Improved Print Functionality for Abstracts, Sessions, and Itineraries

Reviewers might need to print abstracts, and attendees can print sessions, presentations, or their entire itinerary from the Program Planner or cAttendee. We’ve recently updated and refined the print versions, ensuring that no matter what you’re printing from Program Planner or cAttendee, you’ll receive professional, clean, and easy-to-read handouts with enhanced layouts.

Reviewers might need to print abstracts, and attendees can print sessions, presentations, or their entire itinerary from the Program Planner or cAttendee.

We’ve recently updated and refined the print versions, ensuring that no matter what you’re printing from Program Planner or cAttendee, you’ll receive professional, clean, and easy-to-read handouts with enhanced layouts.

To view an example of the new print layout, search for a session in the Program Planner and click on it.

Once on the session page, select “Print Page” to generate the updated version for printing.

Search Techniques for Program Planner & cAttendee

This guide provides effective search techniques for using the Program Planner and cAttendee search functions, including Google-style searches. Learn how to optimize your searches with keyword variations, exact matches, and field-specific weighting to find the most relevant results.

Ways to Search Program Planner & cAttendee

• The search is a “Google-style” search.
• Search terms may be enclosed in double quotes to ensure they match “exactly as entered”.
• Up to five search terms may be used with either a “+” (AND) or “-” (AND NOT) before the terms to create better search specifics. For example, This+is+the+Title+Presentation

Searching for an Individual

• Last Name+First Initial (e.g., Smith+M)

Add Some Power to Your Search Queries

You can use up to five search terms, each preceded by either a “+” or “-” (without quotes) for more precise results. The first term does not require a “+”, as it is implied. Additionally, any search term can be enclosed in double quotes to ensure an exact match, and you can also use “+” or “-” in front of double-quoted phrases.


• Lake Michigan – finds all occurrences of either ‘Lake’ or ‘Michigan’
• Lake +Michigan – finds all occurrences of ‘Lake’ which also contain ‘Michigan’ in them
• Lake -Michigan – finds all occurrences of ‘Lake’ which do not contain ‘Michigan’ in them
• “Lake Michigan” – finds all occurrences of the words ‘Lake’ and ‘Michigan’ used together

Note: The search is case-insensitive, so capital or lowercase letters will be found regardless of how they are typed into the search box. Spaces between words do not affect the search results.

Keyword Search

Keyword searches can be tailored to various needs, including author searches, topics, keywords, categories, or a combination of these. The keyword search feature is user-friendly and includes an autofill function to complete the rest of the word as you type, as demonstrated in the example below.

Search Field Relevance

The search algorithm assigns different weights to each field to prioritize certain types of information:

1. Session Titles and Categories: These receive the highest weight and are searched first.
2. Abstract Titles: These have a slightly lower weight and are considered next.
3. All Remaining Fields: These have the lowest weight and are searched last.

To provide clarity, here is a table listing the search fields and their respective weights from highest (100) to lowest (10):

Search Example in Program Planner

For the search term “toolkit”:

1. The search returns 3 sessions, with the word appearing in the 2nd session title.

2. Click the “Presentations” tab to see the AbstractTitle listings.

3. “toolkit” does NOT appear in the AbstractTitle or Presentation titles above, but click on the first result and search within the content for “toolkit”, and it appears twice:

Default Association Playlist Setup

Associations can provide a default session playlist option for every cAttendee registrant to ensure their playlist isn’t empty when they first log in. Please note that the attendee cannot delete the playlist; only the administrator account can edit this playlist for all attendees.

Associations can provide a default session playlist option for every cAttendee registrant to ensure their playlist isn’t empty when they first log in. Please note that the attendee cannot delete the playlist; only the administrator account can edit this playlist for all attendees.

To set up the default association playlist:

1. Navigate to Onsite > Registration dashboard.
2. Click “Add Registrant.”
3. Since this is an arbitrary template user, we have provided an example that can be used and added below. PLEASE NOTE:
– The Registration Code should be in ALL CAPS and grant access to ALL meeting sessions.
– You can always in-line edit the Badge Number and Registration Code once it’s created.
– The email should be a valid email address for someone who is administering the kiosk in case a password needs to be updated.

4. Log in to cAttendee as this user, then click on a session to “Add to my playlist” (a customizable term), and create a “Title” and an optional “Description.” Afterward, add all the sessions you want to include in the playlist.

5. To review your customized list, click on the “Playlist” tab (a customizable term).

6. In cAdmin, navigate to Onsite -> Registration dashboard, and click the gear icon to activate the “Key.” Then, highlight and copy the Key.

7. In cAdmin, navigate to Settings -> Virtual / hybrid meeting applications -> cAttendee -> Playlist. Paste the Key into the “Playlist curator account key” field.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-8-1024x345.png

8. Log into cAttendee to check the “Playlist” tab for a review.

cAttendee Training Resources

Do you have questions about cAttendee? Explore our recorded training sessions and self-paced e-learning course.

Do you have questions about cAttendee? Explore our recorded training session and self-paced e-learning course:

Recorded Training (about 30 minutes): cAttendee

Self-paced e-learning course (about 1 hour): cAttendee

Click the “Help” button in cAdmin to view the list of the next few live training opportunities you may want to attend. Participation is free.

Presentation Chat Notifications for Presenters Checklist

CTI introduced a notification email for presenters when they receive a chat message after their scheduled session. Attendees can send a chat message to a presenter within the cAttendee presentation after the session, and the presenter will be notified via a customizable cAdmin email.

CTI introduced a notification email for presenters when they receive a chat message after their scheduled session. Attendees can send a chat message to a presenter within the cAttendee presentation after the session, and the presenter will be notified via a customizable email.

Presenters can individually turn the message notifications on and off when they first log in to cAttendee as part of Attendee Central, which includes optional welcome messages, privacy settings, and attendees setting their interests. Each presenter can modify their notifications in their cAttendee profile settings. The presenter chat notification feature will need to be contracted for your meeting. Let your project manager know if you are interested.

Use the checklist below to set up the presentation chat notifications for presenters:

Pre-test & Post-tests Form Builder & Assigning to Sessions

Pre-test and Post-test Forms feature a question builder that administrative users will find under the cAdmin navigation item called “Forms > Pre/Post test forms”. The Forms dashboard allows administrators to manage Forms that have already been created, report on data collected in Forms, and create new forms using “drag & drop” Form builder functions. The new feature allows pre-test and post-test forms to be used for sessions in cAttendee and PP8. Attendees attending a meeting will be able to take pre-tests and post-tests based on configured availability date/times (e.g., before a session) and configured registration limits (e.g., registration codes, ticketed sessions).

Pre-test and Post-test Forms feature a question builder that administrative users will find under the cAdmin navigation item called “Forms > Pre/Post test forms”. The Forms dashboard allows administrators to manage Forms that have already been created, report on data collected in Forms, and create new forms using “drag & drop” Form builder functions.

The new feature allows pre-test and post-test forms to be used for sessions in cAttendee and PP8 (Program Planner). Attendees attending a meeting will be able to take pre-tests and post-tests based on configured availability date/times (e.g., before a session) and configured registration limits (e.g., registration codes, ticketed sessions). These forms are fully customizable by administrators as well as reporting.

To create a pre-test form:
1. Go to Forms -> Pre/Post test forms
2. Click “Add form” and select “Session pre test”
3. The “Name” is the internal name (e.g., Session 199 Pre-test). The “Display Name” is the name attendees will see (e.g., Pre-test). Click “Add”
4. Find the pre-test Name, and on the right under “Actions,” click “Edit form” to create the pre-test. Use the How-to’s on the left side of the page to help set up the questions and formatting
5. Go to the Sessions dashboard
6. Select the session details you’d like to add a pre-test
7. Select “Add Form” under Pre-test forms
– Select the Form Name
– Optionally add Reg Code(s), so only those attendees with the Reg Code(s) see the form with no spaces separated by commas (e.g., NURSE,888,111)
– Select an Open date either with a preset or a “Custom time” for when an attendee is allowed to take the pre-test
– Select a Close date either with preset or a “Custom time” for when the pre-test will become unavailable

8. When the form is complete, we want to check the two flags “Ready” and “Is Public” to activate the test by clicking the “Edit” action. Make sure the test is completely set up correctly before checking the flags, as once it is public, it will negatively affect the results. To edit the pre-test again, click the “Edit” icon and unselect the two boxes

Creating a post-test form is similar to a pre-test form with an optional pre-test dependency mentioned in step 4:
1. Go to Forms -> Pre/Post test forms
2. Click “Add form” and select “Session post test”
3. The “Name” is the internal name (e.g., Session 199 Post-test). The “Display Name” is the name attendees will see (e.g., Post-test)
4. Select a “Dependent form” if you would like the attendee to either:
– Successfully take a pre-test before taking the post-test
– Complete a numeric score above a certain number (e.g., Value = 7) before taking the post-test. For example, there are 10 questions. If an administrator sets the “Value” number at 7, it means the attendee must score an 8 or higher on the pre-test in order to take the post-test
– Complete a numeric score below a certain number before taking the post-test. With the example above, the attendee must score a 6 or lower in order to take the post-test.
5. Find the post-test Name, and on the right under “Actions,” click “Edit form” to create the post-test. Use the How-to’s on the left side of the page to help set up the questions and formatting
6. Go to the Sessions dashboard
7. Select a session details
8. Select “Add Form” under Post-test forms
– Select the Form Name
– Optionally add Reg Code(s), so only those attendees with the Reg Code(s) see the form with no spaces separated by commas (e.g., NURSE,888,111)
– Select an Open date either with a preset or a “Custom time” for when an attendee is allowed to take the post-test
– Select a Close date either with preset or a “Custom time” for when the post-test will become unavailable

9. When the form is complete, we want to check the two flags “Ready” and “Is Public” to activate the test by clicking the “Edit” action. Make sure the test is completely set up correctly before checking the flags, as once it is public, it will negatively affect the results. To edit the post-test again, click the “Edit” icon and unselect the two boxes

Calendar View Setup

Calendar view shows session search results pages that offer the option of List view and/or Calendar view along with the popular and powerful filtering functionality. As more meetings become hybrid, especially where sessions and presentations are not solely on-demand, attendees can use the calendar view to quickly see conflicts across several locations and better plan which sessions to watch in person and which to attend on-demand. Clicking on the session goes to the session page.

Many calendars can be created within a given meeting – as quickly as one sets up a search results page. For example, an administrator could set up a separate calendar for different channels (e.g., Channel 1). The layout of session results within the calendar are controlled by results cards, similar to how list results are controlled. The Calendar view option is available on any page with search results.

To set up the Calendar view, follow the steps below:

1. Hover over Settings -> Virtual / hybrid meeting applications -> cAttendee.
2. Then click “Navigation & Lobby Content” in the upper right-hand corner.
3. Click the tab (or cAttendee page) you would like to display the calendar view. In the example above, it is a session search page. Click Add New Content.
4. The “Type” dropdown is “Search.”

5. Choose the content you would like displayed in the calendar. The example above shows sessions.
6. Choose if you would like both the list view and calendar view as options for the user and the default view. The example at the top checks both list view and calendar view so the user can switch back and forth.
7. The Search filter will usually be set to “date” or “days.” This filter controls the title of the columns for the calendar view. The date format will vary by association (e.g., Monday, 11-10-23, 11/10/23) which is set up under Settings -> Virtual / hybrid meeting component -> Search & filters.
8. “Calendar zoom” sets the time intervals for the sessions. We would suggest 30 minutes, but 60 or 15 would also work. Clicking the magnifying glasses on the calendar view in cAttendee “zooms” in or out by this set time interval.
9. Once the meeting is set up or during setup, an administrator will want to clear the calendar cache by going to Settings -> Virtual / hybrid meeting component -> Search & filters. Click “Indexed search fields” shown below.
10. Select “Regenerate Session Cards.” This will force the cAttendee system to “refresh” or regenerate the calendar data an administrator has uploaded.

*Clicking the “Show empty rooms” icon shows the rooms that have no sessions in the room. This may be useful for administrators setting up the meeting.

Kiosk Mode Setup

Kiosk mode is a public access point through a computer or tablet to meeting information used as the image below or as a row of computers for onsite or hybrid meetings. Kiosk mode is a configuration that limits the attendee from using any user-based interaction.

Kiosk mode is a public access point through a computer or tablet to meeting information used as the image below or as a row of computers for onsite or hybrid meetings. 

Kiosk mode is a configuration that limits the attendee from using any user-based interaction. Download the link below for an overview and more information on how to set up kiosk mode.

2D Virtual Meeting Landing Page Templates & Examples

CTI provides a couple of different 2d virtual meeting wireframes as visual guides to how your website might look. Below, one wireframe includes a sponsor banner at the top, and the other does not. Download the wireframes and start designing your 2d landing page virtual meeting template.

CTI provides a couple of different 2d virtual meeting wireframes as visual guides to how your website might look. Below, one wireframe includes a sponsor banner at the top, and the other does not. Download the wireframes and start designing your 2d landing page virtual meeting template.

You can look at some of our client 2d virtual meeting landing pages for reference: