Session Role Status

The following are the defined Session Role Status options:

Undefined: This status is set by the client to remove controls from module inclusion or display.
Invited: The client designates this status before sending campaigns to ‘invite’ a presenter. It is typically used prior to the presenter ‘confirming’ their role.
Primary: This is the default status when a presentation is created.
Confirmed: This status indicates that the presenter has confirmed their participation in the meeting for this presentation.
Alternate: Clients or end users can assign this status to alternates as backups for primary presentations (chairs/presenters).
Non-Responsive: This status is used when an end user is not responding to communications regarding the confirmation of their presentation.
Unable to Attend: This status is used to indicate that someone is unable to physically attend the meeting. It can also be used to set a ‘cover slide’ in cAttendee for presentations that are not uploaded.
Declined: This status is applied when a presenter declines to participate in the meeting.

These Session Role Statuses apply not only to Abstract Submissions but also to any slotted control in any session type. In Campaigns, Session Submission, and Session Builder (Organizer) users can edit these statuses. However, it’s important to note that a Session Role Status cannot be attributed to controls that are not slotted in sessions.

It’s also important to mention that Session Role Status can be automatically set based on the configuration of a campaign step (accept/decline response).

Download presentation files

I would like to download all presentation files to a flash drive or laptop for display in the session room.

The application provides three ways of downloading files:  
1) from the Presentation dashboard in bulk,
2) from the Presentation dashboard individually, and
3) from the collection portal while “shadowing” a user.

For File collection only meetings:
To download in bulk, all venue staff and corporate administrators would navigate to the Presentation dashboard and use the checkboxes on the left to check off the specific files they wish to download.   As files are checked off, a count of the files selected will appear in the upper right.  In the image below “2 presentations selected” matches the two files selected.

Venue staff and corporate administrators can also use the three dots (…) above the check boxes to select all and clear all selections.  A user wishing to select all files could simply use the Select All to choose all presentation files as in the case below.

(Click the “…” above the checkboxes)

(Click on Select All)

At this point all 7 presentations have been selected.  The user can download the entire package as a zip file by clicking on the download icon to the right of the “7 presentations selected” message:

Click “CONFIRM”.

Once the downloadable zip file request has been successfully processed, an email is sent to the email address of the user with a link to download the zip file.

Clicking the “Download Now!” button will bring the zip file from the cloud to the user’s desktop. 

The format of the zip file is as follows:

In addition to the email being sent, Venue staff and corporate administrators can also click “Download requests“, in the upper right-hand corner of the Presentation files page, which will open a pop-up with a download history of the zip archives.

The Presentation ID value used in the Zip file is available as a display field on the Presentation Files dashboard as in the picture below:

The File collection & session room agent packages:
Follow the same bulk download presentation file process as File collection only packages. However, the File collection & session room agent package will receive a different zip file structure in their email and within the “Download requests” zip archive, which will also include the Date and Room.

To download files individually, venue staff and distributor administrators will navigate to the Presentation files dashboard and click on the download icon when hovering over the Actions column in every row. This will download the file immediately into the dedicated local folder.

Using the search function (e.g. by Presenter’s last name) or clicking on the column label to sort the list of presentation files by the “Last updated” column can be used by venue staff to monitor recently uploaded or re-uploaded presentations. This can assist in keeping downloaded files up to date with changes from presenters.

To download files from the collection portal, navigate to the Presentation files dashboard and click on the Access to Portal icon when hovering over the Actions column in a row. This will bring you to the Portal.

In Portal, click the Download button.

Access to…

You can upload or delete files for a presenter on their Portal by hovering over the Actions on the right-hand side of a specific presenter’s row and clicking “Access to…” and selecting “Portal.” You will be redirected to the collection portal, where you will be automatically logged in as the Presenter in “shadow mode.” In this mode, an administrator can upload presentation files.

Email presenter

You can send a default email communication to individual presenters by using the mail icon located on the right side of a specific presenter’s row, OR in bulk by selecting multiple presenter boxes and choosing the envelope icon in the upper right-hand corner. The system will automatically include default configurable email text, along with a link to the presentation upload page in the collection portal.

Upload presentation files to the Collection Portal as a Presenter

As a Presenter, I receive an email from the venue with instructions to upload a file to the collection portal for a meeting.

After clicking on the link, I arrive at the collection site, and am prompted either to enter my email address, click the forgot password link, or “Get started now”:

Clicking “Get Started now” prompts the user to enter their password.  The application generates an email from the venue with instructions to click on a link to log into the collection portal for the first time and set a password.

After clicking the link, I am directed to set my password, which must be a minimum of 8 characters and include at least one digit, one uppercase letter, and one lowercase letter.

Click “Continue” and, after receiving a success message, select “Login with your new password.”

Enter your email address and click “Continue”

Enter your password and click “Continue”

Once logged in, you will be directed to the presentation upload page within the collection portal. 

Click “Upload” to add your presentation file(s)

Once uploaded, the portal displays information about the file, including its status, name, and size. The user can then download, preview, or delete the file to re-upload a new version.

Send presenter email

Presenters from the Presentation files dashboard may be contacted by clicking the “Email presenter” icon in each row. Should a presentation file be observed having incorrect fonts, being over or under the file size specification, or otherwise having formatting problems, an email can be sent directly from this dashboard asking the presenter to re-upload the presentation.


Administrators have the ability to hover over the “Actions” button associated with a presentation file and select the “Preview” option. By doing so, they can initiate a download and view a preview of the file, allowing them to assess its content and quality.