0. Package Features and Availability

This table provides a comparison of three packages: Package #1, designed for file collection, and Package #2 or #3, which includes file collection and session room agent services at varying limits. It highlights their features, limitations, and options to assist in decision-making.

This table provides a comparison of three packages: Package #1, designed for file collection, and Package #2 or #3, which includes file collection and session room agent services at varying limits. It highlights their features, limitations, and options to assist in decision-making.

Feature AvailableFile collection only (Pkg #1)File collection & session room agent (Pkg #2)File collection & session room agent (Pkg #3)
Maximum Total *Presentations305080
Maximum Files Allowed per *Presentation444
*Presentations Allowed per Presenter11 or more1 or more
File Formats AcceptedPDF, MP4 only (5 gigabytes), PPTXSameSame
Max Number of Available Meeting Days158
Meeting Expiration Date (including presentation files)Currently, no expiration date is executed for meetings. However, a future update will introduce a 14-day expiration period, including non-business days, with the deadline set at 11:59 PM.Currently, no expiration date is executed for meetings. However, a future update will introduce a 30-day expiration period, including non-business days, with the deadline set at 11:59 PM.Same as Pkg 2
Threshold Lock for Meeting Date Edits1 day prior to “Meeting start date”3 days prior to “Meeting start date”Same as Pkg 2
Presentation Files Download Request Expiration DateThe email link will expire 48 hours after its creation date.SameSame
Add Presenter to Agenda – Required FieldsPresenter first name, last name, emailPresenter first name, last name, email, Date & Room, Presentation titleSame as Pkg 2
RoomsNoneDefaults to Room 1. Maximum: 5 RoomsDefaults to Room 1. Maximum: 8 Rooms
Admin-Presenter Email CommunicationPersonal EmailPersonal Email & System EmailPersonal Email & System Email
Portal Collection SiteIncludedIncludedIncluded
Agent/Session RoomNot includedIncludedIncluded
Monitoring toolNot includedIncludedIncluded
ReportsAccounting Activity ReportAccounting Activity ReportAccounting Activity Report
*The term “Presentations” in “File collection only,” refers only to Sessions, not files like PPTX. In “File collection only,” presenters must have unique email addresses because sessions require presenters. If each unique presenter uploads 4 files, the maximum number of files allowed in the “File collection only” package is 120 files for 30 presentations.

*In the “File collection & session room agent” package, there is no limit on the number of presentations for any presenter until reaching the Maximum Total Presentations. This means one presenter with the same name and email address could upload 50 presentations and 4 files for each presentation.

1. Defining & Managing Venue Personas

Defining personas and managing venue staff access within the Slide Ready application.

(For the personas of Distributor Administrators & Venue Administrators) I need to create administrative access to Slide Ready for Venue Staff so that they can set up and manage meetings in the Slide Ready application.

From the Venue details page, click the “+ Add” action and enter the new staff member’s First, Last, Email, and Staff role defined below:

Distributor Administrator – defined as the corporate administrative and support team staff who will create, monitor, manage, and support the venue staff in the operation of the application. Distributor administrators are expected to create and manage the venues along with the venue administrator.  Distributor administrator roles will have the permission to allow them to function as any venue role at any venue, including creating meetings, managing agenda, communicating with the presenter, monitoring presentation file uploads, and (if needed) downloading presentation files for a venue.

Venue Administrator – A venue may have one or more venue administrators. This role is expected to create, monitor and manage the venue staff positions of Venue Operations and Venue Technical. Venue administrator roles will have the permission to function in any role at their specific venue, including creating meetings, managing agendas, communicating with presenters, monitoring presentation file uploads, and downloading presentation files for a venue.

Venue Operations – A venue may have one or more operations staff members.  This role is expected to create, monitor and manage the meetings. The Venue Operation roles will have the permission to function as a technical operation role at their specific venue, including monitoring and assisting with presentation uploads and downloading files for a meeting room.

Venue Technical – A venue may have one or more technical operations staff members. This role is expected to interact with presenters to assist in uploading presentation files, to monitor and if necessary, download-fix-and-upload-again presentation files that need work before presentation. 

Event organizer (only available in Multi-session events leveraging the agent package) – An employee or a contractor of the end-user customer responsible for organizing the event, including preparing, updating, and managing the meeting agenda and communications with presenters.  The event organizer is responsible for sharing the agenda with Encore.

There is no limit to the number of accounts that can be created.

Venue/Meeting Example – LOEWS Chicacgo O’Hare (Venue) -> v2050: Waterfall Meeting 2023 (Meeting)

Add new presenters (Session room agent package)

I would like to be able to enter presentation and presenter data quickly as I receive the information by email, or in a Word document or in a PDF file. I will not always have full presentation information (including presentation title, presenter, day and room), so I need a way to enter partial data and return later to enter the complete data.

Navigate to the Meeting Agenda from the Home page

View the existing Agenda

Add New Presenters by clicking “Add” next to the Presenters label

Enter Presenter First Name (or initial), Last Name (or initial) and email.  Select a Date and Room from the Dropdown list.  Enter a Presentation Title, Presentation Start Time and Presentation End Time.

And click CREATE:

Four presentations per presenter are allowed. Clicking “ADD ANOTHER PRESENTATION FOR THIS PRESENTER“ allows an administrator to quickly add another Presentation for the same Presenter. It will open the “Add presentation” pop-up again with prefilled Presenter first name, Presenter last name, and email from the previous entry.  The only other fields required are “Date & Room” from a drop-down and “Presentation title”.

After creating an additional presentation for the presenter, I can filter using any of the various columns at the top, such as “Email” to view all 4 presentations for this person.

As new data is provided, I need a way to edit the Presentation titles, Room, Date, Presentation start time, and Presentation end time.

Search for presenters by filling in full or partial data in one or more filters in the appropriate column(s) and click “Edit presenter”.

I changed the Presentation title from “Presentation” to “Presentation 1” and click “SAVE”.

To change the presenter to a different person, start by filtering and deleting the presentation(s), and then add the new presenter.

To delete a presentation, hover over the action, and click “Delete presenter”.

Click “Delete”. The warning message states:

Click “Close”.

Access to…

You can upload or delete files for a presenter on their Portal by hovering over the Actions on the right-hand side of a specific presenter’s row and clicking “Access to…” and selecting “Portal.” You will be redirected to the collection portal, where you will be automatically logged in as the Presenter in “shadow mode.” In this mode, an administrator can upload presentation files.

Email presenter

You can send a default email communication to individual presenters by using the mail icon located on the right side of a specific presenter’s row, OR in bulk by selecting multiple presenter boxes and choosing the envelope icon in the upper right-hand corner. The system will automatically include default configurable email text, along with a link to the presentation upload page in the collection portal.

Upload presentations to the Collection Portal as an Admin

As venue staff, I may need to upload presentations that have been emailed to me or provided via a flash drive by the presenter or event organizer. Each presenter is limited to a maximum of 5 files, which can only be in .PDF, .PPTX, or .MP4 format.

In File collection only packages:
Venue staff may have to upload presenter presentations by navigating to the Meeting Agenda from the Home page. Hover over the presenter Action “Access to…”

(All venue staff and distributor staff) Navigate to the Meeting Agenda from the Home page. Hover over the presenter Action “Access to…”

Click Access to… > Portal

You are now directed to the collection portal, and logged in as the Presenter in “shadow mode”.

Click Upload, choose the file, and click Open

Click OK or the “X” to close the dialog box

For File Collection & session room agent packages:
Venue staff may have to upload presenter presentations by navigating to the Meeting Agenda from the Home page. Hover over the presenter Action “Access to…”

Click Access to… > Portal

You are now directed to the collection portal, and logged in as the Presenter in “shadow mode”.

Click Upload.

Upload presentation files to the Collection Portal as a Presenter

As a Presenter, I receive an email from the venue with instructions to upload a file to the collection portal for a meeting.

After clicking on the link, I arrive at the collection site, and am prompted either to enter my email address, click the forgot password link, or “Get started now”:

Clicking “Get Started now” prompts the user to enter their password.  The application generates an email from the venue with instructions to click on a link to log into the collection portal for the first time and set a password.

After clicking the link, I am directed to set my password, which must be a minimum of 8 characters and include at least one digit, one uppercase letter, and one lowercase letter.

Click “Continue” and, after receiving a success message, select “Login with your new password.”

Enter your email address and click “Continue”

Enter your password and click “Continue”

Once logged in, you will be directed to the presentation upload page within the collection portal. 

Click “Upload” to add your presentation file(s)

Once uploaded, the portal displays information about the file, including its status, name, and size. The user can then download, preview, or delete the file to re-upload a new version.

Send presenter(s) email

Email communication can be sent to individual presenters using the mail icon on the right side of the row of a specific presenter, as in the image below. 

Click on the envelope icon and choose either:
System email: Managed within the Venue system
Personal email: Needs a default mail client outside the venue meeting system (e.g., Outlook & Gmail)

The system will add default email text with a link to the presentation upload page in the collection portal.  This link may be removed if the purpose of the communication doesn’t include sending the presenter to the presentation upload page.

Email communication can also be sent to a group of presenters.  To send to a group of presenters, select the presenters to whom you wish to send the email by checking the box on the left side of the name. 

Note that the upper righthand portion of the page now displays the message “3 presenters selected”.  Now click the mail icon next to the message and see the pop-up.

The text from this email can now be edited as appropriate to send to the selected presenters, as in the case below:

Search, edit, & delete presenters

As the list of presenters grows, I need a way to search for presenters by full or partial First, Last, and Email fields.

I expect that names will change, and I need a way to edit the names as edits are provided.

Search for presenters by filling in a “filter” in the appropriate column

Edit within the Row Actions (above shows ‘Edit presenter’ tooltip)

I need to be able to delete presenters (and their associated presentations) as directed by my customer when presenters withdraw from the event.

Delete from the Row Actions (shown below)

Add new presenters (File collection only)

1. Navigate to the Meeting Agenda from the Home page

2. View the existing Agenda

3. Add New Presenters by clicking “Add” next to the Presenters label

4. Enter Email, First Name (or initial), Last Name (or initial)

5. Click CREATE

Note: Add someone with the same email, and receive an error message

Attempting to add more presenters than allowed under the Package will also generate an error message.

Import meeting agenda

Click “Import” to conveniently bulk import your meeting agenda Excel or .CSV file. Administrators may repeat this process multiple times if necessary.

1. Click “Import”
2. Click “XLS Template for Presenter Data” or “CSV Template for Presenter Data” and open the file template. If you have already filled out the template, you can skip to Step 5.

3. Enter the known Presenter last name(s), Presenter first name(s), Email(s)
4. Save the file to your computer
5. Click “Import” and then “Browse” to find the Excel or .CSV file containing the names you wish to import

6. Click Open and note the option to click whether the top row contains data or headers.

7. Click Verify Data and receive message from pre-flight:

8. Click Confirm (note that “receipts” are possible of All Presenters, Imported Presenters and Conflicts)