Standardized Date and Time Formats Across cAdmin

In cAdmin, nearly every record contains some variation of a “Date” field—whether it’s for collection start/end dates, session dates, creation and edit dates, meeting start/end dates, OnDemand dates, campaign expiration dates, or login dates. To simplify this, we’ve standardized all date and time formats as part of the August release.

In cAdmin, nearly every record contains some variation of a “Date” field—whether it’s for collection start/end dates, session dates, creation and edit dates, meeting start/end dates, OnDemand dates, campaign expiration dates, or login dates. To simplify this, we’ve standardized all date and time formats as part of the August release. The agreed-upon formats are as follows:

• Date – Mmm DD, YYYY
• Datetime – Mmm DD, YYYY, HH:mm AMPM
• Time – HH:mm AMPM

This update ensures consistency across all fields, helping to eliminate confusion when reviewing your data.

3. Session Scheduler Tool

With the intuitive Session Scheduler drag-and-drop feature, you can easily arrange sessions and view the entire schedule at a glance, streamlining your session planning process while ensuring that session data is automatically updated in real-time throughout cOASIS.

With the Session Scheduler drag-and-drop feature, you can easily arrange sessions and view the entire schedule at a glance, streamlining your session planning process while ensuring that session data is automatically updated in real-time throughout cOASIS.

To effectively use the Session Scheduler, follow these steps:

1. Ensure session data exists, either submitted by users or added by admin staff.
2. Set up Rooms/Locations under Sessions -> Locations and associate them with specific times.
3. Customize session type names and colors under Sessions -> Session types.
4. To move a session, simply click and drag its title to your preferred day and time slot.
5. Sort sessions by session type or other filters using the left drop-down menu.
6. To change the session length, click the “View Session Details” button on the session to visit the session details page.

You can also view the introductory video below:

Session Role Status

The following are the defined Session Role Status options:

Undefined: This status is set by the client to remove controls from module inclusion or display.
Invited: The client designates this status before sending campaigns to ‘invite’ a presenter. It is typically used prior to the presenter ‘confirming’ their role.
Primary: This is the default status when a presentation is created.
Confirmed: This status indicates that the presenter has confirmed their participation in the meeting for this presentation.
Alternate: Clients or end users can assign this status to alternates as backups for primary presentations (chairs/presenters).
Non-Responsive: This status is used when an end user is not responding to communications regarding the confirmation of their presentation.
Unable to Attend: This status is used to indicate that someone is unable to physically attend the meeting. It can also be used to set a ‘cover slide’ in cAttendee for presentations that are not uploaded.
Declined: This status is applied when a presenter declines to participate in the meeting.

These Session Role Statuses apply not only to Abstract Submissions but also to any slotted control in any session type. In Campaigns, Session Submission, and Session Builder (Organizer) users can edit these statuses. However, it’s important to note that a Session Role Status cannot be attributed to controls that are not slotted in sessions.

It’s also important to mention that Session Role Status can be automatically set based on the configuration of a campaign step (accept/decline response).

Pre-test & Post-tests Form Builder & Assigning to Sessions

Pre-test and Post-test Forms feature a question builder that administrative users will find under the cAdmin navigation item called “Forms > Pre/Post test forms”. The Forms dashboard allows administrators to manage Forms that have already been created, report on data collected in Forms, and create new forms using “drag & drop” Form builder functions. The new feature allows pre-test and post-test forms to be used for sessions in cAttendee and PP8. Attendees attending a meeting will be able to take pre-tests and post-tests based on configured availability date/times (e.g., before a session) and configured registration limits (e.g., registration codes, ticketed sessions).

Pre-test and Post-test Forms feature a question builder that administrative users will find under the cAdmin navigation item called “Forms > Pre/Post test forms”. The Forms dashboard allows administrators to manage Forms that have already been created, report on data collected in Forms, and create new forms using “drag & drop” Form builder functions.

The new feature allows pre-test and post-test forms to be used for sessions in cAttendee and PP8 (Program Planner). Attendees attending a meeting will be able to take pre-tests and post-tests based on configured availability date/times (e.g., before a session) and configured registration limits (e.g., registration codes, ticketed sessions). These forms are fully customizable by administrators as well as reporting.

To create a pre-test form:
1. Go to Forms -> Pre/Post test forms
2. Click “Add form” and select “Session pre test”
3. The “Name” is the internal name (e.g., Session 199 Pre-test). The “Display Name” is the name attendees will see (e.g., Pre-test). Click “Add”
4. Find the pre-test Name, and on the right under “Actions,” click “Edit form” to create the pre-test. Use the How-to’s on the left side of the page to help set up the questions and formatting
5. Go to the Sessions dashboard
6. Select the session details you’d like to add a pre-test
7. Select “Add Form” under Pre-test forms
– Select the Form Name
– Optionally add Reg Code(s), so only those attendees with the Reg Code(s) see the form with no spaces separated by commas (e.g., NURSE,888,111)
– Select an Open date either with a preset or a “Custom time” for when an attendee is allowed to take the pre-test
– Select a Close date either with preset or a “Custom time” for when the pre-test will become unavailable

8. When the form is complete, we want to check the two flags “Ready” and “Is Public” to activate the test by clicking the “Edit” action. Make sure the test is completely set up correctly before checking the flags, as once it is public, it will negatively affect the results. To edit the pre-test again, click the “Edit” icon and unselect the two boxes

Creating a post-test form is similar to a pre-test form with an optional pre-test dependency mentioned in step 4:
1. Go to Forms -> Pre/Post test forms
2. Click “Add form” and select “Session post test”
3. The “Name” is the internal name (e.g., Session 199 Post-test). The “Display Name” is the name attendees will see (e.g., Post-test)
4. Select a “Dependent form” if you would like the attendee to either:
– Successfully take a pre-test before taking the post-test
– Complete a numeric score above a certain number (e.g., Value = 7) before taking the post-test. For example, there are 10 questions. If an administrator sets the “Value” number at 7, it means the attendee must score an 8 or higher on the pre-test in order to take the post-test
– Complete a numeric score below a certain number before taking the post-test. With the example above, the attendee must score a 6 or lower in order to take the post-test.
5. Find the post-test Name, and on the right under “Actions,” click “Edit form” to create the post-test. Use the How-to’s on the left side of the page to help set up the questions and formatting
6. Go to the Sessions dashboard
7. Select a session details
8. Select “Add Form” under Post-test forms
– Select the Form Name
– Optionally add Reg Code(s), so only those attendees with the Reg Code(s) see the form with no spaces separated by commas (e.g., NURSE,888,111)
– Select an Open date either with a preset or a “Custom time” for when an attendee is allowed to take the post-test
– Select a Close date either with preset or a “Custom time” for when the post-test will become unavailable

9. When the form is complete, we want to check the two flags “Ready” and “Is Public” to activate the test by clicking the “Edit” action. Make sure the test is completely set up correctly before checking the flags, as once it is public, it will negatively affect the results. To edit the post-test again, click the “Edit” icon and unselect the two boxes

Session and Presentation Time Calculations

An administrator can determine whether an activity should be incorporated into the session role’s start and end time auto-recalculation. Checking flags includes the activity and session role status in the presenter time calculations in Session details.

An administrator can determine whether an activity should be incorporated into the session role’s start and end time auto-recalculation under:
1. cAdmin > Sessions
2. Session types
3. Session type details (Time calculation is at the bottom).

Checking flags includes the activity and session role status in the presenter time calculations in Session details. Leaving flags unchecked means the session role times will be “display only” – allowing you to set times for those session roles manually (e.g., Chair, Moderator) that will not affect the calculated presentation times.

Start and End Times outside of the Session Start/End Time will turn red (image above), alerting the administrator of an issue. To correct the problem, either manually change the Start/End time by clicking and changing or, if the administrator sets up the Time calculations explained above, selecting “Recalculate Start/End Times.”

Presentation Activities Appearing on the Portal

Administrators can control which presentations appear on the Portal, where presenters and co-authors can upload, edit, and preview their content.

Administrators can control which presentations appear on the Portal, where presenters and co-authors can upload, edit, and preview their content. Administrators control the Portal presentation content under:
1. cAdmin > Settings
2. Workflow Applications
3. cPortal
4. Presentation

An administrator can hide the presentation tab altogether in the Portal by switching the “Show presentation tab” to OFF. An administrator can also allow co-authors to upload, edit, and preview presentations in Portal by selecting “Co-authors can add/edit media items” to ON.

Activity types are vertical (e.g., Abstract, Chair, Convener), and Session types are horizontal (e.g., ePosters, Lunch, Oral Session). Selecting the flag blue corresponds to the matrix of activity type and session type presentations to be made visible on the Portal. Presentations will not be visible on Portal if the activity and session type flag is not selected. An administrator can save time by selecting all or deselecting all the flags in a row under Actions at the end of the row.

Time Calculation Session Roles

Administrators can determine whether an activity should be incorporated into the session role’s start and end time auto-recalculation.

Checking flags includes the activity and session role status in the presenter time calculations in Session details.

Leaving flags unchecked means the session role times will be “display only” – allowing you to set times for those session roles manually (e.g., Chair, Moderator) that will not affect the calculated presentation times.

To view Time Calculations, go to Settings > Sessions > Hover over a Session type and click the details arrow.

Highlight Session Roles with invalid dates and times

Session roles (also known as “presentations”) are displayed within the Session details page. Each role has a number of data fields, including the start time, end time and duration of the presentation. The presentation start times and end times will now have red highlights if the start and end Times are invalid. Invalid times occur when the start or end time of a presentation falls outside the Session start and end times.

Session roles (also known as “presentations”) are displayed within the Session details page. Each role has a number of data fields, including the start time, end time and duration of the presentation. The presentation start times and end times will now have red highlights if the start and end Times are invalid. Invalid times occur when the start or end time of a presentation falls outside the Session start and end times. When meeting administrators are planning the program and moving presentations around to finalize the meeting, it is common to have presentations with invalid start or end times and this highlighting will allow users easy visual indication of that fact.

For example, the session role data highlighted below in red indicates the time does not match the duration or is not within the assigned time for the session. The duration of the session example below is 120 minutes, from 8:30am to 10:30am. To fix the error, simply click the time box and change to the appropriate times shown on the bottom image.

Convert ePoster Audio Media Files

Suppose an ePoster file is not playing audio on cAttendee. In that case, you need to convert the ePoster file with no audio to an mp4 by going to the presentations tab on cAdmin, searching for the specific control number, downloading the file, converting it to an mp4, and replacing the old file. Please see the outline below:

1. On the attendee page, go to the specific poster and copy the control number at the end of the URL:

2. Go to the admin backend, navigate to “Presentations,” and search for the specific control number:

3. Go to the file, you will see the information regarding the uploaded file

4. Download the existing file via the download option, convert it to MP4 on your device

5. Replace the existing file with the new mp4 using the replace icon. Choose the file and upload it

6. It will upload, and you will be able to see it on the platform:

7. Once uploaded, you can play the audio on the platform:

Allow Replacing uploaded media items

On the Session details, Presentation details, and Media Items pages, we introduced a new button for administrative users to “Replace” an existing file, therefore, deleting the old file automatically. This button will save administrators time in deleting the old file and make the process of uploading a new file more automated.

On the Session details, Presentation details, and Media Items pages, we introduced a new button for administrative users to “Replace” an existing file, therefore, deleting the old file automatically. This button will save administrators time in deleting the old file and make the process of uploading a new file more automated.

Advanced Search Target Options

We have added advanced search functionality to support target option lists. Any field with a target in advanced search will indicate which search options are available.

We have added advanced search functionality to support target option lists. Any field with a target in advanced search will indicate which search options are available. Target options available are: 
y (matches strings containing)
“y” (matches y exactly)
>y (matches numbers equal to and higher than y)
<y (matches numbers equal to or lower than y)
x,y,z (matches x or y or z, no spaces between)
x-y (matches numbers equal to and between x or y)

Recalculate Times Button for Session Roles

There are certain periods of the workflow, especially early in the session building process when session organization is fluid – and then again once presentation notifications are open, where automatic recalculation could have unintended consequences for a meeting. The ability to control automatic session recalculation addresses these use cases.

There are certain periods of the workflow, especially early in the session building process when session organization is fluid – and then again once presentation notifications are open, where automatic recalculation could have unintended consequences for a meeting. The ability to control automatic session recalculation addresses these use cases.

A second feature gives administrative users a session-by-session override of that master switch, a “Recalculate Start/End Times” function for Session Roles. Visible as a new button in the Session Roles area of the Session Details page. This function will recalculate session role start and end times based on the session’s start time, the roles’ order, and the duration assigned to each role – and will do so even if the meeting-level master switch is off.

Video Meeting Room Details Card in Session Details

The video meeting card shown below informs admins at a glance of the video meeting provisions such as: Provisioned room, Host assigned, and Maximum capacity.

The video meeting card shown below informs admins at a glance of the video meeting provisions such as:
– Provisioned room
– Host assigned
– Maximum capacity

Note: The Video Meeting Room card will only show up for meetings set up for video meetings.

Session Organizer

Administrators can view and edit a presentation to roles other than the presenter. Like a presenter, permitted roles can access the presentation through the Portal to check for quality control. Another level of edit permission enables them to make changes to the presentation as well.

Administrators can view and edit a presentation to roles other than the presenter. Like a presenter, permitted roles can access the presentation through the Portal to check for quality control. Another level of edit permission enables them to make changes to the presentation as well.  This functionality has been commonly requested by on-site presentation management customers and is beginning to be requested by customers organizing hybrid and virtual meetings as a tactic to reduce the cost of external A/V labor.

Media Content Embargo functionality within a Session & Presentation independent of Abstract Embargo

Embargo of abstract content has been a feature of cOASIS for almost 20 years. It is used to block the display of sensitive material until a designated time. Sensitive material could be the results of research that would affect the stock price of a pharmaceutical or medical device manufacturer. With Virtual meetings, the cOASIS embargo functionality was expanded to include the capability to link the release of media content (videos, PDF files, etc.) on cAttendee to the date and time-release of the abstract content.

Embargo of abstract content has been a feature of cOASIS for almost 20 years. It is used to block the display of sensitive material until a designated time. Sensitive material could be the results of research that would affect the stock price of a pharmaceutical or medical device manufacturer. With Virtual meetings, the cOASIS embargo functionality was expanded to include the capability to link the release of media content (videos, PDF files, etc.) on cAttendee to the date and time-release of the abstract content.

While medical societies have long been the primary users of the abstract embargo, content embargo independent of the abstract embargo has appealed to a broader set of non-medical customers. In these use cases, the abstract may be released from embargo earlier – or not be embargoed at all – while the media content on the virtual meeting application is embargoed until a specific time. For example, an association may want to release its abstracts earlier than the session or presentation content to give attendees a session or presentation preview. To meet this need and provide simplicity in setting up what we’ve seen as common embargo workflows, we’ve added the following new functionality to Sessions and Presentations.

Embargo options in Session details

Embargo options are always in the meeting time zone set in Settings > Meeting Info & Setup. The Settings options are as follows:

Content embargo. This ties release of session media items to:
– None (No Embargo)
– The latest time of the embargo of any presentation within the session (this is the default and allows the existing function linking the abstract embargo to the media content embargo to continue without the need to make an update if session times change),
– The start time of the session, or
– An offset of the session start time. Options include the five minutes, fifteen minutes, and sixty minutes before the session begins.
– Other/Manual entry.  If the session’s start time or the standard intervals don’t match the needs of a specific meeting, we’ve also offered the ability to enter a specific date/time in the embargo until field.  For smaller meetings, a specific date/time can be entered directly on the card for larger meetings. The dev support team can import these dates and times.

– Content Embargo settings and embargo Until values are displayed on the session dashboard.
– Even if there is no embargo on the session content, there may still be embargos on individual presentations.

Embargo options in Presentation details

Embargo options are always in the meeting time zone set in Settings > Meeting Info & Setup. The Settings options are as follows:

Content embargo. This ties release of presentation media items to:
– None (No Content Embargo – even if the abstract content is embargoed)
– The embargo date and time set for the presentation’s abstract (this is the default and allows the existing function linking the abstract embargo to the media content embargo to continue without any updates if there is a scheduling change).
– The start time of the session
– An offset of the session start time. Options include the five minutes, fifteen minutes before the session is scheduled to begin.
– An offset of the presentation start time. Options include the five minutes, fifteen minutes before the presentation is scheduled to begin. 
– Other/Manual entry.  If the session or presentation start time or the standard intervals don’t match the needs of a specific meeting, we’ve also offered the ability to enter a specific date/time in the embargo until field.  For smaller meetings, a specific date/time can be entered directly on the card, while for larger meetings, the dev support team can import these dates and times.

– Content Embargo settings and embargo Until values are displayed on the presentation dashboard.

Copy Session Roles to Clipboard

Volunteers and meeting executives often ask client staff to distribute a list of session participants, their roles, and other presentation information. While it was possible to right-click on the details page to print it, the Session Roles columns and column headers were not fully expanded to be legible without manual adjustments. With this update, you can click “Copy Snapshot” (shown below) and paste all the person role details into an Excel document.

Volunteers and meeting executives often ask client staff to distribute a list of session participants, their roles, and other presentation information. While it was possible to right-click on the details page to print it, the Session Roles columns and column headers were not fully expanded to be legible without manual adjustments. With this update, you can click “Copy Snapshot” (shown below) and paste all the person role details into an email or Word document.

1. Click “Copy Snapshot”

2. Paste into Word or email

TIP: The Visible columns are what the “Copy Snapshot” copies to the destination. For example, if you have all the Visible columns showing, the “Copy Snapshot” will copy all the columns. Admins can use the gear in the upper right-hand corner of the Session Roles to toggle Visible columns On/Off.

Content embargo: Other/Manual entry

Other/Manual entry.  If the session or presentation start time or the standard intervals don’t match the needs of a specific meeting, we’ve also offered the ability to enter a specific date/time in the embargo until field.  For smaller meetings, a specific date/time can be entered directly on the card (in meeting time zone set in Settings > Meeting Info & Setup)

Ability to change Session Type

• Option to change the Session type from the Session Details page.

On the Session Details page, administrative users will now have the option to change the session type for a specific session. By clicking on the session title (in the left navigation bar on the Session Details page), users can now quickly make this change for individual sessions.

Text Editor on Campaigns, Session & Person Details pages

• New Text Editor on Campaigns, Session & Person Details pages simplify the editing/formatting of campaigns and other text.

We’ve added a new text editor on the Email Template and Landing Page edit screens under Campaign Recipients as well as in the larger text fields on the Session Details and Person Details pages. The new text editor automatically strips unnecessary HTML code when copying and pasting text in from Microsoft Word (or other documents). It also includes expanded rich text formatting icons to simplify the setting up/editing of campaigns, landing pages and other text.

Options to Delete and Clone sessions

• Added functionality to Clone and Delete Sessions on the Session Details page.

On the Sessions Dashboard and Session Details page, we’ve added the ability to delete a session. When deleting a session, all assigned session roles will be removed and session will not be available for session scheduler and exports. On the Session Details page, we’ve also added the option to clone a session. This will create a duplicate session (with a new Session ID number), copying over the standard fields and any session extra fields created. Cloning a session DOES NOT currently copy over any assigned session roles.  

Add All Session Presenters to a Campaign

Find either the session # or session title on the session dashboard. On the submissions dashboard, make sure the session title or session # column is visible and then do an advanced search of either to find all presentations scheduled for that session. Click to “Select all” and then “Communicate via Campaign.”

Clone Session

This feature allows you to copy an existing session (all data fields/info will carry over to the cloned session–EXCEPT any presentations/roles that have been scheduled in the original session). It will also be assigned a new session number. To clone, click on the session to copy and click on the “Clone” button.

Add/Delete Session Location

To add/delete a session location, hover over “Sessions” section of toolbar to see drop down options. Click “Locations.” To add a location, enter the location/room info, capacity and click “Add Location” button. To delete, scroll down to see list of locations and click on the orange trash can icon (in the Actions column).

Change Order of Session Roles

Click on the session title. Scroll down to “Session Roles” section. To change the order, click on the 3 dots (to the left of the title associated with the role to be moved) and drag and drop role into new slot. The new order is automatically saved after the role is dropped in new slot.