Ensuring Data Protection Regulation Compliance in CTI Campaign Tools

Data Protection Regulations are in effect across many countries around the globe. While the most well-known may be the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), there are similar laws and regulations in Thailand (PDPA), Brazil (LGPD), Canada (CPPA), India (DPDP) and several other countries. While there is no single regulation for the United States, many states have passed their own data privacy regulations.

Purpose of the Data Protection Regulations

Data Protection Regulations are in effect across many countries around the globe. While the most well-known may be the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), there are similar laws and regulations in Thailand (PDPA), Brazil (LGPD), Canada (CPPA), India (DPDP) and several other countries. While there is no single regulation for the United States, many states have passed their own data privacy regulations. In general, these regulations:
• are designed to establish a framework for the protection of personal data, ensuring the rights of individuals are safeguarded during data processing activities.
• uphold the fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals, emphasizing the right to personal data protection.
• facilitate the unrestricted movement of personal data across international borders, provided that the protection of personal data is not compromised.

Who Do These Regulations Apply To?

• Apply to companies with a presence in the regulated country who are processing personal data
• Apply to companies anywhere in the world who are offering goods or services to data subjects in the regulated countries

How Do These Regulations Impact CTI Campaign Tools?

CTI ensures user privacy and compliance with existing data protection regulations by:

1. Requiring users to sign in to the portal to access notifications.
2. Refraining from adding a presenter’s email address to an email body. In the email template content merge fields, you’ll notice that inputting OTHER individuals’ email addresses to anyone else is not feasible.

Key Changes on 7/16/24: 

Removal of Direct Notification Links: 
Merge Field {fld:NotificationLink} -> Link to Landing Page 
New: Merge Field {fld:PortalLink param:submit|notifyTasks|notifyMessages|review|sessionOrganizer|sessionSubmission} -> Link to the specified tab within Portal 

How can an admin configure the Portal tab login options?

Configurable campaign links for direct Portal tab login options include (relates to the tabs under Settings -> Workflow applications -> cPortal):
1. Meeting information: {fld:PortalLink param:meetingInfo}
2. Abstract submission: {fld:PortalLink param:submit}
3. Review: {fld:PortalLink param:review}
4. Session builder: {fld:PortalLink param:sessionOrganizer}
5. Session submission: {fld:PortalLink param:sessionSubmission}
6. Session leaders: {fld:PortalLink param:sessions}
7. Presentation: {fld:PortalLink param:presentation}
8. CME review: {fld:PortalLink param:cmeReview}
9. Booth: {fld:PortalLink param:exhibitorBooths}
10. Tasks: {fld:PortalLink param:notifyTasks}
11. Messages: {fld:PortalLink param:notifyMessages}

Any emails with the old meeting link, {fld:NotificationLink}, now direct to the Portal ‘Meeting information’ page.

For more information about Portal login, search the cAdmin Knowledge Base under Help for “Portal Basics Cheat Sheet”.