1. Defining & Managing Venue Personas

Defining personas and managing venue staff access within the Slide Ready application.

(For the personas of Distributor Administrators & Venue Administrators) I need to create administrative access to Slide Ready for Venue Staff so that they can set up and manage meetings in the Slide Ready application.

From the Venue details page, click the “+ Add” action and enter the new staff member’s First, Last, Email, and Staff role defined below:

Distributor Administrator – defined as the corporate administrative and support team staff who will create, monitor, manage, and support the venue staff in the operation of the application. Distributor administrators are expected to create and manage the venues along with the venue administrator.  Distributor administrator roles will have the permission to allow them to function as any venue role at any venue, including creating meetings, managing agenda, communicating with the presenter, monitoring presentation file uploads, and (if needed) downloading presentation files for a venue.

Venue Administrator – A venue may have one or more venue administrators. This role is expected to create, monitor and manage the venue staff positions of Venue Operations and Venue Technical. Venue administrator roles will have the permission to function in any role at their specific venue, including creating meetings, managing agendas, communicating with presenters, monitoring presentation file uploads, and downloading presentation files for a venue.

Venue Operations – A venue may have one or more operations staff members.  This role is expected to create, monitor and manage the meetings. The Venue Operation roles will have the permission to function as a technical operation role at their specific venue, including monitoring and assisting with presentation uploads and downloading files for a meeting room.

Venue Technical – A venue may have one or more technical operations staff members. This role is expected to interact with presenters to assist in uploading presentation files, to monitor and if necessary, download-fix-and-upload-again presentation files that need work before presentation. 

Event organizer (only available in Multi-session events leveraging the agent package) – An employee or a contractor of the end-user customer responsible for organizing the event, including preparing, updating, and managing the meeting agenda and communications with presenters.  The event organizer is responsible for sharing the agenda with Encore.

There is no limit to the number of accounts that can be created.

Venue/Meeting Example – LOEWS Chicacgo O’Hare (Venue) -> v2050: Waterfall Meeting 2023 (Meeting)

2. Manage Venues

Accessible only by an Encore Corporate Distributor Administrator, this is where Slide Ready venues are created and administrated.​

(For the persona of a Distributor Administrator)

As a Distributor administrator:
– I need to have a dedicated dashboard with all of the venues that are sub-distributing for my entity.
– Here I need to be able to see which venue is active or inactive (no active contracts) and to add new venues that will be able to host new venue meetings;
– in this detail page, for each new or existing meeting I need to be able to add a Venue Administrator, so that this role can continue with the rest of the venue responsibilities.

From: Settings > Venues
Accessible only by an Encore Corporate Administrator, this is where Slide Ready venues are created and administrated.​

Venue details page
This page, with all its tabs, is also accessible by a Venue administrator or Venue Operations (once the staff account is created in the second tab of this page).​

The Venue’s meetings​
This provides a searchable/filterable overview of the active and inactive meetings at the venue. Allowing to export a list of all the meetings.

There are currently no limits to the number of Venues that can be created.

3. Create a New Meeting

For the persona of Distributor Administrator only.

(For the persona of Distributor Administrators only)

Navigate to the Home page and begin the meeting creation process by clicking “+CREATE NEW MEETING”:

Distributor administrators will be asked to choose which venue the new meeting will belong to:

(Venue administrator and Venue Operations team members only)

Navigate to the Home page and begin the meeting creation process by clicking “+CREATE NEW MEETING”.  All meetings created by venue staff are associated with the venue, so there is no requirement to choose a venue as a first step.

(Distributor administrators, venue administrator, and venue operation team members)

Next, choose the package type:
File collection only
File collection & session room agent.

The “Opportunity number” is a required field and will appear on the CTI invoices to help track the package purchase for the specific event.  No formatting rules are enforced in the Opportunity number field – anything other than “no value” is accepted.

The next step is to provide the meeting name and dates.

The system will enforce the maximum number of days for the package type chosen. 
– File Collection Only: Limit of 3 days for an event.
– File Collection & session room agent:
Limit of 7 days for an event.

Once all fields are filled in correctly, the user will receive a message that a meeting has been successfully created.

Note that the new meeting will appear in the list of meetings.

After creating a new meeting, the meeting details can be completed and edited by accessing the “Meeting setup” menu item.  The tabs available under Meeting setup” menu item will vary by Package.  All Packages will have Meeting info, Meeting staff and Collection site.  Packages using the presentation management agent will have Rooms and Session room tabs.  Packages with the recording or virtual meeting components will include additional fields in the session room tab as well as a virtual meeting tab.

Once a Package is chosen, it cannot be changed.  Therefore, the “Package option field” is read-only.

Meeting dates can be edited. The following rules are applied:
– Start date cannot be set to something in the past
– Start date cannot be changed if the threshold date is exceeded
– Start date cannot be changed if the meeting has started
– Start date change WILL update end date to be the same total number of days (no message)
– End date can be edited but will validate that End date and Start date do not exceed venue package number of meeting days

Meeting time zone is inherited from the Venue details and cannot be changed in the Meeting details

Tech support email will be defaulted to the Venue default tech support email. It can be edited for the specific meeting in the Meeting setup, but the email must be whitelisted, otherwise the system will not save this email.

File collection only package: Two other tabs are available in the Meeting setup page – Meeting staff and Collection site.

Setting up the dates the collection site will be open, the header to use and the instructions that are displayed on the presentation upload page are managed in the Collection site tab. Managing the Meeting staff is described in the other How-to.

File collection & session room agent: In addition to Meeting staff and Collection site, two other tabs are available in the Meeting setup page – Rooms and Session room.

As well, the Collection site tab has an option to control the Presentation block format, which defines what of the presentation attributes (e.g., Presentation Title, Room and Presentation Start / End times) are visible to the presenter on the collection site.

The Rooms tab has a list of available rooms. File collection & session room agent has 5 rooms available.

To edit the name of the room, click on the pencil icon and enter the new name for the room.

Note that any location with the letters “[Open]” (case insensitive) in any part of its name will be removed from the selection options in the Meeting agenda dashboard.

The “Session room application key” will be requested when logging into a Session room by clicking the link on the home page. This key is automatically generated but can also be edited.

Another way to log in to a Session room is to click the blue arrow icon. This will directly navigate to a chosen session room without asking for a session room application key.

The Session room tab is covered in its own How-to.

4. Email Venue Staff accounts Login

For Distributor Administrator & Venue Administrator personas.

For Distributor Administrator & Venue Administrator personas:

1. Navigate to Venue details > Staff accounts, and either add a new Venue staff member or find an existing one below.
2. Ensure that the person’s status is set to “Active.” You can check by hovering over and clicking the “Edit” pen icon.
3. Hover over the staff member and click on the “Email staff member” action.
4. Click “Send.”

For the emailed Venue staff member:
1. Click on the emailed link and select “click here.” For best practice, save the link to your bookmarks.

2. Select “Forgot your password?”

3. Enter the email address from which you received the email.

4. Follow the instructions sent to your email address to reset your password.

5. Manage Meeting staff

For the personas of Venue Administrators, Venue Operations, and Distributor Administrators.

(For the personas of Venue Administrators, Venue Operations, and Distributor Administrators)

Navigate to the Setup menu item and click the Meeting Staff tab.

The Meeting staff tab displays all staff members assigned to the meeting. Row actions on the right of each row of staff names allow the venue administrator, venue operations team member, or distributor administrator to email the staff member and remove the staff member’s access from this meeting. Using the “trash can” icon to remove a staff user’s access from the meeting will not “delete” the user, nor will it impact any other meeting assignments.  It will merely remove that user from this meeting.

To add staff that are not already assigned to the meeting, click on the “+ADD” button within the tab. A popup will display all venue staff who have not been assigned to the meeting.  One or more checkboxes can be selected, and then click “ASSIGN”.  The staff will now be assigned to the meeting.

Please note that there are no limits enforced on the number of accounts that can be created, and only Distributor Administrator accounts and Venue staff accounts created for a specific venue may be assigned to meetings within that venue.

Meetings Homepage

To navigate to the Meetings Homepage, click the “Home” icon in the upper left-hand corner.

Please refer to the diagram below to navigate the Meetings homepage. In the upper left-hand corner, you’ll find information on the “Meeting name” and “Venue,” which corresponds to the Meeting columns below. Additionally, you’ll see the Start and End dates of the meeting.

You can utilize the search bar to filter results by Venue, Association/company, Meeting name, Status, #days, Opportunity number, etc. To switch to a different meeting, simply click on the “Change meetings” icon.

By clicking “Change meetings,” you will be directed to a new meeting while maintaining the same homepage layout. However, the upper left-hand corner information will update to reflect the details of the new meeting you’ve entered. To access the meeting’s details, click on “Meeting setup.”

Please note that the search term “Loews” remains stored for your convenience. To remove it, simply delete the term.

Setting up the Session Room Agent

Exclusive to the File collection & session room agent package, Venue Technical or Venue Operations set up the Session room settings to present onsite presentations and test on their office computer, and later test onsite.

Under Meeting setup -> Rooms -> click “Log into sessionroom”

If you haven’t set up the cSlide Agent on the local computer you’re using, you will be prompted in the bottom right-hand corner to download the cSlide Agent.

You can test whether the cSlide Agent is installed and working on your local computer by clicking the caret (^) in the bottom right-hand corner of your screen, then RIGHT-CLICK the cSlide Presentation Agent icon and select “Show.”

After configuring and clicking “Save” with the cSlide Agent, you can further adjust the session room settings by navigating to Meeting Setup > Session room:
Show menu labels: Allows better navigation control within the session room tabs which may or may not be needed. Venue Technical or Venue Operations can turn them on and off and test with the session room open in another window and refreshing the page.
Show presentation times: Can be turned on and off and tested with the session room open in another window with presentation data in the meeting agenda.
Banner image: Click to upload the universal header banner for the session room.
Theme: Pick one from a dropdown. This changes the background color and fonts. Test with the session room open in another window.
Show speaker if no files: Can be turned on and off and tested with the session room open in another window.

Log back into a Session room to review your configurations by navigating to Meeting Setup > Rooms and clicking on the “Log into session room” action.

If it’s your first time logging in, or if you share the session room URL with a teammate, they will be prompted to enter the “Session room access key” before proceeding to log into the room.

The “Session room access key” is editable by clicking on the pencil icon under Actions. For easy readability, the access key must only contain uppercase letters or numbers; excluding 0, O, I, or 1, and must be at least 4 characters.

Troubleshooting Instructions
If your computer experiences connectivity issues with the agent installed and you encounter the “Cannot connect to cSlide Agent” popup:

1. Click the upward-facing arrow to reveal the hidden icons shown below.
2. Right-click the cSlide Agent.
3. Select “Quit.”

4. Click the “Download Agent” button.
5. Choose “Remove cSlide Presentation Agent.”

6. Finally, reinstall the agent by following the instructions at the top.

Create an Accounting Activity Report

As a Distributor or Venue Administrator, I want to access a list of meetings and their general information. This will help me keep track of the total number of meetings.

Distributor Administrators and Venue Administrators will need to go to a Venue meeting to find the Reports menu (e.g., v2133: Demo Hotel). Under Reports, clicking on “Accounting Activity Report” shows the administrator a table of venue meeting information.  

Navigate to Reports > Accounting Activity Report to access a meeting information dashboard. To download the meeting data to a CSV file:

1. Choose one meeting at a time on the left or click the 3 dots and “Select All”.

2. Click “Download Report” (upper right-hand corner)

3. Open the file that was downloaded to your computer.

Best practice fields to help manage and order the meeting data include:
– Property Identifier
– Venue
– Region
– Brand
– Association/company
– Meeting name
– Package
– Opportunity number
– Meeting start date
– Meeting end date
– Creation year
– Creation month
– Creation day
– Created
– LastUpdated (meeting info updated in Meeting setup)

Monitoring Tool (Onsite Meetings)

As a Speaker Ready Room Admin, I start presentations in the meeting room and need to monitor the agent’s status in the session room using the Monitoring Tool tab.

1. In cAdmin, navigate to Presentation management -> Monitoring tool.
2. Please click on the ‘Agents‘ tab to view the technical statuses relevant to the onsite event:

Idle: No interaction needed. All files are present on the local computer.
Sync Required: Not all files uploaded currently present in the room.
Synchronizing: Sync process currently running.
Presenting: Presentation is currently on the screen.
Last Activity: Last check for any of the above statuses in seconds.

The eyeball, edit pen, and settings icons are legacy icons that will be updated for future use.

3. The ‘Sync’ button will force the session room agent to synchronize files. This ONLY needs to be clicked once if the ‘Sync Required’ status is showing. If the files in the room are out of sync, the status WILL show ‘Sync Required,’ indicating the need for synchronization.

Download presentation files

I would like to download all presentation files to a flash drive or laptop for display in the session room.

The application provides three ways of downloading files:  
1) from the Presentation dashboard in bulk,
2) from the Presentation dashboard individually, and
3) from the collection portal while “shadowing” a user.

For File collection only meetings:
To download in bulk, all venue staff and corporate administrators would navigate to the Presentation dashboard and use the checkboxes on the left to check off the specific files they wish to download.   As files are checked off, a count of the files selected will appear in the upper right.  In the image below “2 presentations selected” matches the two files selected.

Venue staff and corporate administrators can also use the three dots (…) above the check boxes to select all and clear all selections.  A user wishing to select all files could simply use the Select All to choose all presentation files as in the case below.

(Click the “…” above the checkboxes)

(Click on Select All)

At this point all 7 presentations have been selected.  The user can download the entire package as a zip file by clicking on the download icon to the right of the “7 presentations selected” message:

Click “CONFIRM”.

Once the downloadable zip file request has been successfully processed, an email is sent to the email address of the user with a link to download the zip file.

Clicking the “Download Now!” button will bring the zip file from the cloud to the user’s desktop. 

The format of the zip file is as follows:

In addition to the email being sent, Venue staff and corporate administrators can also click “Download requests“, in the upper right-hand corner of the Presentation files page, which will open a pop-up with a download history of the zip archives.

The Presentation ID value used in the Zip file is available as a display field on the Presentation Files dashboard as in the picture below:

The File collection & session room agent packages:
Follow the same bulk download presentation file process as File collection only packages. However, the File collection & session room agent package will receive a different zip file structure in their email and within the “Download requests” zip archive, which will also include the Date and Room.

To download files individually, venue staff and distributor administrators will navigate to the Presentation files dashboard and click on the download icon when hovering over the Actions column in every row. This will download the file immediately into the dedicated local folder.

Using the search function (e.g. by Presenter’s last name) or clicking on the column label to sort the list of presentation files by the “Last updated” column can be used by venue staff to monitor recently uploaded or re-uploaded presentations. This can assist in keeping downloaded files up to date with changes from presenters.

To download files from the collection portal, navigate to the Presentation files dashboard and click on the Access to Portal icon when hovering over the Actions column in a row. This will bring you to the Portal.

In Portal, click the Download button.

Upload presentations to the Collection Portal as an Admin

As venue staff, I may need to upload presentations that have been emailed to me or provided via a flash drive by the presenter or event organizer. Each presenter is limited to a maximum of 5 files, which can only be in .PDF, .PPTX, or .MP4 format.

In File collection only packages:
Venue staff may have to upload presenter presentations by navigating to the Meeting Agenda from the Home page. Hover over the presenter Action “Access to…”

(All venue staff and distributor staff) Navigate to the Meeting Agenda from the Home page. Hover over the presenter Action “Access to…”

Click Access to… > Portal

You are now directed to the collection portal, and logged in as the Presenter in “shadow mode”.

Click Upload, choose the file, and click Open

Click OK or the “X” to close the dialog box

For File Collection & session room agent packages:
Venue staff may have to upload presenter presentations by navigating to the Meeting Agenda from the Home page. Hover over the presenter Action “Access to…”

Click Access to… > Portal

You are now directed to the collection portal, and logged in as the Presenter in “shadow mode”.

Click Upload.

Upload presentation files to the Collection Portal as a Presenter

As a Presenter, I receive an email from the venue with instructions to upload a file to the collection portal for a meeting.

After clicking on the link, I arrive at the collection site, and am prompted either to enter my email address, click the forgot password link, or “Get started now”:

Clicking “Get Started now” prompts the user to enter their password.  The application generates an email from the venue with instructions to click on a link to log into the collection portal for the first time and set a password.

After clicking the link, I am directed to set my password, which must be a minimum of 8 characters and include at least one digit, one uppercase letter, and one lowercase letter.

Click “Continue” and, after receiving a success message, select “Login with your new password.”

Enter your email address and click “Continue”

Enter your password and click “Continue”

Once logged in, you will be directed to the presentation upload page within the collection portal. 

Click “Upload” to add your presentation file(s)

Once uploaded, the portal displays information about the file, including its status, name, and size. The user can then download, preview, or delete the file to re-upload a new version.