CED Upload – How to Backfill Control Extra Data Fields

Backfilling control extra data (CED) fields in your modules is important to know when you run into unique situations where there is a request for a combination of the first initial of the first name and the last name into a single field, which will serve as a control extra data field in the mobile app.

Below is a guide to help you navigate this process:

1. Prepare Excel File to backfill:
• Create an Excel file and save it as a .csv file type
• First column: ControlNumber
• Second column: Name of your CED field (exclude the period and anything before it, such as “Abstract.” or “ControlExtraData.”)

• If you are uploading a list item in Column B, use the list item GUID code (found in View Source when right-clicking the list item), NOT the text value.

2. File Naming:
• Save file as “10828.poster.csv” format.
• “10828” = Meeting ID
• After the period, add a unique name for what you are backfilling (e.g., poster)

3. Navigate to cAdmin -> Configuration -> CED upload
• Use the Browse button to locate the file and click UPLOAD

4. Monitor Upload:
• Stay on the page! Status will show ‘Pending,’ then ‘Done’ upon completion for two seconds. Watch for ‘Error’ if unsuccessful (try again).

5. QC Your Import:
• Use the Report builder for a quality check.

Presenter Registration Validation Report

One common inquiry we receive involves comparing registration data with presenter information to ensure that all presenters have registered or are promptly removed from the program if not registered on time. We can resolve this by consolidating registration data and presenter data into a single report within the Report builder.

One common inquiry we receive involves comparing registration data with presenter information to ensure that all presenters have registered or are promptly removed from the program if not registered on time. We can resolve this by consolidating registration data and presenter data into a single report within the Report builder.

Step 1: Navigate to Reports -> Report builder

Step 2: Choose either the Authors or Controls Card (more options) and select ‘Create New Report’.

Step 3: Click ‘Select & Order Fields’ and click and drag over the following Registration-level fields:
• Account.RegistrantDisplayName
• Account.RegistrationCode
• Account.BadgeNumber

The three registration-level fields included in this report are located within the cAdmin Onsite -> Registration dashboard, as shown below. You may need to activate these fields using the dashboard gear.

Step 4: Click and drag over the following optional Presenter-level fields:
• Abstract.ActivityName
• Abstract.ControlNumber
• Abstract.ProgramStatus
• Abstract.CompleteStatus

• Author.FirstName
• Author.LastName
• Author.Email
• Author.MemberNumber
• Author.FirstInstitutionName
• Author.FirstInstitutionCity
• Author.FirstInstitutionState

Step 5: Select “I’m Done Choosing Fields,” then click “Save As” and provide a report name to save the report in the Authors card for future reference.

Running CME Review Status Reports

Meeting organizers only need to use one of these reporting methods, but there are two options for your convenience. Both methods provide different approaches for extracting CME Review Status data from the same shared dataset.

Both the Presentations dashboard and the Report Builder provide options for running CME Review Status Reports, utilizing the same data source.

Presentations dashboard

1. Utilize the advanced search functionality to locate CME presentations based on Session type, Session title, Category, Room, Date, Presentation Id, Control #, extra session field, etc.
2. Once filters are applied, click the “Select all” button to choose all presentations on the list. Click the export icon labeled “Export” and select “DASHBOARD DATA.”

3. Download the data from the search to a CSV file on your computer. Open the document and remove unnecessary columns (such as ControlKey, SessionKey, etc.) to focus on checking the CME Review Statuses.

Report Builder

On the other hand, in the Report Builder, administrators can:
1. Navigate to cAdmin -> Reports -> Report builder
2. Click “Create New Report” under the Presentations card. Click “Select & Order Fields” and click and drag over the fields:
• Presentation.ReviewCommentsCME

Meeting organizers only need to use one of these reporting methods, but there are two options for your convenience. Both methods provide different approaches for extracting CME Review Status data from the same shared dataset.

Intro: Export People, Submissions, & Reviewers Dashboard Data

The video overview demonstrates examples of exporting data from the People, Submissions, and Reviewers dashboards. These reports are only helpful if you have data within them.

The video overview demonstrates examples of exporting data from the People, Submissions, and Reviewers dashboards. These reports are only helpful if you have data within them.

Reviewers -> Combined Score Report

View the Average Scores and Standard Deviation per submission, along with the scores entered by the various Reviewers. You will not see any Comments or Flags.

View the Average Scores and Standard Deviation per submission, along with the scores entered by the various Reviewers. You will not see any Comments or Flags.

1. Go to Reviewers > Combined score report
2. Leave the defaults or specifically choose the Number of Decimal Places, Grade Cut Off, which Activities to include, and how to order the report.
3. Click “Run Report.”

Reviewers -> Reviewer Comment Report

The report focuses on the comments left by the Reviewers per submission.

The report focuses on the comments left by the Reviewers per submission.

1. Go to Reviewers > Reviewer comment score
2. Leave either the “ALL” default or choose a specific Category or Reviewer Type
3. Click “Generate Report”
4. Select “Click Here for Report”
5. Click the downloaded link and open the CSV file.

Reviewers -> Score Report

The Score Report shows the Control Number, Average Score per submission, number of Reviewers assigned to the submission, and all the Reviewer scores assigned to the submissions.

The Score Report shows the Control Number, Average Score per submission, number of Reviewers assigned to the submission, and all the Reviewer scores assigned to the submissions. 

In cAdmin, go to Reviewers -> Score report

1. Use the default filters to run for all scores or filter by specific fields
2. Check towards the bottom “Show Reviewer Information, Show Category, Show Pre-Selected Comments, Show Flags”
3. Click Submit

Print or scroll to the right to find Export to Excel.

Reviewers -> Exchange Report

(IF Exchange Bin is configured) Shows a visual log of which Reviewer did what and when regarding Recategorizing on the Review site. You don’t need this report if you don’t use the Abstract Review site.

(IF Exchange Bin is configured) Shows a visual log of which Reviewer did what and when regarding Recategorizing on the Review site. You don’t need this report if you don’t use the Abstract Review site.

To access the report, go to Reviewers > Exchange report

Submissions -> Abstract Body Embargo

Filter all your abstract bodies by specific dates and times for embargo or unembargo purposes. If you have late-breaking submissions that should only be available to individuals on the online planner or mobile app, or a virtual option, CTI can determine the day and time when your abstract bodies become available to everyone.

Filter all your abstract bodies by specific dates and times for embargo or unembargo purposes.

If you have late-breaking submissions that should only be available to individuals on the online planner or mobile app, or a virtual option, CTI can determine the day and time when your abstract bodies become available to everyone.

1. Go to Submissions > Abstract Body Embargo
2. Use fields to show certain embargoed abstract bodies.
3. Select All or only certain abstract bodies.
4. Choose either Embargo or Unembargo.
5. Click Select From Calendar.
6. Choose a date and time, then click Continue.

Submissions -> Credit Card Log

There is no reason to run this report if your association didn’t collect payment from Submissions through cOASIS. The Credit Card Log includes when the payment was transacted (Logged), Activity Name, Payment Code, Control Number, Author Name, and Order Amount.

There is no reason to run this report if your association didn’t collect payment from Submissions through cOASIS.

The Credit Card Log includes when the payment was transacted (Logged), Activity Name, Payment Code, Control Number, Author Name, and Order Amount.

You can find the Credit Card Log report page under Submissions > Credit card log.

Submissions -> Demographics Report

Allows an administrator to download a report of the locations from where submitters are submitting their abstracts based on their Person details. The report summarizes the demographics of the submission locations.

Allows an administrator to download a report of the locations from where submitters are submitting their abstracts based on their Person details. The report summarizes the demographics of the submission locations.

To download the Demographics report:
1. Go to Submissions > Demographics
2. Select one or more of the fields: Incomplete, Complete, Finalized
3. Choose either:
– Display Non-zero Locations – shows only locations with at least one submission
– Display All Locations – shows all locations, regardless of whether there was a submission or not.
4. Click “Regenerate Results” to view the results on the page.
5. You can click on the numbers to view the submission details:

6. Click the browser’s back button to return to the Demographics page.

Submissions -> Abstract Content Report

The Abstract Content Report allows an administrator to download all the abstract reporting or filter reports by specific criteria. This is an easy way to download an Abstract Bodies report.

The Abstract Content Report allows an administrator to download all the abstract reporting or filter reports by specific criteria. This is an easy way to download an Abstract Bodies report.

To access the Abstract Content Report, follow these steps:

1. Go to Submissions > Abstract Content Report
2. Filter by specific criteria
3. Sort by specific criteria (e.g., Control Number)
4. Select how to group your report
5. Click “Generate Report” in the upper right-hand corner (it may take a while for larger data sets)

All selected fields will show on the Generated Report.