOTE: The analytics will not be impacted because they are linked to the presentation. However, the updated file name will be reflected if changed in the “Video views” exported analytics.

Media Upload Completion Status

CTI has implemented a new process to store media upload completion status on the Presentations dashboard allowing administrators to quickly use the Advanced Search function to view Completed or Incomplete presentations. When a presenter finishes the uploading presentation(s) process to their Portal, the Presentations dashboard field “Completion status” in cAdmin will turn “Complete.”

CTI has a process to store media upload completion status on the Presentations dashboard allowing administrators to quickly use the Advanced Search function to view Completed or Incomplete presentations. When a presenter finishes the uploading presentation(s) process to their Portal, the Presentations dashboard field “Completion status” in cAdmin will turn “Complete.”

Uploaders in Portal will see green and red indicators that presentation upload(s) are either complete or incomplete, shown below:

Uploaders clicking “Only Incomplete” in the top right corner to show only incomplete presentations below:

Calendar View Setup

Calendar view shows session search results pages that offer the option of List view and/or Calendar view along with the popular and powerful filtering functionality. As more meetings become hybrid, especially where sessions and presentations are not solely on-demand, attendees can use the calendar view to quickly see conflicts across several locations and better plan which sessions to watch in person and which to attend on-demand. Clicking on the session goes to the session page.

Many calendars can be created within a given meeting – as quickly as one sets up a search results page. For example, an administrator could set up a separate calendar for different channels (e.g., Channel 1). The layout of session results within the calendar are controlled by results cards, similar to how list results are controlled. The Calendar view option is available on any page with search results.

To set up the Calendar view, follow the steps below:

1. Hover over Settings -> Virtual / hybrid meeting applications -> cAttendee.
2. Then click “Navigation & Lobby Content” in the upper right-hand corner.
3. Click the tab (or cAttendee page) you would like to display the calendar view. In the example above, it is a session search page. Click Add New Content.
4. The “Type” dropdown is “Search.”

5. Choose the content you would like displayed in the calendar. The example above shows sessions.
6. Choose if you would like both the list view and calendar view as options for the user and the default view. The example at the top checks both list view and calendar view so the user can switch back and forth.
7. The Search filter will usually be set to “date” or “days.” This filter controls the title of the columns for the calendar view. The date format will vary by association (e.g., Monday, 11-10-23, 11/10/23) which is set up under Settings -> Virtual / hybrid meeting component -> Search & filters.
8. “Calendar zoom” sets the time intervals for the sessions. We would suggest 30 minutes, but 60 or 15 would also work. Clicking the magnifying glasses on the calendar view in cAttendee “zooms” in or out by this set time interval.
9. Once the meeting is set up or during setup, an administrator will want to clear the calendar cache by going to Settings -> Virtual / hybrid meeting component -> Search & filters. Click “Indexed search fields” shown below.
10. Select “Regenerate Session Cards.” This will force the cAttendee system to “refresh” or regenerate the calendar data an administrator has uploaded.

*Clicking the “Show empty rooms” icon shows the rooms that have no sessions in the room. This may be useful for administrators setting up the meeting.

Convert ePoster Audio Media Files

Suppose an ePoster file is not playing audio on cAttendee. In that case, you need to convert the ePoster file with no audio to an mp4 by going to the presentations tab on cAdmin, searching for the specific control number, downloading the file, converting it to an mp4, and replacing the old file. Please see the outline below:

1. On the attendee page, go to the specific poster and copy the control number at the end of the URL:

2. Go to the admin backend, navigate to “Presentations,” and search for the specific control number:

3. Go to the file, you will see the information regarding the uploaded file

4. Download the existing file via the download option, convert it to MP4 on your device

5. Replace the existing file with the new mp4 using the replace icon. Choose the file and upload it

6. It will upload, and you will be able to see it on the platform:

7. Once uploaded, you can play the audio on the platform:

How to set Instructions with Custom Terms Agent running Portal Session Room Preview button

Use the following method to set the presentation Portal instructions for the speaker ready room which includes the Session Room Preview button so presenters can view their presentations like they will be seen by attendees.

Use the following method to set the presentation Portal instructions for the speaker ready room which includes the Session Room Preview button so presenters can view their presentations like they will be seen by attendees.

1. Go to Settings > Blocks and terms
2. Under System Terms, search Group Name “portal” and Term Name “agent”

3. Under “Association Override,” enter the instructional text you would like to see in the blue box on Portal. We do have a default text, but anything entered into Association Override will override the default value

4. Make sure the Agent is downloaded to the computer that you will be using. To find the download, search the Knowledge Base for “agent download”
5. Go to Portal > Presentations to view the instructions in the blue box

New Integrate Bulk Action on Session dashboard

cOASIS program data is often the “source of truth” for the vendor community supporting customer meetings. Meeting planners can make changes in cAdmin and have data made available to registration companies, external journal library vendors, external content management systems and others. Data managed in the cOASIS application has long been available to be pulled by these external systems through a combination of reporting and function-specific APIs.

cOASIS program data is often the “source of truth” for the vendor community supporting customer meetings. Meeting planners can make changes in cAdmin and have data made available to registration companies, external journal library vendors, external content management systems and others. Data managed in the cOASIS application has long been available to be pulled by these external systems through a combination of reporting and function-specific APIs. CTI has now released the first administratively controlled bulk action push integration, which can be customized to push cAdmin data to a third party’s web-service.

The first integration added is with MediaSite, an on-site session recording product. Administrative users can select sessions that they wish to have MediaSite record at their meetings, click on the Integrate bulk action, and the sessions & presentations will be forwarded via web-services to MediaSite, receiving in return the “play code” from MediaSite that will allow virtual meeting users to watch the content on-demand once it has been recorded.

By placing this function within cAdmin, meeting planners have control over which sessions are ready to be recorded and can make live changes during the on-site portion of a hybrid meeting. Customers using MediaSite as their on-site content collection vendor need only set-up the MediaSite vendor in the Settings -> Vendor section of the site and add any role activities (eg co-chairs, moderators) to an exclusion list should they wish to exclude from recording.

This functionality will be expanded throughout the coming quarters to include push-type integrations with other vendors.

Import Location function on Location dashboard

The import locations function follows the same pattern as other +Import functions across cAdmin dashboards, allowing admin users to import locations and their related data from a .CSV or .XLSX file. Error checking and rules are applied to ensure location data will be clean.

When importing meeting data from an external source for the Presentation Management or Virtual Meeting applications, time can be saved by importing the Locations/Channels, especially for large meetings.

The import locations function follows the same pattern as other +Import functions across cAdmin dashboards, allowing admin users to import locations and their related data from a .CSV or .XLSX file. Error checking and rules are applied to ensure location data will be clean.

All Submission Dates in Submission Dashboard and Search

Managing submission data can be easier when the administrative users have access to all three on the submission dashboard to search, sort and apply bulk actions. We’ve added a new data field, “Completed date,” to the Submissions dashboard so that all three submission dates are now available in the gear:

The submission ID card on the submission details page provides dates when the submission was started, last edited, and completed.  

Managing submission data can be easier when the administrative users have access to all three on the submission dashboard to search, sort and apply bulk actions. We’ve added a new data field, “Completed date,” to the Submissions dashboard so that all three submission dates are now available in the gear:

In addition to adding any of these fields to the dashboard for sorting and selecting, the advanced search provides capability to search between date ranges.

Expand Person Merge to include SSOID at author level and Photo/Bio

An association management system based single sign-on system (SSO), where the association is a “source of truth” for a person and all related personally identifiable information (PII) is the only GDPR approved pattern for identity management, and fortunately, a pattern that the cOASIS platform fully supports. The components include:

Proper submitter, co-author, presenter & speaker identity management results in delighted end-users and smoothly operating support teams. Improper identity management results in frustrated submitters, co-authors, presenters & speakers, as well as chaotic scrambles to clean things up. We would wish for proper identity management always. Still, since even Association Management Systems (AMS) and their related services can have off days or be misconfigured, we’ve added an additional tool to help clean up the “mess on aisle 5” if it happens.

An association management system based single sign-on system (SSO), where the association is a “source of truth” for a person and all related personally identifiable information (PII) is the only GDPR approved pattern for identity management, and fortunately, a pattern that the cOASIS platform fully supports. The components include:

1) Logging into cPortal through the association’s SSO, which transfers the association’s member identity key (which we call the SSOID) to cOASIS;
2) Co-author look-up against the AMS during abstract submission, resulting in either a) a record already in the association’s AMS with the co-author’s member identity key (which is sometimes referred to as the AuthorMemberSpec, and is again the SSOID) or b) a co-author not being found, which is often configured to then allow the submitter to enter the co-author details, after which cOASIS assigns a temporary identity to the co-author;
3) A call back to the association’s AMS to resolve any temporary co-authors that have been entered manually by the submitter and update the record with the “permanent” AMS identity key for that person.

The update being made to the existing People dashboard -> Compare & Merge function contains two parts:

1. It allows cAdmin users to override the 3rd step in a properly functioning identity management process and force a Person SSOID into a co-author’s SSOID AuthorMemberSpec during a merge. This new function should not be needed, but it is now there if it is needed to help clean up a mess.
2. Photos and Bios will now merge when two Person-level records are merged according to the following rules for the “surviving Person record” and the “merged Person record”.
– If the merged Person record has a photo and/or bio AND the surviving Person record does not have a photo and/or bio, the photo and/or bio from the merged Person record will replace the blank(s) in the surviving Person record
– If the merged Person record contains a photo and/or bio AND the surviving Person record also contains a photo and/or bio, a message will be provided notifying the admin user that the surviving Person records already has one or more of these assets, allowing the user to cancel the merge and visually compare the results to determine which one to keep. If the merge is continued, the merged Person’s photo and/or bio will be removed.

Session Editor Roles

Rather than requiring presenters to share their login credentials with these other people, permissions for roles other than the presenter have been added to cAdmin. Like a presenter, permitted roles can authenticate through Portal and have access to specific sets of presentation files. Permissions can be enabled to view only, or view and edit.

Several common use cases (especially) at on-site meetings require a person other than the actual presenter to have view, upload or edit access to a presentation:
– Busy presenters often send a coauthor, colleague or assistant to the Speaker Ready Room to upload or make last minute changes to a presentation.
– Audio-Visual partners are often called on to perform pre-session quality assurance checks, which are best performed by viewing (occasionally editing) the presentation files, session by session from Portal.
– Medical meetings may assign volunteers to check for CME compliance of the individual presentations by granting them access to specific sessions in Portal.

Rather than requiring presenters to share their login credentials with these other people, permissions for roles other than the presenter have been added to cAdmin. Like a presenter, permitted roles can authenticate through Portal and have access to specific sets of presentation files. Permissions can be enabled to view only, or view and edit.

To help with set-up, we’ve provided a method to bulk assign permissions by Session type and role. These controls can be found on the Session tab in Settings > Portal. There are two permission tables:
1. Session view permissions: allows the role to preview and download files on the Portal (e.g., useful for reviewers)
2. Session edit permissions: allows the role to preview, download, upload, and delete files on the Portal.

The table row headers show the Session types. The column headers show each role or activity type that can be assigned the permission. To assign a Session type to an activity type, toggle the flag icon in the cell. To flag all, click the multi-filled flag icon in the Actions column. To deselect, click the multi-unfilled flag icon. NOTE: Roles assigned edit permissions do not have to be assigned view permissions, too.

Bulk Data Changes (beta)

Bulk actions are being released to allow administrators to change status or settings for selected presentations. Previously, an administrator had to go into each presentation, session, or submission for status updates. Bulk actions will ultimately be extended for all status and settings updates. To start, the bulk actions will be activated with the action ribbon bolt icon for the Submissions, Sessions, and Presentations dashboards.

Bulk actions are being released to allow administrators to change status or settings for selected presentations. Previously, an administrator had to go into each presentation, session, or submission for status updates. Bulk actions will ultimately be extended for all status and settings updates. To start, the bulk actions will be activated with the action ribbon bolt icon for the Submissions, Sessions, and Presentations dashboards. For each dashboard, statuses and settings can be updated as follows:

Submissions dashboard bulk action status update:
Program status: Indicates whether a submission has been assigned to a session and is ready for the program. Options include:
– Undefined
– Accepted
– Withdrawn
– Rejected
– Removed By Staff

Presentations dashboard bulk action status and settings updates:
Session Role Status: The Role Status for each Session Submission. It can be: Undefined, Primary (but not yet invited), Alternate (intended as backup, but not yet invited), Invited, Confirmed, Non-responsive, Unable to Attend, and Declined
CME review status: This is a client review that ensures that the presentation meets the continuing education requirements for the association
Video QA review status: This is the Production or AV partner review to ensure that the media can be played “live” on the platform
Media review status: This review ensures that the various media types used in the presentation are complete
Attendee rating: Turn On or Off the 5-star presentation rating on cAttendee
Media source (5 options):
LiveStream: For meetings that will stream their presentations live with a recording
MediaItem: Uploads and attachments that appear on the cAdmin Presentation details page
VideoMeeting: CTI’s self-produced video conference and video chat
Webcast: For media, that is still being run through the cSlide system
External: An external video management system that manages the video (e.g., Vimeo) requires a URL.
Thumbnail URL: The placeholder image on the cAttendee website
Content embargo (blank means use abstract embargo): This ties release of presentation media items to:
– None (No Content Embargo – even if the abstract content is embargoed)
– The embargo date and time set for the presentation’s abstract (this is the default and allows the existing function linking the abstract embargo to the media content embargo to continue without any updates if there is a scheduling change).
– The start time of the session
– An offset of the session start time. Options include the five minutes, fifteen minutes before the session is scheduled to begin.
– An offset of the presentation start time. Options include the five minutes, fifteen minutes before the presentation is scheduled to begin. 
– Other/Manual entry.  If the session or presentation start time or the standard intervals don’t match the needs of a specific meeting, we’ve also offered the ability to enter a specific date/time in the embargo until field.  For smaller meetings, a specific date/time can be entered directly on the card, while for larger meetings, the dev support team can import these dates and times.
Timer: To indicate that a timer will be displayed in the session room during presentations
Hide Disclosure Slide: To indicate that the disclosure slide will be hidden before a presentation starts in the session room

Sessions dashboard bulk action status and settings updates:
Duration: Length of the session
Location: Set either the physical room location or virtual meeting space
Status: Reflects overall status for the file and shows either Processing or Complete. Processing will display if there are any conversions in progress. If the status remains stuck in Processing for more than an hour, there is an issue with a related conversion
Rule status: Options include: Complete, Incomplete, Deleted, and Locked
Limit credit claim by registration code:
Description: Admins can write a short note about the session
OnDemand: If set to ON, an attendee can watch the session whenever it is not embargoed and will change the session result card to state “On Demand” rather than a time/date
Media source (5 options):
LiveStream: For meetings that will stream their sessions live with a recording
MediaItem: Uploads and attachments that appear on the cAdmin Presentation details page
VideoMeeting: CTI’s self-produced video conference and video chat
Webcast: For media, that is still being run through the cSlide system
External: An external video management system that manages the video (e.g., Vimeo) requires a URL.
Thumbnail URL: The placeholder cover image URL on the cAttendee website
Content embargo (blank means use the latest embargoed presentation time):
Hide presentations: If set to ON, cAttendee will hide presentations on the session level
Hide presentation ratings: If set to ON, cAttendee will hide session ratings
Limit media view by registration code: Viewers can be restricted from seeing the media if they do not have the appropriate registration code(s).

Session Organizer

Administrators can view and edit a presentation to roles other than the presenter. Like a presenter, permitted roles can access the presentation through the Portal to check for quality control. Another level of edit permission enables them to make changes to the presentation as well.

Administrators can view and edit a presentation to roles other than the presenter. Like a presenter, permitted roles can access the presentation through the Portal to check for quality control. Another level of edit permission enables them to make changes to the presentation as well.  This functionality has been commonly requested by on-site presentation management customers and is beginning to be requested by customers organizing hybrid and virtual meetings as a tactic to reduce the cost of external A/V labor.

Media Content Embargo functionality within a Session & Presentation independent of Abstract Embargo

Embargo of abstract content has been a feature of cOASIS for almost 20 years. It is used to block the display of sensitive material until a designated time. Sensitive material could be the results of research that would affect the stock price of a pharmaceutical or medical device manufacturer. With Virtual meetings, the cOASIS embargo functionality was expanded to include the capability to link the release of media content (videos, PDF files, etc.) on cAttendee to the date and time-release of the abstract content.

Embargo of abstract content has been a feature of cOASIS for almost 20 years. It is used to block the display of sensitive material until a designated time. Sensitive material could be the results of research that would affect the stock price of a pharmaceutical or medical device manufacturer. With Virtual meetings, the cOASIS embargo functionality was expanded to include the capability to link the release of media content (videos, PDF files, etc.) on cAttendee to the date and time-release of the abstract content.

While medical societies have long been the primary users of the abstract embargo, content embargo independent of the abstract embargo has appealed to a broader set of non-medical customers. In these use cases, the abstract may be released from embargo earlier – or not be embargoed at all – while the media content on the virtual meeting application is embargoed until a specific time. For example, an association may want to release its abstracts earlier than the session or presentation content to give attendees a session or presentation preview. To meet this need and provide simplicity in setting up what we’ve seen as common embargo workflows, we’ve added the following new functionality to Sessions and Presentations.

Embargo options in Session details

Embargo options are always in the meeting time zone set in Settings > Meeting Info & Setup. The Settings options are as follows:

Content embargo. This ties release of session media items to:
– None (No Embargo)
– The latest time of the embargo of any presentation within the session (this is the default and allows the existing function linking the abstract embargo to the media content embargo to continue without the need to make an update if session times change),
– The start time of the session, or
– An offset of the session start time. Options include the five minutes, fifteen minutes, and sixty minutes before the session begins.
– Other/Manual entry.  If the session’s start time or the standard intervals don’t match the needs of a specific meeting, we’ve also offered the ability to enter a specific date/time in the embargo until field.  For smaller meetings, a specific date/time can be entered directly on the card for larger meetings. The dev support team can import these dates and times.

– Content Embargo settings and embargo Until values are displayed on the session dashboard.
– Even if there is no embargo on the session content, there may still be embargos on individual presentations.

Embargo options in Presentation details

Embargo options are always in the meeting time zone set in Settings > Meeting Info & Setup. The Settings options are as follows:

Content embargo. This ties release of presentation media items to:
– None (No Content Embargo – even if the abstract content is embargoed)
– The embargo date and time set for the presentation’s abstract (this is the default and allows the existing function linking the abstract embargo to the media content embargo to continue without any updates if there is a scheduling change).
– The start time of the session
– An offset of the session start time. Options include the five minutes, fifteen minutes before the session is scheduled to begin.
– An offset of the presentation start time. Options include the five minutes, fifteen minutes before the presentation is scheduled to begin. 
– Other/Manual entry.  If the session or presentation start time or the standard intervals don’t match the needs of a specific meeting, we’ve also offered the ability to enter a specific date/time in the embargo until field.  For smaller meetings, a specific date/time can be entered directly on the card, while for larger meetings, the dev support team can import these dates and times.

– Content Embargo settings and embargo Until values are displayed on the presentation dashboard.

Media Source Video Settings

The media source will automatically be pulled from the media items for both sessions and presentations to simplify the Presentation Management process. Now an administrator doesn’t have to change the media source for every session or presentation individually. To further adjust these settings, you can find a new card in Presentation details called Virtual meeting video settings.

The media source will automatically be pulled from the media items for both sessions and presentations to simplify the Presentation Management process. Now an administrator doesn’t have to change the media source for every session or presentation individually. To further adjust these settings, you can find a new card in Presentation details called Virtual meeting video settings. We can define the rest of the settings as follows:

Thumbnail URL: The placeholder image on the cAttendee website

Media source (5 options):
1. LiveStream: For meetings that will stream their presentations live with a recording
2. MediaItem: Uploads and attachments that appear on the cAdmin Presentation details page
3. VideoMeeting: CTI’s self-produced video conference and video chat
4. Webcast: For media that is still being run through the cSlide system
5. External: An external video management system that manages the video (e.g., Vimeo) requires a URL.

Primary Media Item Id: Media item reference number for the primary presentation file (e.g., the PPTX slideshow)Media Source Details: Details for each of the Media sources

Media Source Duration: Length of media sources if known from a recording

None: If set to None, the default will be Webcast