CED Upload – How to Backfill Control Extra Data Fields

Backfilling control extra data (CED) fields in your modules is important to know when you run into unique situations where there is a request for a combination of the first initial of the first name and the last name into a single field, which will serve as a control extra data field in the mobile app.

Below is a guide to help you navigate this process:

1. Prepare Excel File to backfill:
• Create an Excel file and save it as a .csv file type
• First column: ControlNumber
• Second column: Name of your CED field (exclude the period and anything before it, such as “Abstract.” or “ControlExtraData.”)

• If you are uploading a list item in Column B, use the list item GUID code (found in View Source when right-clicking the list item), NOT the text value.

2. File Naming:
• Save file as “10828.poster.csv” format.
• “10828” = Meeting ID
• After the period, add a unique name for what you are backfilling (e.g., poster)

3. Navigate to cAdmin -> Configuration -> CED upload
• Use the Browse button to locate the file and click UPLOAD

4. Monitor Upload:
• Stay on the page! Status will show ‘Pending,’ then ‘Done’ upon completion for two seconds. Watch for ‘Error’ if unsuccessful (try again).

5. QC Your Import:
• Use the Report builder for a quality check.

Running CME Review Status Reports

Meeting organizers only need to use one of these reporting methods, but there are two options for your convenience. Both methods provide different approaches for extracting CME Review Status data from the same shared dataset.

Both the Presentations dashboard and the Report Builder provide options for running CME Review Status Reports, utilizing the same data source.

Presentations dashboard

1. Utilize the advanced search functionality to locate CME presentations based on Session type, Session title, Category, Room, Date, Presentation Id, Control #, extra session field, etc.
2. Once filters are applied, click the “Select all” button to choose all presentations on the list. Click the export icon labeled “Export” and select “DASHBOARD DATA.”

3. Download the data from the search to a CSV file on your computer. Open the document and remove unnecessary columns (such as ControlKey, SessionKey, etc.) to focus on checking the CME Review Statuses.

Report Builder

On the other hand, in the Report Builder, administrators can:
1. Navigate to cAdmin -> Reports -> Report builder
2. Click “Create New Report” under the Presentations card. Click “Select & Order Fields” and click and drag over the fields:
• Presentation.ReviewCommentsCME

Meeting organizers only need to use one of these reporting methods, but there are two options for your convenience. Both methods provide different approaches for extracting CME Review Status data from the same shared dataset.

Abstract Embargo Best Practices

To safeguard sensitive information, it’s crucial to implement embargoes on abstract bodies. Administrators take a proactive approach to minimize the risk of premature data exposure by advising meetings to embargo ALL abstracts before making acceptance decisions.

To safeguard sensitive information, it’s crucial to implement embargoes on abstract bodies. Administrators take a proactive approach to minimize the risk of premature data exposure by advising meetings to embargo ALL abstracts before making acceptance decisions.

I. Setting up Abstract Embargos

To ensure a secure embargo process for abstracts, follow these steps:
1. Navigate to cAdmin Submissions and select “Abstract body embargo.”
2. To ensure all abstracts are found, do not check any boxes and click “CONTINUE.” If you want to narrow down which abstract bodies are embargoed, choose “SELECT ALL” or specific boxes and click “CONTINUE.”
3. At the bottom, set the desired embargo date for all abstracts. If you have specific dates for different abstracts based on activity type or other filtering methods, you may set them up accordingly.

II. Reporting on Abstract Embargos

Under Reports -> Report builder, within the Controls card, click “Create New Report”:
Prioritize the related fields:
• Abstract.ActivityName
• Abstract.ControlNumber
• Abstract.PresentationID
• Abstract.PresentationNumber

• Abstract.EmbargoAbstractRule: Administrator-set time for release
• Abstract.EmbargoAbstractStatus: “0” indicates no embargo, “1” indicates embargo
• Abstract.EmbargoUntil: Time when the abstract will be released
• Presentation.EmbargoContentUntil: Time when the presentation will be released
• Presentation.EmbargoContentRule: Administrator-set time for release
• Session.Type
• Session.Number
• Session.Title
• Session.StartDateTime

Click “Save As” to save the report for later use, and use the “Select Output” box to export the report.

Starter Reports for Report Builder

Standard templates called “Starter Reports” are standard templates that have been automatically created for all meetings to help give clients a “starting point” on what data to report for each card. In addition, any new meeting created will have these Starter Reports in Report Builder.

Standard templates called “Starter Reports” are standard templates that have been automatically created for all meetings to help give clients a “starting point” on what data to report for each card. In addition, any new meeting created will have these Starter Reports in Report Builder. Below is an image of the first four Starter Report cards:

An admin cannot delete or edit the actual Starter Report but can “Save As” a copy to add and subtract fields as needed. Starter Reports is an ongoing effort, and we will continue adding more over the next few weeks. We believe these templates will give clients a head start for gathering and reporting data within the cAdmin system.

Media items in Report Builder

The Report Builder now displays a Media items dataset. This update to reporting can be used as follows:

The Report Builder now displays a Media items dataset. This update to reporting can be used as follows:

Media items: These reports help our AV partners and other Presentation Management users track any presentation and session media for reporting purposes.

1. Go to Reports > Report builder
2. Under the MediaItems, click “Create New Report”

3. Click and drag media item, presentation, or session media type information to the right column “Selected Fields” to add to the report

Report Builder Cards

The Report Builder now displays six new or updated datasets: Presentations, People, Planner Itineraries, Registrants, Credit Claims, and coming soon—Media Items (on integration). The data from these fields are available for reports.

The cAdmin module provides reporting tools such as the Report Builder dashboard, facilitating real-time data access across abstract management, speaker/faculty management, presentation management, and virtual/hybrid meeting applications. These self-service reporting options are accessible to all our clients.

The Report Builder displays the following datasets:

Presentations: These reports help our AV partners and other Presentation Management users track media for reporting purposes. The reports can also show Session Role order to help provide meeting organizers with oversight and quality control.

The process for Report Builder is as follows:
1. Click Create New Report.
2. Click and drag Available Fields to Selected Fields. Then click I’m Done Choosing Fields.
3. Click Select Output and choose a report output type.

People: This dataset gives an administrator the People details information tied to a person within the association rather than a particular meeting. Clients are talking about creating Speaker directories or repositories, and this report would be the place for them to start.

Planner Itineraries: This dataset is the same data found on the Onsite > Itinerary dashboard and helps our clients find analytics about how much content is consumed. Future versions will include the actual content selected. This has the potential to help our clients further segment the registrants and target them with marketing information that would align with the sort of content they have added to their itineraries.

Registrants: This dataset is the same data found under Onsite > Registration dashboard. This dataset provides information on registrant badge numbers, registration code, location, SSO ID, and more. We have found that registration codes are the most likely means for clients to segment their members and meeting attendees. These codes can help find how each segment interacts with onsite and virtual content.

Credit Claims: This dataset is the same data found under Onsite > Certification dashboard. Administrators may need to track Certificate types for reporting to accreditation agencies or financial reconciliation since CME courses are often purchased.

Media Items: This dataset is the same data found under Presentations > Media item types. Administrators will track conversion statuses, review statuses, presentation duration, dates, IDs, creation dates, and more.  Our AV partners need these reports to bill clients for their services.

Account Photo Report

Session details and Presentation details look better on the association’s website when there are headshots. If a client wants to know which presenters or speaker have not yet uploaded a photo, we can provide the answer in Report Builder as follows:

Step 1: Go to Reports > Report Builder > Controls. Click Create New Report

Step 2: Click and drag over from Available Fields: Account.FirstName, Account.LastName, Account.Email, and Account.Photo. Then select I’m Done Choosing Fields

Step 3: Filter Results by “Account.Photo” and “Is blank.”

Include Control Number with the report results to rapidly create a notification campaign that reminds them to go to their Portal to upload a headshot.

PS This same report can be run for Biography.